what do you think of Joseph Smith ?

2016-05-06 11:04 pm
was he A) an inspired prophet of God who restored the Gospel B) an imperfect and flawed character who WAS divinely called but who fell from grace and got things wrong or C) a fraud,a liar and a con man who faked the whole thing from start to finish.

回答 (13)

2016-05-06 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You left out the possibility that he believed what he said, but due to insanity.
2016-05-06 11:29 pm
He was a charlatan and liar. He was also a serial child rapist.
2016-05-07 8:38 pm
He definently did not hear Jesus tell him to practice polygamy , Joe's own mom , son , and only wife said so . he only wanted to bring the 1st century Christianity back . The Mayan God , Quetzalcoatl is too similar to the idea that Jesus came to visit some of his lost sheep in Central America to be false .
2016-05-06 11:47 pm
He was a false prophet who led many people away from the truth of God.
2016-05-06 11:44 pm
C. A con man who invented a cult and fooled millions of people.
2016-05-06 11:28 pm
a "whack job" that disillusioned many people, sadly, into believing his nonsense..................hopefully many of those lost ones will come out of the fog they are in and accept Jesus as their Savior, before it's too late to do so
參考: www.harvest.org
2016-05-06 11:24 pm
C. He and his family were treasure hunters and chased every possible story. One day he made up a story about gold plates and then had to keep it up.
2016-05-07 1:13 am
) an inspired prophet of God who restored the Gospel
2016-05-07 12:41 am
2016-05-06 11:19 pm
Somewhere in-between B and C
2016-05-06 11:11 pm
Good angle, kind of ruined it for everyone else though
2016-05-07 4:21 am
if i had not had a visitation of an angelic type person myself or if i had not been visited by the spirit of revelation, if someone had not given me a bible in high school i might have gone the way of all scum bags and devil worshipers
my testimony of joseph smith is partly intellectual but i believed his testimony the very minute i read, however in 6 months i argued with the missionaries. my testimony involved 3 visions of jesus and lost of personal revelation. i cant get a job so i spend most of my day at the library doing research for the topic of the day.
one day the spirit came upon me, as i was looking at a picture of joseph smith. and i saw the purity in the elegance of the picture. the whole year has been torment and poisoning but one hour i had peace.
2016-05-06 11:20 pm
A. a prophet of God who fulfilled his mission as given to him by Christ.
參考: my LDS opinion

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