請問有關 be of 的用法 與 語意?

2016-02-20 4:10 am
Speaking to reporters Thursday, Chen said only that diplomatic work must
continue and consolidating ties with diplomatic allies is of great importance
for the country.
如上之文, 這裡的 is of great importance, 為什麼要加of? 與 is great importance有什麼差別?
煩請達人特別舉例說明, be of 有其他哪些用法 與 語意? 謝謝囉!

回答 (3)

2016-02-22 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
... handling of ...
noun(gerund動名詞) of

... handling of ...
noun(gerund動名詞) of

... management of ...
noun(名詞) of

handling relief efforts
handling operations
management the crisis
當然句子寫法有很多形式,你的例句可以不寫成"gerund(noun) of (noun)",但全句的其他詞組亦要改動,例如
Residents of Tainan are backing the way city Mayor William Lai handled the post earthquake disaster relief efforts and search-and-rescue operations.
... 88-per cent of respondents backed how Lai handled the operations
... did not approve the crisis management method of Lai.

is of great importance
意思=is very important.(important是形容詞,原句的importance是名詞)

...with diplomatic allies is very important for the country.


You are interested to analyze English sentence.
You are of interest in analyzing English sentence.
2016-02-23 7:57 am
*(…that) "Diplomatic work must continue and consolidating ties with diplomatic allies”《(子句)主詞》
“of great importance (for the country)”《主詞補語=介系詞片語=形容詞片語=介系詞+形容詞+名詞;(修飾語)》
*本子句係基本句型2. S+Vi+sC (主詞+動詞+主詞補語)。
*而主詞補語若是名詞時,其和主詞是指同一個人或物。所以本題不可用”… is great importance (for the country).”但可用 ”… is very important (for the country).”
*句型2. S+Vi+sC (主詞+動詞+主詞補語) 例2. He becomes a painter. / She is beautiful.
*of 介系詞,prep. (本題)釋義9.表示具有某種性質 例. It is a matter of importance. 這是一件重要的事。
*of [介系詞] (本題)釋義13.((性質・状態)) ((●of+用名詞使作為形容詞句)) …的(具有性質),表示著…特徵,…特有的… 例. a man of property [importance] 財産家[重要人物]例. It will be of some use in the future. 那個將來會是什麼有用。 例. We are (of) the same age. [=((英)) We are of an age.] 我們是同年紀。 (◆表年齢・色彩・形狀・尺寸・職業・價格等的時候, of 通常省略).
*great [形容詞] (本題)釋義3.(1)((通例限定的)) 〈事情是〉(在程度・強度等的方面)非常地,強度的,強烈地,異常地 例. great pain 激痛 例. great sorrow [pleasure] 非常的悲傷[喜悅] ●例. be of great importance [use, value] 是非常重要〔有用,貴重〕。
#補充部分- "of "的文法,與主題不同的。某一辭典解釋"of "的文字約3,052字,亦即好好研讀它為宜。
2016-02-20 5:02 am
如上之文, 這裡的

is of great importance (O)= is very important.
is great importance (X)

William Lai's "handling the post earthquake disaster relief efforts" (OK, where handling is a participle)
William Lai's handling of "the post earthquake disaster relief efforts" (better, where handling is a gerund)

Other examples in your question are the same. Trust me, these "of's" are good to use.

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