I am an extremely emotional person and cant stand this crazy evil world , will God help me?

2016-03-05 7:34 pm
I also hate myself, I didnt gave some poor man money that ask me, I always give them, but I cant give every single day, God knows I am very good and generous person, but I am not millionare either, now I am filled with regret.....

I am taking things and I was always taking things too much to my heart , I cant accept there are so many people suffering.

No matter what I do or how much I help, there is always someone out there crying..

I cant be happy if others aren't

回答 (7)

2016-03-05 7:39 pm
I'm not sure what your question is. I'm sympathetic to your feelings about those who are struggling, but if you take their suffering onto yourself, you will do no good for them OR yourself. Find a functional middle ground between total self-interest and absolute compassion.
2016-03-05 8:29 pm
We all have problems . The only thing that works to overcome our problems is to make a sincere covenant with the Father that we will always obey all of Jesus' sayings .
2016-03-05 7:56 pm
If any gods exist, they aren't intervening. You shouldn't feel wretched, when a religion teaches you to feel wretched, it's so that you are emotionally dependent on them. You're being manipulated.

Help other people when you can, you can feel sad when you can't help people, but that doesn't mean you did something wrong.
2016-03-05 7:51 pm
when beggars have asked for money i've never given it, but only given food (normally sealed, in the wrapper or like an orange). mainly because a drunk could end up in a hospital on liquor without some good food and sometimes they don't even remember to buy food first.

remember "crazy" and "evil" describe mental illnesses of a large number of kinds. and those all have cures, even though there is a very large number of them (some of them more than harmless, some of them a mystery, or hard to learn of well, etc.)
2016-03-05 7:49 pm
Depends if you want to add and join the crazy world then yes God will help fit in
2016-03-05 7:46 pm
One of the things I do is volunteer in dog rescue. And we as well, have the same problem, and we can live with the horror of abused animals if we just remember that we cannot save them all, but saving many is better than saving none. The two dogs I own are both rescues, one horribly abused, battered, kicked in the head repeatedly as a PUPPY!!!!!!!!! The last kick broke her acetabulum and fractured her femur head. We in our rescue took her....(she had been dumped beside a highway about a month after her hip was shattered, and did not heal.) She got a surgery where the femur head is removed, called an FHO. Google it...hugely interesting.

You are in the same boat as all of us....we save the ones we can. And giving money isn't the way to do anything for those begging at stop lights. Contribute to your local food bank. (Those at the lights are often meth users, and will spend the money on that.) And you will find that is true, when you offer to buy them lunch, and they turn you down!!!!

So, help out your food bank, and other volunteer organizations who help people.

We even have an outfit in our town, who take in homeless men, and have them become part of a landscaping business. They must stay clean of drugs, and work every day learning this skill. They are taught how to manage money and get counseling...... and the information that their parents ought to have taught them, but didn't.

2016-03-05 7:40 pm
Pray to GOD and Ask GOD for your answer. You seem like one that GOD wants aimed in a special direction. Get rid of hate in yourself. LOVE is al we really need! For LOVE comes from and with GOD!

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