Why are you still single?

2016-05-12 1:01 pm

回答 (354)

2016-05-12 1:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I really do amazingly well in all parts of my life. For example, I was an amazing student, my career outlook is positive and I'm able to get salary increments annually, I am social, outgoing, and have many friends, I've been told I'm an amazing cook, and i do really well with small children and animals. I also, love to work out, dance, and stay fit. I would be considered to be in between upper middle class and upper class.. definitely not elite.

So you can see, I'm pretty blessed in my life. Except one downfall.

I SUCK at relationships. I've dated too many men, of all different cultures and races. I've dated tall small short fat skinny built.. you name it. I've probably dated it. I was in 5 relationships.. and 2 of them were extremely serious. But i sucked at keeping them. I have major trust issues with men, and i won't sacrifice my friends and family for my significant other. So this is probably the biggest issue in my life. This is why i'm single.
2016-05-13 10:04 am
I'm still single because:
1. It took me like a year and a half to move on from the relation I was in.

2. The girl I started liking is already in a relationship with somebody.

3. I have absolutely lost the guts to talk to girls.
2016-05-14 10:57 am
I think my appearance comes across as intimidating to girls; I suppose I'm not the best looking and don't look like the type of person who would be nice, even though inside I have a heart of gold.

In work there are a number of ladies who I find attractive but they all have partners and when one didn't have a partner and I askd her on a date she rejected me.

Around where I live there are barely any girls of a suitable age that I like, the only one of any significance is my friend's sister (yes he knows and so does the whole family, they don't care haha) and she's made it clear that she doesn't like me in that way.

If I see someone attractive out and about I feel too nervous to go up and talk to them for fear of rejection or being called a creep.

The only girls I would probably have a chance with are the 13/14 year olds that go around wearing the tightest jeans, leggings and skirts possible and show off their bodies to the extreme. They would easily lure in a guy like me but I know it's a bad idea so I refrain from talking to them.

I know that special someone is out there for me somewhere but god knows where, I just hope they come along soon.
2016-05-12 9:32 pm
I'm 14 and still in the closet.
2016-05-12 1:34 pm
Because I believe being single is much better than to be in a relationship with a person who sucks your life.
2016-05-12 2:33 pm
I want to be single. I like being single, and I have no intention of being in a relationship with anyone.
2016-05-13 4:53 am
I like being single.
2016-05-12 1:02 pm
because I have no money, and most girls like money!
2016-05-13 11:34 am
I love being single like the song say I'm living a single life.
2016-05-13 7:45 pm
Because I don't wanna be a Pet Owner. Mutts are too dependant on chicks. Huge turn off. Plus I dont do romantic relationships. Never have never will. As long as I got my family, friends and that certain someone to fu¢k every now and then I'm good. Feel sorry for u sad, whiny, lonely people who need to be clinging on some stranger to be happy. And then you're still sad and mad when you get them. With all the drama. Lol not my thing.

If you need to cling on some stranger, any stranger, to finally be happy thats a sad life. I love me too much. Trust me.... its a better life. Happier one too.


@Comment Lol Hush mutt boy. Knew one of you whiny little desperate things would get their mutt feelings hurt and leave their thirsty sounding cries in the comments. Get over it. Gotta make it worth it. I don't do pets or adopt a mutt. See what Im talking about. They care too much. They cry like whores with burning *****ies when you don't want them. Go sniff another bit¢hes butt. One of these basic bit¢hes with an owners manual might have time to grab your leash and train you. Not gonna be me.

And save the sad story for a bit¢h whos got fu¢ks to give ya. Cause I got none. Lol brutal I know.

See this bit¢h isnt made for over sensitive mutts. You just got played. I set u up for that one :o*


@2nd Comment Lol See how desperate and clingy they are. They're still crying about it down there lol. I totally tore those little mutt feelings in half. So desperate acting. Don't know how you basic broads can do it. Sickening.
2016-05-13 6:20 am
1. I like the freedom. 2. I haven't met the right person. 3. I'm hard to understand. 4. I'm initially shy/introverted around people I find attractive.
2016-05-13 8:07 pm
Fear of intimacy
Lack of interest in people
Bad previous experiences
I like being independent
I distrust everyboy
People won´t find me interesting nor appealing
No need of emotional distress
No time for them
2016-05-13 6:03 am
Single is free.
2016-05-12 1:30 pm
Oh let me count the reasons...

-I'm a messed up person that only likes other messed up people.

-I'm very independent and it's difficult to be both free and in a relationship... I find that in relationships people are very tempted to impose their ideals and expectations on each other, and to be honest, it disgusts me. It seems I don't wish to settle for anything less than a truly honest and respectful relationship. I'd rather love someone for who they actually are & would want my partner to feel free. But I'm even harder pressed to find someone that understands this concept, and actually won't impose so many expectations on me... People are so subtlety possessive (in the very socially acceptable way) and it's all for the sake of comfort... I get it... But I don't like it.

-I don't like many men enough to date them.

-I enjoy being single, so there isn't much cause to change it unless I find someone that draws me into their sexy bear trap of fidelity.

-nobody liked me growing up...
參考: So...why should I believe that someone likes me now?
2016-05-12 1:12 pm
Because i'm smart.
2016-05-13 10:29 am
Girl are hard to meet when you're a lesbian... I've been single for 5 months because my old gf went to Texas.
2016-05-14 7:07 am
She said No
Since then I never approached any girl.
2016-05-14 2:50 am
My last relationship or shall I call it 'situationship' drained me the hell out. I have no energy or fight left in me anymore. I let my guard down with this one. He acted like he was all about me, and I fell for it. First time in my life, I let a man do me like this, (I am very cautious to violations) I let him in though and he ******* left me like say he had some sort of fetish for taking girls he had no chances with only to win them over so he can dump them like they're piece of trash. Biggist mistake of my life. I lost friends in the process of loving him, he was so selfish at confrontation too. Made me feel pathetic for feeling a certian way (It was all those dreams he sold me). He didnt validate or take into consideration any of my feelings near to the end. He changed into a different person, and had the ultimate nerve to say 'sorry to disappoint you'. I will never have anybody waste my time like that again. Looking back, it all sounds corny to me. I am happier single
2016-05-14 12:33 am
Because I like being by myself, that way I don't feel like people or guys are judging me by my flaws on my face. IIMFvery insecure and I have a complex about myself. Im still learning to love myself and except all my flaws and except myself for who i am or how the outcome of my life turn out and what events happened in my life for it to turn out the way it is. I'm. Sad, lonely, insecure. Young woman but im. Trying to learn how to love me for me even if its hard to accept myself when so many people including family try to put you down or make you feel bad about yourself.
2016-05-13 4:21 pm
I'm still single because I don't like to party. I don't want babies. I don't cheat or lie. And good people ends last.
2016-05-13 1:46 pm
how to put this:
1. the guys who ever liked me, I did not feel the same
2. the guys I liked did not liked me back
And I am not into trying to have a relationship with someone, before he likes me and I like him as well.
and that is because there is no comparison to what we give in a relationship if we like the person who is with us. trying "something" with someone would just end up hurting either me or him, or even both.
If I am to give a chance o someone I do not love, lets instead wait as a friend to see if I can fall for him.
plus, if I already love someone, I can not possibly date someone else.
in conclusion, this sucks, and I am no good at this.
2016-05-13 4:55 am
I'm shy, have no confidence.. and not very attractive..
2016-05-13 3:49 am
single involves less stress and more freedom. Less drama, you have more time to do things that you need/want to do, have your own money to spend things on, you can only spend on yourself. Being single doesnt mean you are isolating yourself from everyone though
2016-05-12 1:16 pm
Idk I'm not looking to be in a relationship
2016-05-13 4:34 am
so many reasons
1. im not good enough to be part of one.
2.im to shy to talk to anyone
3.im to ugly
4.im going no where in life
5.im not interesting
6.im not happy in life
7.im to odd for anyone to like me
8.im not a person who looks on the bright side
9.im tired
10.im more likely to pick sleeping or coc over her
參考: Me Myself & I
2016-05-12 10:32 pm
It's god's plan
2016-05-15 1:26 am
Because a good girl is hard to get
2016-05-14 4:10 pm
Single = Living on your own terms and with complete freedom.
2016-05-14 9:38 am
Have been single for about 8 years now :(
2016-05-13 8:20 pm
because women are evil and only date hot studs like justin bieber and timberlake and never give the lesser ones a chance. and yet they complain that men dont care about women lol
2016-05-13 6:22 pm
Because it would be too dangerous to bring someone else in my situation with my family. I'm holding out as long as I can until I can get away from them, then I will be allowed to be who I really am, without causing anyone else any emotional pain by dragging them in.
2016-05-13 5:43 pm
i can't stay in long term relationships and also I find relationships too much effort and work and take up all my time when I could be studying to get a good job! My ex used to want to ft everyday for hours and it was SOOO clingy and ever from that.. Don't think I'll ever last in a relationship!!
2016-05-13 4:00 pm
Economical problem
2016-05-13 1:36 pm
I'm a very shy person when it comes to liking someone. I have no guts to talk to the guy that I have a crush on. I do currently like someone, but he doesn't feel the same way at the moment
2016-05-12 8:44 pm
At my age I can afford to be seletive. Ladies, if you're under 25 and a millionaire, give me a call.
2016-05-12 1:36 pm
no one wants to date a nice guy like moi, women go for ugly dwads with loads of money, cars, holidays and a big.........
2016-05-12 1:11 pm
I havent met the right one.
2016-05-12 1:03 pm
Because I got tired of being non-single 😉 Freedom! Yeah! 😎💥😃
2016-05-15 8:31 am
1. I don't trust people easily, and it is very easy for me to stop trusting someone because of the smallest thing.
2. I push people away when I feel like they are getting too close.
3. I am terrified of trusting someone and then they either end up leaving/hating me- or both.
4. I don't feel comfortable in a relationship, I've only ever had one and it didn't last long.
5. I'm not comfortable with kissing or anything further then that.
6. I have no confidence in myself, and I do not like myself.
7. I'm vegan lmao I think people get put off by that.
8. I'm actually the only ugly person in the world.
2016-05-14 5:50 am
Because I'm a college student, in 4 clubs(President of 2 of them), a volunteer at a museum, a certified court interpreter, and and most definitely an introvert. I basically don't want to make the time for anything else. I also cannot find anyone with my interests.
2016-05-13 10:15 am
I haven't found her yet. I need to wait until the right one! If I don't it'll all be for nothing. Nothing substantial or lasting if she's the wrong one.
And yes, I'm saving myself for her. But when I find her, we will be truly, unimaginably in love.
2016-05-13 8:44 am
I used to be single, but that was over 45 years ago.
2016-05-13 8:47 pm
Because I'm UGLY!!!
2016-05-13 12:42 pm
2016-05-13 8:16 am
Cause I'm ugly and inferior.
2016-05-12 6:09 pm
I'm an ugly awkward loser probably
2016-05-15 2:34 am
Asperger's Syndrome.
2016-05-13 7:33 pm
Overweight and to busy working on improving myself
Can't get caught up in the drama women bring for no reason
My bank account is nice and don't plan on dating or spending on no gold digger (All women)
2016-05-15 5:38 am
Afraid of commitment, and overall Trash.
2016-05-15 5:01 am
Because I'm sexually attracted to pineapples.
2016-05-15 4:18 am
Because I'm 15 and nobody is interested in me as a person.
2016-05-15 3:12 am
Maybe because of you :) lol
2016-05-15 2:57 am
I hate people interfering in my business. I hate being questioned about the stupid little details. I hate people wanting to know my entire schedule for the day and I hate the idea of scheduling every second of the day - that is just a miserable way to live.
2016-05-15 2:37 am
Because women always play games with me.
2016-05-15 1:29 am
Girls chose the ugly dudes
2016-05-15 12:46 am
Ugly. Depressed. Intimidating to approach because I look unfriendly when I'm just shy
2016-05-14 9:11 pm
1. I haven't found the right guy yet.
2. I want to be free for a while
3. I want to be emotionally and financially stable before I get into a relationship.
4. I want to "find" myself first.
5. I'm still young!
2016-05-14 9:01 pm
I think it's my skin, it's not great and this probs turns a lot of people away. I know I have a great personality but uno how society is....
2016-05-14 8:58 pm
because I look like a potato :p
2016-05-14 8:49 pm
I'm working on being a millionaire and nothing can screw that up better then a girlfriend. "You work too much, you don't spend enough time with me, blah blah blah".
2016-05-14 8:16 pm
Because I am Butt Ugly, I mean I put the Bejazus up people and give kids nightmares.
When I was a child, my pram had venetian blinds on it.
My Mum fed me with a catapult and tied a bone around my neck so the pup would play with me.
At the Zoo, I scare the Tigers.
The Monkeys throw Peanuts at me.
And the Police made me darken my car windows.
I was turned down for the role of the front page of Punch.
參考: But I have a sweet personality.
2016-05-14 8:10 pm
Don't I WISH!
2016-05-14 7:55 pm
I don't know anyone and I don't know anyone because I'm an introvert that prefers to spend their life in Starbucks reading a book.
參考: My sad sad life
2016-05-14 7:40 pm
Im ugly (but have a lot of potential for good looks) and socially awkward
2016-05-14 5:41 pm
Because I'm U-G-L-Y and I ain't got no alibi
2016-05-14 12:17 pm
My uncle was single all his life, right up until the day he died.
2016-05-14 12:05 pm
Because my now ex husband treated me like a doormat and his own personal maid.
I will NEVER tie myself to a man ever again.
I can do whatever I like, whenever I like. I can spend money on whatever I want, travel the world, make my own decisions, wear and eat whatever I choose.
All these things were taken off me when I was married. Screw that !
2016-05-14 9:32 am
I'm too busy banging the mothers of condescending internet trolls!
2016-05-14 6:26 am
pretty sure it's the cat's fault.
he won't let me get a dog either.
2016-05-14 6:14 am
Because I want to be, it just suits me at the moment, and I enjoy it. But that's not to say I don't also enjoy being in a relationship.
2016-05-14 4:19 am
because no girl seems to ever want to give me a chance to date her :( Why are girls so cruel? All I want to show them how much I care for them and respect them
2016-05-14 3:01 am
Because I have a resting b*tch face
2016-05-14 2:58 am
Because I suck at relationships and I haven't really had one in my 28 years of life.
2016-05-14 2:40 am
ahah, funny you should ask. l'm a cosplaying weirdo who likes to make films.
l dont talk and when l do l might say something stupid.
2016-05-14 1:02 am
I opted out of the 2 for 1 deal.
2016-05-14 12:49 am
not me
2016-05-14 12:45 am
Becuz of my face and body.
2016-05-14 12:15 am
I'm too picky. I've already had a serious relationship and I'm not motivated enough (not yet anyway) to go through the entire process again.
2016-05-13 11:50 pm
Because I'm a disgusting hideous monster
2016-05-13 11:26 pm
Because I like being single.
2016-05-13 10:34 pm
Because i haven't found the right woman they are many reasons why men have been single all their lives it could be down too a poor childhood for me i went too boarding school instead of going too straight too secondary school that's when people meet their future wives even in highchool i never had time for dating too busy with school college i never had time for dating i was too busy with college work.
2016-05-13 10:30 pm
The best way to feel better about being single is knowing that there is still someone that you belong with out there. Sometimes circumstances will alter your opportunities to meet and fall in love with people but this is what makes us the people we are. In being single I find I learn far more about myself and my true personality. In spending time by myself I know my worth and who I should be looking for in my next relationship. Its so much better to find your life's purpose by yourself so that when you do find the right one it feels SO right.
2016-05-13 9:40 pm
Many reasons.
1. I don't like those that have a crush on me (Most of them, that I know off).
2. There was 1 that I nearly got in with, but she went WAY too fast.
3. All the good girls are either sluts or are already taken.
4. I usually can't find the right time to talk to girls, and I don't want to talk to them when they're with their friends, due to a few little reasons.
5. If I ever meet an amazing girl, I usually don't want to feel creepy and just say "Hey, you're good looking." so I don't say anything.
2016-05-13 9:36 pm
Because I am unattractive both physically and characteristically. Especially physically, and especially charactaristically.
2016-05-13 8:47 pm
Because I've been so used and hurt in recent relationships I can't see the point in relationships anymore
2016-05-13 8:19 pm
Young, dumb and shy.
2016-05-13 8:19 pm
bad luck bad area bad circle of associates but indifference..
2016-05-13 8:17 pm
Because of fear, then I realize women fake, then feminist, I prefer to bust a nut into the shower than have a woman criticize and ridicule me
2016-05-13 8:04 pm
Because I don't feel comfortable In my own body and want to transition fully into a girl before I date.
2016-05-13 7:58 pm
Why is Ryan single?

The girl who I would die for hates me, and well it is my fault.

The metaphor to use is that I am a wing of bomber planes over one city, and that I am only interested in bombing a single building, and that all my bombs failed to destroy the building, with the building having an AA gun, shooting me down and blowing up the remains of the plane.
2016-05-13 7:54 pm
Because I always get rejected ;-;
2016-05-13 7:30 pm
Because life is so much easier when you don't have to worry about being cheated on.
2016-05-13 7:25 pm
Cos I'm hung like an elephant
2016-05-13 6:03 pm
Every GUY I go out with runs everytime!
2016-05-13 3:02 pm
I have a large portfolio and don't want some gold digging_***** taking it.
2016-05-13 2:32 pm
I am single because I get too keen too quickly and it comes across in the wrong way. I often try to date high maintenance people and pick the wrong people. I put up barriers as self defence.
2016-05-13 1:53 pm
Bcoz i am still a child
2016-05-13 12:45 pm
In my life i have seen 2 breakup with me so i am so sad and don't want to make girlfriend because its hurt when they break relation.
2016-05-13 11:46 am
1. Girls only ever talk to me when I'm friend's with their boyfriend

2. I have the rejection rate of 9 times out of 10

3. My confidence levels are great however girls are put off whenever my social anxiety kicks in
2016-05-13 9:08 am
because im gay and so am worried that people would find out if i was with another guy
2016-05-13 8:31 am
I come from a conservative family that looks down on dating and believe in old traditional family values where a man and a woman can only be intimate after marriage.
2016-05-13 8:10 am
personal choice
2016-05-13 3:04 am
I like it. I'm happy.
2016-05-12 9:16 pm
I was born in the wrong country altogether. I just don't think I settle in the culture here, let alone attract a potential partner.
2016-05-12 8:59 pm
I like this way.
2016-05-12 7:04 pm
I don't like dating
2016-05-12 6:32 pm
Cause I haven't met the right one for me
2016-05-12 6:04 pm
The bitches keep telling me I am a woman hater!
2016-05-12 6:02 pm
Because I'm picky.
2016-05-12 5:30 pm
Because I happen to like it that way, Mr right hasn't walked into my life yet.
2016-05-12 4:46 pm
i guess im ugly...
參考: me
2016-05-12 1:12 pm
Because I choose to be single.
2016-05-12 1:08 pm
through choice.
2016-05-12 1:08 pm
I was married, and did not work
2016-05-12 1:03 pm
liked the wrong people
2016-05-14 6:52 pm
'Cos I'm an ugly bastard, and most birds are shallow bitches only want good-looking blokes, that's probably bloody why! Peace and love. Be lucky.
2016-05-13 10:57 pm
Because I am physically unattractive.
2016-05-12 8:29 pm
cuz i want to be single to avoid having sex for now. simple.
2016-05-12 6:49 pm
I'm a Christian
2016-05-12 5:11 pm
Because I'm a picky guy and most of the attractive women in my town either have mental issues or they already have children.
2016-05-14 11:46 am
Because I'm ugly and have anxiety so I can never leave my house. :'(
2016-05-14 10:21 am
Because I'm ugly
2016-05-14 2:43 am
I'm still single because I'm a hoe who can't control her actions
2016-05-13 6:08 pm
I'm ugly
2016-05-12 10:05 pm
Because North American females want 1) Money,money,and more money,2)Unlimited Mastercard,3) Porsche or lamboourghini.It's UNREAL how females on this continent think they are "ENTITLED" to these things.Love,respect,fidelity,and romance just aren't good enough anymore...!!!
2016-05-12 9:37 pm
Because ...I'M UGLY AS **** and socially awkward
2016-05-15 8:37 am
Because I'm too shy to talk to guys that are interested in me which isn't many. I hate that I've avoided chances at relationships because of my damn shyness. It sucks being me.
2016-05-15 8:33 am
I'm in YA
2016-05-15 7:16 am
Despite what people might say about me, I am not opposed to relationships. However, right now, I do not see the need for one, nor have I ever seen the need for one. I'm almost done with high school and I would like to make sure my life is set before I start looking beginning into a relationship.
2016-05-15 5:16 am
Lazy shy kind of guy that's why
2016-05-15 3:43 am
I reject people lol, i'm going to be very picky and choose wisely who i spend my life with.
2016-05-15 2:52 am
I'm not.
2016-05-15 2:49 am
Due to the craziness(?) that my social life is non-existent! How I even keep my sanity is a mystery to me. Maybe I'll smoke and ponder more on such?
2016-05-15 2:44 am
Trust issues, appearance, 31_without a degree. Hyperhidrosis
2016-05-15 2:25 am
Because I'm too young to get married.
2016-05-15 2:23 am
So nobody tells at me when I toss my jacket over the chair
2016-05-15 1:10 am
2016-05-15 1:01 am
Because I want to be.
2016-05-15 12:52 am
you don't need love when you got netflix
2016-05-15 12:51 am
Mainly because I have trust issues maybe a little self esteem issues as well. I've only been in one relationship I'm a very faithful loyal person and I feel other people really aren't so I guess I'm single because of fear
2016-05-15 12:51 am
I don't know if I ask a woman out, whether or not she will say yes
2016-05-15 12:48 am
I haven't found the one .
2016-05-15 12:47 am
Yep. And I will remain single until I find a relationship that isn't completely pointless. I'm not someone who will just date for fun.
2016-05-15 12:17 am
because I am shy
2016-05-15 12:15 am
No one wants me.
2016-05-15 12:09 am
Because I was meant to be.
2016-05-15 12:04 am
I'm still single because the guy I like hardly ever talks to me and I don't have the guts to ask him out
2016-05-14 11:49 pm
It's unfortunate, but I don't have a choice.
2016-05-14 11:41 pm
im still single because i am too insecure and have the lowest self esteem. depending on the situation in i can come across as bubbly and funny or timid and quite guarded. I am extremely afraid of being used and refrain from going out often because I much rather read books.
2016-05-14 11:01 pm
I'm single because I am saving myself for someone who deserves me!
2016-05-14 10:26 pm
I have high standards
2016-05-14 10:01 pm
usually cause of the way i dress
2016-05-14 9:51 pm
I am single because I choose to be.
2016-05-14 9:32 pm
Right now if a guy liked me and I liked him back, I wouldn't date him because 1.) He'd want to meet my dad and I'm not allowed to date 2.) I'd only waste his time 3.) I feel like I'd be awkward in relationships
2016-05-14 9:00 pm
Prob cause i aint got much money or a job and maybe am ugly. And i dnt want an ugly fat bird so id rather be singal than settle for a minger
2016-05-14 8:38 pm
Because I want to be.
2016-05-14 8:18 pm
2016-05-14 8:08 pm
He + She = Love

He + She + Love = Marry

He + She + Love + Marry = Child

He + She + Love + Marry + Child = Run (School, Hospital, Food, Noise, Lull...............)

2016-05-14 7:40 pm
Because I won't be in pain plus my mindset is more relaxed that way! :)
2016-05-14 7:36 pm
Well I guess it's mostly because I'm home schooled and I don't meet many guys but next year I'm going to high school so I will hopefully get a boyfriend, also I don't really want one I'm fine being by me self (most of the times) and I don't need a boyfriend, it's also kinda hard to make time for a boy when you have home work, a horse and friends but if the guy really likes you he will understand :)
2016-05-14 6:48 pm
i m ugly and poor lol
2016-05-14 6:35 pm
i don't know i think i am asexual
2016-05-14 5:54 pm
Social anxiety
2016-05-14 5:15 pm
I'm a single dad...enough said. Don't have the time , money & more importantly , the inclination to even want to date. At least , once my children have grown up , I can have a peaceful , far less stressful life by remaining single. Most women nowadays come across as viewing men as inferior to them.
2016-05-14 4:51 pm
Because I have more important things to worry about right now.
2016-05-14 4:41 pm
because I find it preferable to the alternative.
2016-05-14 4:39 pm
Who needs a boyfriend when you have Harry Styles?
2016-05-14 4:24 pm
Because life's a b*tch, that's why.
2016-05-14 3:37 pm
I'm quite enjoying doing my own thing and living in my own space.
2016-05-14 3:16 pm
Because I am weak when I face my crush or other girls, and all my words I just want to share her, no I cant.
2016-05-14 2:58 pm
I don't like people.
2016-05-14 2:52 pm
Its fun
2016-05-14 2:40 pm
Because I'm very undesirable. Most think I play hard to get when really I'm hard to want . Oh well ....
2016-05-14 2:29 pm
I've been married twice before and have decided the single life works best for me.
參考: My philosophy on the matter is "There is nothing more fantastic than a great marriage... yet nothing worse than a lousy one". Been there and done that!
2016-05-14 2:17 pm
Enjoy not having to answer to anyone i can get up and fly away anywhere then can get with any other person willing. Mabey in time ill change my mind
2016-05-14 2:00 pm
2016-05-14 1:20 pm
I'm simply not interested in that yet!
2016-05-14 1:08 pm
Because I want my life more to myself at the moment.
2016-05-14 12:52 pm
i am just 20, and i had really bad personality... right now i am learning to improve it. i did had one crush at school and one at college. both ended horribly.
2016-05-14 12:42 pm
Because I'm shy
2016-05-14 11:36 am
Just unlucky in love..each time I try, something comes and..POOF! ENDED
2016-05-14 11:30 am
Why not?
2016-05-14 11:04 am
Because I don't have any girlfriend
2016-05-14 10:56 am
Yes i am single
2016-05-14 10:56 am
because im ugly and dumb... thats the truth.. i have to deal with that
2016-05-14 10:46 am
Property ownership more important.
2016-05-14 10:28 am
i meet a girl in HS freshman year who has the same things I like,we became friends instantly (it was videogames and anime) and in the next semester I gathered all my courage to ask her out and she said yes so we go out and I find out a week later she was cheating on me with a f*ckboy but I ended up dumping her,without me telling her I found out. That **** made me lose all hope with having another female friend so now I'm trying my best at ignoring anyone who comes in my way.
2016-05-14 9:56 am
Too lazy to hunt down a girl
2016-05-14 9:39 am
designed to be :o? or destined to be ~ i put up with me , i don't expect anyone else to.
2016-05-14 9:08 am
I'm antisocial.
2016-05-14 8:04 am
I could never tell them how I feel
2016-05-14 7:29 am
Haven't met the right one yet
2016-05-14 7:16 am
being single means being urself..........totally
2016-05-14 6:46 am
Elephant has two set of teeth-one to show off and the other to chew with
Meaning: What you see is not necessarily true.

Your presumptions may be absolutely wrong sometime..
參考: own
2016-05-14 6:15 am
Because I'm crazy.
2016-05-14 6:09 am
Because I'm busy living my life and focusing on my future, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
2016-05-14 5:55 am
2016-05-14 5:14 am
I have a hard time trusting men
I'm too picky
I don't take relationships as serious as I should
I think I'm too much of a free spirit to be weighed down
I get bored easily
2016-05-14 4:13 am
Haven't found the right guy.
2016-05-14 3:46 am
because song joong ki havent met me yet.....
2016-05-14 3:43 am
Because I always seem to find the ones I find "attractive" either in a relationship or married. Just always had bad luck . Pretty sad
2016-05-14 3:32 am
Because I'm afraid to love
2016-05-14 2:53 am
I'm too picky
2016-05-14 2:32 am
Not single
2016-05-14 2:25 am
I am wholly single but my cells multiply everyday.
2016-05-14 2:21 am
Yeah same I wanna be single
2016-05-14 2:15 am
I'm too serious about relationships

that and I just suck with relationships and men in general
2016-05-14 1:06 am
Because single cream is good on cakes.
2016-05-14 1:03 am
Because I havent found a guy who is not a jerk and asshole to me yet.
2016-05-14 1:01 am
Mother nature set us up to go and chase after women - we can't help it
2016-05-14 12:28 am
Because my bf passed away and I had a stillborn child recently. I am still trying to recover and cope.
2016-05-14 12:18 am
i love the freedom
2016-05-14 12:15 am
I'm actually not
2016-05-14 12:09 am
Not enough sex
2016-05-13 11:20 pm
I'm a priest.
2016-05-13 11:02 pm
Because most people are too selfish to make things work, and I don't trust anymore. Plus, I like my freedom.
2016-05-13 10:37 pm
Because I don't wanna deal with the drama
2016-05-13 10:27 pm
I've been single that long girls just assume I'm happy with it.
2016-05-13 10:18 pm
All dem hoes are jealous of my great, and I mean GREAT, booty shorts.
2016-05-13 10:14 pm
I can't find anyone
2016-05-13 10:10 pm
Probably because I don't talk much and I always look sad or angry.
2016-05-13 10:09 pm
because he doesn't love me and **** yeah i like being single
2016-05-13 9:58 pm
I am ugly
2016-05-13 9:45 pm
Spooky....how did you know?
2016-05-13 9:35 pm
girlfriend cheated on me about 6times and the last 7th time was with my cusin so yeah
2016-05-13 9:35 pm
Because I need to complete my studies first. And because I had a very sad love story in the past.
2016-05-13 9:18 pm
I love freedom
2016-05-13 9:11 pm
2016-05-13 9:03 pm
I need to be completely contented with myself, before expecting anyone else to be.
2016-05-13 8:59 pm
Choice my friend, choice.
2016-05-13 8:57 pm
fat n ugly
2016-05-13 8:53 pm
i like being single
2016-05-13 8:46 pm
Because marriage is dead, and women killed it.
2016-05-13 8:22 pm
Why not?
2016-05-13 8:13 pm
relationships suck
2016-05-13 8:07 pm
Cant find anyone that i would be in a relationship with
2016-05-13 8:02 pm
Because being single is fun.
2016-05-13 7:59 pm
I'm not confident enough to talk to girls 😒
2016-05-13 7:50 pm
Im not...
2016-05-13 7:42 pm
Because I'm difficult
2016-05-13 7:28 pm
I'm shy to a certain extent but to tell you the truth I'm not sure.
2016-05-13 6:58 pm
i dont care for other people
2016-05-13 6:52 pm
Cause I get to do what I want when I want.
2016-05-13 6:51 pm
There's no rush to be in a relationship.
2016-05-13 5:24 pm
Because I haven't found a person worth spending my whole life with. I believe in Long-term relationships. I personally don't like flings and one-night stands.
And, I guess, I haven't met someone with whom my frequency would match, and with whom I'll be attracted physically and emotionally ... and, in other words, be totally in love with.
參考: Meeee xD
2016-05-13 5:19 pm
I'm shy as heck and I'm not the best at talking to guys my age.
2016-05-13 5:11 pm
I'm shy and accidentally ruined my chances of dating someone a couple weeks ago.
2016-05-13 5:08 pm
Haven't come across anyone interested in a while, I get alot of people liking me who say creepy things unfortunately :/
2016-05-13 5:04 pm
Im not
2016-05-13 4:46 pm
Im not
2016-05-13 4:04 pm
2016-05-13 1:26 pm
I need to pursuade my psychiatrist to let me off medication first. Then Ill go and get some, and enjoy it to the full
2016-05-13 12:46 pm
Unlimited freedom
2016-05-13 12:11 pm
Because I've never married.
2016-05-13 11:12 am
yes and very happy :)
2016-05-13 10:53 am
So that I can have the freedom to do what I want and relax as much as I like
2016-05-13 10:48 am
Still single because I have no job.
2016-05-13 10:20 am
Because I like it
2016-05-13 9:50 am
Because I enjoy the single life.
2016-05-13 9:48 am
Because i am waiting for the right guy.
2016-05-13 9:03 am
im not single i found a nice d i been talking to he wanna have sex too
2016-05-13 8:47 am
Cause I don't want to get married
2016-05-13 8:34 am
No social skills.
2016-05-13 8:33 am
I have moved around for career too much, that is probably why.
2016-05-13 8:12 am
I want too be
2016-05-13 8:00 am
Because I choose to be. I have no desire to date or marry.
2016-05-13 7:43 am
Bcs I want to b single
2016-05-13 7:24 am
I'm crazy af
2016-05-13 5:50 am
Haven't met the right woman who is as kinky as me.
2016-05-13 5:27 am
Because I'm fat and my mom and dad were **** F u. C. K. Parents
2016-05-13 5:08 am
While I would like to be in a relationship, I'm just so busy that I can't really focus on it now.
Believe me, this is something my dad keeps badgering me about in real life.
2016-05-13 12:35 am
It fits me very well thank you.
2016-05-13 12:02 am
I have high standards
2016-05-12 10:10 pm
because im a bad guy
2016-05-12 9:58 pm
Just haven't found the one yet.
2016-05-12 9:34 pm
It is a matter of opportunity and tendency, for during the World War II I had been fleeing from the Japanese
invasion in mainland China and then I had to find a job in Hong Kong to make a living of myself afterwards.
2016-05-12 9:32 pm
Girls are freaken shallow
2016-05-12 9:09 pm
I choose to be single now, no one can let you down or betray you or your kids
2016-05-12 5:53 pm
I'm not.
2016-05-12 5:39 pm
because I'm lazy .
2016-05-12 5:30 pm
2016-05-12 1:27 pm
because im ugly
2016-05-12 1:07 pm
This one's heart is not going to go be broken again
2016-05-15 2:44 am
I have autism and because I was raised in a Muslim household.
2016-05-14 10:26 pm
I'm too socially anxious to ask anyone out and no one will ask me out because patriarchy.

And I'm not miserable being single. I'm more upset at having no friends and not having sex.
2016-05-14 8:56 pm
I ain't
2016-05-14 8:34 pm
I'm not I'm with John...
2016-05-14 4:08 pm
I'm totally like the girl(Natalie Portman) in No strings attatch. Romantic gifts, words, guys etc freaks me out. I need my own Adam^^
2016-05-14 3:28 pm
I abuse my partners in every way possible and they just don't enjoy it like I do. O well
2016-05-14 9:22 am
Cos no one finds mr attractive
2016-05-14 8:44 am
haven't found right one yet she's out there I'm certain
2016-05-14 7:51 am
Because i'm still experiencing childhood.
2016-05-14 6:50 am
Because you haven't watched my new video

2016-05-14 6:36 am
Because my sister is involved with the local meth gang and they destroyed enough peoples lives around me. To the point I have nothing to work with aside from constant rumors about me and I am black listed in my own city. I can't even get a job that pays more than 1200 a month. Because they know me and everyone they know knows me.

So it's a challenging situation that needs work. I would literally have to move to a whole other state or country to finally establish my self and be treated normal.
2016-05-14 5:58 am
Ugly. Shy.
2016-05-14 4:38 am
Because... I was meant to be alone.
2016-05-14 4:20 am
I ain't about be single anymore, I'm getting married soon ayyyeee
2016-05-14 4:16 am
Cause the right one hasn't come across me yet
2016-05-13 11:52 pm
Because I am on the internet
2016-05-13 11:08 pm
I haven't been ... for the last 36 years.
2016-05-13 9:46 pm
cause 15 year old boys are poops
2016-05-13 9:06 pm
because men use me instead of dating me
2016-05-13 8:41 pm
because I am ugly af
2016-05-13 7:21 pm
Because I'm asexual (even more so than nuns). I don't want to screw ANYBODY, and a spouse usually assumes that he/she has that right. No. IF I get married, it will probably be to a gay guy. He can have his own "friends".
2016-05-13 6:53 pm
I'm gay and I'm crazy
2016-05-13 6:04 pm
When I was it was because I was waiting for someone I really clicked with on all major levels firstly personality secondly drive for things like education thirdly same level of sexual drive and someone I could laugh with which was the most important to me
2016-05-13 5:53 pm
Because from an early age I knew I'd be a lousy mate.
2016-05-13 4:25 pm
Men sucks. Good ones are getting rarer every day.
2016-05-13 10:27 am
idk, guys just never like me
2016-05-13 9:23 am
Becoz girls think that I m already in a relationship.ofcourse i m a handsome boy.
2016-05-13 8:29 am
Single is good because that only means you are free to flirt with anyone but once you get married you can no longer do that thing!
2016-05-13 8:03 am
Because I want to be single. I think you should have the first relationship when you are a teen and not when you are 28 yo...
2016-05-13 2:09 am
The man I love is getting ready to marry me.
2016-05-13 2:04 am
Because guys these days just want sex.
2016-05-14 4:34 am
Cuz Lindsay Lohan is waiting for me ;)
2016-05-13 7:51 pm
No one wants me
2016-05-13 6:12 pm
I am pro-choice, Bastian!
2016-05-13 9:02 am
im ugly as ****
2016-05-13 1:47 am
Hey, who said I'm single?
2016-05-12 9:23 pm
Why am I single?
I'm in MS
I don't have to have a bae
Stop rubbing your relationships in our faces
Why are you a couple, huh? Why do I like pineapple?
2016-05-17 7:56 pm
Didn't find the perfect one.
2016-05-16 8:14 pm
Why is being single a problem? It is much better than having someone nagging you all the time and constraining your freedom by making you do what they want to do (and what you usually do not want to do) all the time, or pestering you with their problems. Too many people think that it is essential to be in a relationship. Once you are in a relationship you will probably wish that you were single again.
2016-05-16 10:13 am
I haven't found anyone who I like that likes me yet.

Although I have, they're just with someone.
2016-05-16 9:30 am
Hi ahh, why am i still single?
Well i decided to wait around and waste my time on a guy that couldn't make up his mind....for a YEAR! I finally had the guts to tell him how i feel about him last week and he acted like an knob....
2016-05-16 7:09 am
because i want to be.
if you saw what the guys at my school look like, you'd understand...
2016-05-16 1:39 am
No one finds me attractive besides and if someone does they end up being crazy and using me so
2016-05-15 7:34 pm
Too shy and insecure
2016-05-15 5:52 pm
I dont feel free
2016-05-15 2:33 pm
Anxiety, and lack of socialisation + over protective strict, paranoid parents.
2016-05-15 12:46 pm
Noone can handle my sass so they aint getting this ***.
2016-05-15 4:14 am
because I'm not ready to mingle! :)
2016-05-15 3:51 am
the girl I like don't like me
the girls who like me I don't want
2016-05-15 1:36 am
Tried to be double once, didn't work for me.
2016-05-14 9:04 pm
Not enough smart. :(
2016-05-14 6:25 pm
Not wanting to be taken lmao
2016-05-14 6:25 pm
yes mother
2016-05-14 7:53 am
2016-05-14 5:32 am
2016-05-14 2:09 am
2016-05-13 10:04 pm
2016-05-13 9:56 pm
im just ****
2016-05-13 9:43 pm
My penis is too small to please a woman. It's only 5 inches :'(
2016-05-15 5:00 pm
Because I can't find a guy ☹️
2016-05-15 9:50 am
coz i can't get a BF? lol
2016-05-15 8:28 am
because I'm not
2016-05-14 8:23 pm
cuz ma dick 2 big
2016-05-13 10:52 pm
Instead of LP?
2016-05-13 7:44 pm
You have to go out there and meet people. Girls are just not going to walk automatically and knock on your door. I believe you only get girls either in School or if your going to church.
2016-05-13 5:50 pm
2016-05-13 5:17 pm
It seems everyone you know is paired off. So how come you're still single? There are lots of possible reasons. Here are 12 biggies from Dr. Amir Levine, ...
2016-05-13 8:00 am
2016-05-12 8:05 pm
because I have it too big.
2016-05-14 1:16 am
What's it to you if I'm married or single?
2016-05-13 1:31 pm
ur mom

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