Atheists: Do you hope that there could be a wonderful second time afterlife(even though you think there is not an afterlife)?

2016-02-18 10:38 am
wouldnt it be too pity that there is only one life for people

回答 (14)

2016-02-18 11:30 am
No. I've BEEN dead already, while under the knife. I saw nothing. I am not now suicidal at all, but I'm not at all afraid of dying. There is no afterlife. If you're convinced that there is, don't worry about its effects: you'll have no nerves connected to any brain anymore, so you won't feel anything.
2016-02-18 10:52 am
Sure, I wish I could live just the typical 70-100 or whatever years we get to live without growing old so I could enjoy at least all the years fully but wishing doesn't actually change reality. But if I would want an afterlife also depends on what sort as well. For example, in the Bible in the god's throne room there are creature that spend eternity just bowing to the god in a throne room saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come". That doesn't sound too appealing for example. Or if like Greek Sisyphus I had to spend eternity rolling a giant boulder uphill endlessly. Some say existing for eternity could become horrible and I think that could be very true eventually but I think I could enjoy a few thousand years if not in pain or terribly ill and fill them easily with learning and enjoying things I love. Death if it still came so quickly to others would be difficult though.
2016-02-18 10:48 am
Well, yes and no. It would be nice to have the paradise reunion with family and friends and live in a peaceful state. However eternity is a long long long long long time. Nothing in the universe is forever. Nature, the stars, planets, solar systems, life etc. have show this time and again. NOTHING is forever and there is good reason for it. Every beginning is another beginnings end.

edit: The real pity is not living this life as the only dance there is and wasting it pretending another one will come along.
2016-02-18 10:48 am
I wish it was true, yes, but no amount of wishing makes a thing real.
2016-02-18 10:43 am
It would be nice to be able to fly like a bird or creating a universe of my own or...
But why waste your life daydreaming?
2016-02-18 10:41 am
It would be pretty cool if there was or if I was reincarnated as a eagle or something. But fortunately when we die none of that happens, instead we become fertilizer so that life on earth can continue to press forward.
2016-02-18 10:40 am
All the more reason to cherish this life
2016-02-18 8:26 pm
Being an atheist has nothing to do with believing or not believing in an afterlife. If only you could look up the definitions of words somewhere.
2016-02-18 6:39 pm
No. False hope is stupid and painful.
2016-02-18 6:06 pm
You get a second chance , either by coming in the 1st Resurrection if you have been obeying all of Jesus' sayings , or come in the 2nd 1000 years later for everyone else after having been spending those thousand years being face to face with God .
2016-02-18 2:17 pm
Atheists: Do you hope that there could be a wonderful second time afterlife(even though you think there is not an afterlife)?
wouldnt it be too pity that there is only one life for people

~~~ Nor a pity for people who actually pay attention and LIVE life, rather than all curled up like a hairball in your vain imagination, imagining some imaginary 'future' after you die and rot into the ground!
One well lived life is sufficient for those who do not waste it imagining after dreams and imaginary beliefs!

"While men are gazing up to Heaven, imagining after a happiness, or fearing a Hell after they are dead, their eyes are put out, that they see not what is their birthright." -- Gerrard Winstanley, The Law of Freedom, 1652
2016-02-18 12:56 pm
Yes it is a pity that we only get one life. But once you have understood this concept you may realise it's probably better to make the most of the one you know you've got, rather than doing nothing in the hope that there may be a better one next time.
2016-02-18 11:26 am
I only need to experiece one life at a time. Im not greedy.
2016-02-18 10:48 am
i simply dont care, because i have no control over it

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