the rest of the English class were so good that Jo had difficulty keeping up with them 這句好難懂阿 在課本上看到的 可是是原文書 沒有中文翻譯 我的疑問是 為什麼英文課很GOOD?

2016-02-25 5:24 pm

回答 (9)

2016-02-25 6:58 pm

The rest of the English class were so good that Jo had difficulty keeping up with them
= 英語課(English class)休息(rest)得真好(so good),導致於阿嬌(Jo)有困難追上.(X)
= 其他的同學(the rest of)在英語班(English class)裡真厲害(so good),導致於阿嬌(Jo)有困難追上.(O)
= 在英語班(English class)裡其他的同學(the rest of)真厲害(so good),導致於阿嬌(Jo)有困難追上.(O)

1. 小女子對英語單字只有片面的聊解.(死背)只知class 有"階級","班級","課程"的意思.而不知還有"班上同學"的意思.
同學們早 = Good morning, class! (class = 同學們)
上幾門課 = taking how many classes? (class = 課程)

2. "深深鞠躬" 我也看不到. 倒不如 有些互動,讓本尊也享受一下"學習的樂趣".
2016-02-28 2:39 am
2016-02-25 5:46 pm
English class students were efficient, competent, able to do satisfactorily what is required in Homework in speaking, listening, reading, writing whether they have a good teacher or not.
As Jo is lazy so he won't get much benefit from the English class; and had difficulty keeping up with them.
2016-03-26 5:53 pm
2016-03-18 3:24 am
The rest of the English class were so good that Jo had a difficulty to keep up with them

這一班英文班是由Jo 及Jo以外的其他同學(the rest)所組成,本句的意思是除了Jo外的其他同學都很好,這good指的是其他同學(不含Jo),其他的同學英文都好,就只有Jo是例外,當然會跟不上。

2016-03-03 11:24 pm
難怪你不懂. 因為"English class were so good" 不太清楚吧. 可能意思是健康好或什麼事齊全或學什麼課更好.

所以比較清楚是"The rest of the English class were doing so well that Jo had difficulty keeping up with them." 那比較清楚一點.

意思是: 英文同學做什麼是事很效率. 因此Jo有困難做同樣的事.

可能是學英文好或準備考試...我們都不知道. 這句話不清楚. 我怎麼知道? 我的華語差甲愛死.
2016-02-27 4:02 am
The rest of the English class were so good that Jo had difficulty keeping up with them. 華文譯:其餘的英語班同學(們)都非常(那麼)棒,以至於喬(Joe)表現出難以趕上他們。
class:可算名詞 [集合的] [經常也用呼喚]班級的學生們 《★【用法】集合體時用單數,構成要素時用複數》。
that:(引導副詞子句,表示目的或結果)為了,以至於 例. He is working hard that he can catch up with the class. 他努力用功,以便趕上班上同學。
2016-02-26 1:34 am
問題不是出在你對good的理解上,而是誤會(理解錯)the rest of ... the class這詞組。你以為the class是指英文"課堂",但其實the class是指"學生"(一班學生),因此the rest of ... the class是指除了JO以外同班的「其他人」都"so good"「太好」=「太厲害」了,因此她無法「跟得上」。
2016-02-27 9:11 pm
The rest of the English class were so good that Jo had difficulty keeping up with them.

其餘的英語班都很好, 那是Jo 難以跟上的。

題外話:也許Jo應該由基礎學起, 先報讀“初級班”。

謹 供參考, 謝謝!🤔

...( =';'= )
.(.|.|..|.|.I..) ღ(。◕‿◠。)ღ...

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