Where does truth come from?

2015-12-03 4:32 pm

回答 (427)

2015-12-04 4:02 pm
There's lots of ways you can look at it. Let me paraphrase "Truth is relative, as truth is based on perception. Your senses intake information and your mind analyzes the data it gets. Your previous knowledge and intellectual capacity also sways the final out come of any thought to be true or false. Example the world was thought to be flat for many years by many people and this was a truth for them... Now we are pretty sure that's not the case :) "
I think this is a really good one. I think it has to do with what we consider truth to really be. Truth is something that is conjured up by our own mind pretty much. So, truth is derived from our senses. Again, you can interpret this many ways, which means that it may not be the same for everyone. Although many of us think of some truth the same way sometimes.

Universal truth is a pharse, there is only majority belief and YOUR perception of what is true.
2015-12-03 8:05 pm
Did you know that without conscious intelligence the universe cannot be understood in terms of truth, beauty, love, etc. These are attributes of a living concious being. As human beings we live those attributes and communicate them to our peers. We see beauty and love and its truth in many living creatures on earth as well. Since these attributes can exist in other living creatures other than man. We might say that all of life is a reflection of a reality that is not seen by the mortal eye. In the religious context we say that truth comes from a divine being or God. As a Christian this is where i say that all things in this universe and its truth is expressed from this source. Truth is God. And God is truth.
2015-12-04 4:10 am
Truth comes from Heart.
2015-12-03 10:31 pm
Truth comes from a statement honest
2015-12-04 9:38 am
"Truth" is different for different people, for me the truth can be tested and demonstated on many occasions to be consistent and reliable, but that is a scientific point of view of an electrical engineer. The truth to others is imply what they choose to believe, without any checks or tests, they just accept it, this is widely called "Faith" and is the acceptec method of defining the truth in religeous issues.
On a personal level a truth or lie is usually tested by consitency in a given account or story, such as would be accepted in a court of law, this is how most parents know if their child is telling the truth, along with other indications.
The truth cannot be found with a lie detector, as if the subject believes the statement to be true, no physiological stresses will be present.
參考: 63 years of finding out who to trust.
2015-12-03 9:42 pm
Where does truth come from?

~~~ Truth doesn't "come from" anywhere!
It is all there is, ever, and is ALL inclusive!
Not anything "comes from" anywhere!
What is, Is! Here! Now!

'Creation' is impossible!
We 'perceive' that which already exists!

Everything exists!
Thus, because everything exists, everything is Reality!
Thus, being definitionally linked to Reality, Truth is ALL inclusive!
2015-12-05 8:24 am
Truth comes from Heart.
2015-12-04 8:13 pm
Truth comes from inside
2015-12-03 10:48 pm
Truth does not 'come' from anything.

Truth is manifested on its own accord.

You cannot say, 'There it is' or 'There it isn't', for it is all encompassing.

All awareness reveals is Being. One is awareness and One is with awareness. Yet the whole remains being.

To find truth know self.
2015-12-06 10:24 am
Truth comes from heart
2015-12-05 4:46 pm
Truth comes from Heart.
2015-12-05 9:49 am
Hello Baby Tiger,

I expect there is an answer to your question based purely on philosophical discipline, but I cannot provide such an answer because I am not trained in philosophy.

However, my personal view is that "truth" appears to be a purely human concept, by which we measure another's sincerity. After all, "truth" is not necessarily a measurement of fact. A person may make a mistake of fact about something, yet nevertheless believe that what they have said about it is accurate, and truthful, even though they are mistaken.

I hope this helps.


2015-12-03 9:34 pm
Truth is not a thing that can come from where.
2015-12-03 6:42 pm
its always there...we just have to find it by searching...but here all talked on that truth so truth is released by god to us then from student to student to books to books we get it now...:)
2015-12-03 4:35 pm
From what can be proved to be the case.
2015-12-03 10:00 pm
2015-12-03 7:00 pm
From deep within. The light/truth in you is shadowed by clouds of ego. As you disperse those clouds the blue (Shiva/Krishna/Rama) within you will become visible.
2015-12-03 6:58 pm
Correspondence. Its a matter of perception matching the world. This is called empiricism. We have robots that have the ability to visually recall objects, measured to percentages. This is also what the brain does.

An example of this would be if I were to give you a hot cup and told you to close your eyes to guess what is in the cup. Based on percentages you could guess multiple things but only one would be right. So you have the odds of 1: in the amount of things that could be put into a cup and made hot. The more perception you have of what is in the cup the better you percentages of matching your sense to data would be.

When a large number of people observe something it becomes a scientific fact of existence, objective perception.

So the truth comes from perception. Perception of the world comes from mirror neurons and the sensory organs working together.
2015-12-06 8:04 am
Truth lies opposite to the lie. Also truth exist only because lie exist. Truth is what is not the lie. Well, tbh there's no truth in the world. Everything we do is just an act at the end of the day. We lie to everyone including ourselves. After all when u think u know the truth, actually how can u be sure that is the truth? Cuz no one knows what is the truth. You just say or believe what you can capture with ur 5 senses plus mind (up to its standards). But everything u could capture with ur senses might not be the truth. It's like every story has 3 aspects, what you see, what I see and what is the truth. So truth basically should come through a highly advanced wisdom with the ability of knowing everything in the universe. But we human aren't super soldiers or any so none of us knows the truth for real. As I said we just believe what we saw, head etc. we are all are like a fish in the tank; human in the earth. Truth is unlimited gies beyond our league.
2015-12-04 3:23 am
That which is actually real and existing is called Truth. It comes from nowhere. It has no origin.

There is a confusable's note in this connection:''

"Contrary to what some people believe, the word truism is not a more elegant word for truth. While the word truth can occasionally be used to refer to a “truism,” since truisms are often true, the reverse—the use of truism to mean “truth”—is unwise. Truism stands for a certain kind of truth—a cliché, a platitude, something so self-evident that it is hardly worth."
參考: compiled.
2015-12-06 4:38 pm
To a dedicated scientist - TRUTH only comes from evidence.
The founding philosophy of science is REALITY EXISTS and is demonstrable from peer reviewed evaluation of collected evidence.
That is the only A Priori required that you accept that reality is material that REALLY exists - from this assumption evidence is collected and knowledge accrued through experiential research which is recorded and presented for peer review.
If the evidence is repeatable and tests positive and valid by creating a falsification test and NOT failing the test then the evidence is added to the sum body of knowledge.
Today all of physical reality is called The Standard Model and so far bears up to continuous testing.
All other ideological philosophies are man made beliefs and are false.
Science is the only systems which has a singular A Priori that depends entirely on evidence WITHOUT belief to support itself.
TRUTH is the validation of EVIDENCE.
All is else is FALSE - a lie or a partial or homogeneous truth.
Reality existed before man's cognitive abilities evolved and that information is based on evidence collected.
Any argument against a physical reality is make believe what if red is blue non-science.
Science is NOT a belief it is a methodology.
2015-12-04 11:10 am
Truth is a word & we usually used it to convince others. If the power of truth enlarges it would become more wider than the universe.But we just omit it & try to overcome.
Everyone says that truth comes from the Inner Heart, But I think truth is always influenced by the outers and most of the time presented according to the situation.
Heart doesn't think to speak, its our mind who think over it, so how can we say that truth comes from the heart.

Truth comes from the mind and delivers through Heart.Don't even try to find out that from where truth comes out, because truth does not come, it shows the right path...
2015-12-03 11:49 pm
truth comes from truthful , honest, nonmalacious people
2015-12-03 5:11 pm
It comes from the true God, our Heavenly Father, the God of all things and the Bible and Book of Mormon.
2015-12-04 1:21 pm
“truth,” may designate that which is firm, trustworthy, stable, faithful, true, or established fact.
The Bible contains God’s standards, which are like a blueprint. We can build our lives on what the Bible says. Those who have embraced it have overcome racial and religious prejudices and have learned to work together in peace and unity. Foretelling this, God said: “I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language, so that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah, to serve him shoulder to shoulder.” Unity results from the “pure language,” God’s standard of worship.—Zephaniah 3:9; Isaiah 2:2-4.
Supporters of interfaith often feel that no religion can lay sole claim to truth. In fact, they may say that exclusivism among religions is what gives rise to many of the problems we see today.
Contrary to such opinions, Jehovah is described as “the God of truth,” and he said of himself: “I do not change.” (Psalm 31:5; Malachi 3:6) About God, Jesus said: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) That truth is revealed in the divinely inspired Scriptures, the Bible. It instructs us and equips us “for every good work.”—2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
Jesus represented things as they really were. Besides being ‘full of truth,’ Jesus was himself “the truth,” and truth came through him. He declared: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (Joh 14:6) And the apostle John wrote: “The Law was given through Moses, the undeserved kindness and the truth came to be through Jesus Christ.”—Joh 1:17.
For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below "search box" Also for free downloads, publications or read online. You can read online the book "What Does the Bible Really Teach".
參考: www.jw.org
2015-12-03 11:12 pm
2015-12-03 10:07 pm
Truth comes from the one true God
2015-12-03 4:50 pm


Isa 45:5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
Isa 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil (trouble): I the LORD do all these things.
Isa 46: 6-10 Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.
John 14:29 And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe
Jer 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

Jhn 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

1Jo 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.



Pray the following

Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Amen
2015-12-03 4:42 pm
Jehovah God.Isaiah 43:11-13;Psalm 83:18

John 4:24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

Who Wrote the Bible?

"“Moses wrote down all the words of Jehovah.”"

Exodus 24:4

"“Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head as he lay on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream; he recorded a complete account of the matters.”"

Daniel 7:1

"“When you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God.”"

1 Thessalonians 2:13

"“All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching.”"

2 Timothy 3:16

"“Prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.”"

2 Peter 1:21
2015-12-03 4:36 pm
It literally comes from Uranus
2015-12-04 2:57 am
Truth is relative, as truth is based on perception. Your senses intake information and your mind analyzes the data it gets. Your previous knowledge and intellectual capacity also sways the final out come of any thought to be true or false. Example the world was thought to be flat for many years by many people and this was a truth for them... Now we are pretty sure that's not the case :)

Universal truth is a pharse, there is only majority belief and YOUR perception of what is true.
2015-12-21 7:50 am
Seek within your own being. There and only there you will truly find Truth
2015-12-07 12:39 pm
Truth comes from proof
2015-12-07 1:42 am
2015-12-07 1:32 am
2015-12-07 12:41 am
from the Bible about speaking the truth always
2015-12-06 8:09 pm
Simple and truthful answer is, if you analyze the facts along with history and God's word (which does harmonize with True Science), you will have the truth. It is not complex at all. The simple things in life are all about "truth".

BTW, I am really amazed at some of your comments. It is obvious that Truth is derived from facts, not relative, not conjured up, not always dervied from our senses. If they are copying the illustrtion of the flat earth, what would stop any of us to not believe it is flat? If truth is that illusive, we could still say it is flat because in our mind it is. LOL!

Further, when the earth was in the dark ages, people were kept from the bible. The Scriptures mentioned how the earth was round. One is Isaiah 40:22 "The original-language word translated “circle” at Isaiah 40:22 may also be rendered “sphere.” Certain Bible translations read, “the globe of the earth” (Douay Version) and “the round earth.”—Moffatt" (Also see Ecl. l:7)
2015-12-06 4:33 pm
Truth comes from the principle of consistent cause and effect..... truth is nothing but continued consistency.
2015-12-06 11:52 am
Truth comes from a peaceful heart...........
2015-12-06 11:51 am
True: =4
False: =11

Truth = logically correct
2015-12-06 8:03 am
Truth comes from God and the Bible is the word of God -- not totally perfect, since it is written by man (under the inspiration of God). BUT, it is as close to perfect truth that you will see this side of heaven. AND, you can mock this answer or try to get around it, for as many years as you want, but the truth of it will still be here when you tire of "worldly" solutions.

Do you want "knowledge" (which is just an accumulation of facts)? Go to Harvard. Do you want wisdom? Read the Bible. (of course it is entirely possible to be a Christian AND attend Harvard. I have heard of it being done, but I have not seen evidence of it for many years. And, by the way, Harvard STARTED as a theology seminary! We have come a long way, haven't we?)
2015-12-06 7:51 am
Truth comes from those who are honest
2015-12-06 5:54 am
Truth come form deep inside.
2015-12-06 5:53 am
Truth comes from the heart, the emotions, and the mind. The moment you dont feel like hurting the person your using or lying to anymore. The moment you want to give up keeping it away to calm your inside down. The moment your heart and mind and feeling tell you this is enough. Thats where the truth comes from.
2015-12-06 5:44 am
Hillary doesn`t know.
2015-12-06 4:51 am
2015-12-06 2:28 am
2015-12-05 5:49 pm
The truth comes from lots of things, as well do lies.
2015-12-05 4:49 pm
2015-12-05 1:24 pm
Truth come fromGod, God wants people to enjoy life on earth. He created the earth and everything on it because he loves mankind. Soon he will act to provide a better future for people in every land. He will relieve mankind of the causes of suffering.—Read Jeremiah 29:11
No government has ever succeeded in eliminating violence, disease, or death. But there is good news. Shortly, God will replace all human governments with his own government. Its subjects will enjoy peace and good health.—Read Isaiah 25:8; 33:24; Daniel 2:44.

I hope this helps
參考: *** fg lesson 1 p. 3 What Is the Good News? ***jw.org
2015-12-05 11:42 am
2015-12-05 10:10 am
The heart yes and Republicans!
2015-12-05 8:49 am
The Bible.
2015-12-05 3:38 am
Truth is what is. If it isn't so, it's not true. It is what it is and it doesn't really have much of an origin other than the mouth of the person that speaks it or the mind the thinks it. That questions is kind of like asking what is the origin of lies which it doesn't really have an origin either besides the mouth of the people that speak them. It's a many source but no real origin kind of thing unless there's like a god somewhere that controls all truth which I highly doubt or like saying the devil is the source of all lies which I highly doubt.
2015-12-05 3:32 am
The truth comes from within ones self.
2015-12-05 1:19 am
Where does truth come from?

Truth is not animal, mineral, or vegetable. It is a human construct (idea) that exists only in the minds of human beings. Truth as a concept does not exist for the creatures of the animal kingdom. Nor does truth exist for the universe.

As a human construct "truth" is completely dependent upon individual perception and will. Regardless of evidence, a person can "choose" to believe something is true or false in proportion to the strength of their will.
2015-12-04 11:49 pm
Truth comes from facts.
2015-12-04 8:45 pm
Miss Blanding thought about this in 1939 after her escape from the Grisson Gang, and on the eve of her wedding to Prince Rupert von Krackenburg-Hoffmansthal, whose mother had been a Bourbon-Parma, she wrote: "Truth comes from within".
2015-12-04 5:21 pm
From your heart and your soul.
2015-12-04 4:43 pm
Truth Comes From Inside You As A person.... Nobody Else Can Know What Is Inside Your Truth and Each Person has their own Truth ... Truth is Your Own Answer To "choices" or Questions...
Truth is what you know you must do ... versus a decision you can choose ...
Hypothesis Results from Past Decisions ...

Truth can never be anything else, and is something you can never deny or choose to ignore...
2015-12-04 3:58 pm
Truth comes from the past
2015-12-04 3:03 pm
As human beings we live those attributes and communicate them to our peers. We see beauty and love and its truth in many living creatures on earth as well. Since these attributes can exist in other living creatures other than man. We might say that all of life is a reflection of a reality that is not seen by the mortal eye. In the religious context we say that truth comes from a divine being or God. As a Christian this is where i say that all things in this universe and its truth is expressed from this source. Truth is God. And God is truth.
2015-12-04 2:43 pm
As human beings we live those attributes and communicate them to our peers. We see beauty and love and its truth in many living creatures on earth as well. Since these attributes can exist in other living creatures other than man. We might say that all of life is a reflection of a reality that is not seen by the mortal eye. In the religious context we say that truth comes from a divine being or God. As a Christian this is where i say that all things in this universe and its truth is expressed from this source. Truth is God. And God is truth.
2015-12-04 2:21 pm
Truth comes from our belief. There is no truth or nor lie in this world.
2015-12-04 1:02 pm
Truth is a relative concept....what is true for one person is not for another....for example....certain Christians would say abortion is wrong.....that is their truth.......but other people do not think it is wrong.......that is their truth. It doesn't come from anywhere....except our brains and intellect.
2015-12-04 10:03 am
your mouth
2015-12-04 8:10 am
A better question might be Is there such a thing as truth?

Probably not.
2015-12-04 6:17 am
Truth comes from practice, do you think is the truth, it is truth
2015-12-04 12:23 am
The Holy spirit.
2015-12-03 11:58 pm

The Amazon is as long as it is. We just discover it at a later point and label our observation 'truth'.
2015-12-03 11:33 pm
From atheist and scientists.
2015-12-03 9:39 pm
2015-12-03 5:54 pm
God gives us faith to know the truth.


Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Since faith is a gift from God, it is impossible for persons to be scared or groomed into having faith. Some kids are born with faith and some people receive it later. To know faith is to have it, and if you haven't received faith, you need to sincerely seek God.

Proverbs 8:17
I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"

Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible by Dr. Hugh Ross http://www.believers.org/hughross.htm

2015-12-06 8:33 pm
Well, I don't know how to answer this in a philosophical way but here is what I believe about Truth. I don't think it's something that comes from anywhere, it's just there. It a part of our personality, I would say because not all of us are lying cheats. It's almost like a reflex action. We don't think about it most of the time. And it's a way of expression so it comes naturally, if you find something beautiful, you can't change that. If you hate something you can't change that. If you love something you can't change that. Then there's also the question of why we struggle to lie, because well truth is what we see, hear, feel, and its the emotion at it rawest form. Our way of feeling in it's purest form, and if we tell ourselves otherwise it feels wrong, like trying not to love someone you love. Truth, I guess, really does come from the first, reaction, or maybe even an impression, it's what was there in the beginning without being changed by us.
2015-12-06 5:57 am
Truth comes from within.
2015-12-06 3:59 am
Truth comes from the heart. The heart sends a message to your brain. That message is called guilt. You realize that telling the truth is the right thing to do. Once you tell the truth, tat big weight taken off your chest that you feel? That's the feeling of the message of guilt being removed from your heart then your brain. But you only feel it coming off your heart.
2015-12-05 6:59 am
Truth comes from someone's eyes
2015-12-04 1:37 pm
Truth come from heart and eyes
2015-12-04 3:18 am
The one who created it. God is the source of all truth. I understand if it may seem complicated and stuff, but it is true. But look to other people like Ravi Zacharias, or Michael Ramsden. I am not a philosopher, I don't' know everything. I hope you will get good answers from them. And, that was a very good question to ask. :)
2015-12-03 11:28 pm
Homosexuality is a choice << this is an example of truth but in order to be PC (politically correct) you must say: Homosexuality is not a choice, it's biological..
2015-12-03 9:39 pm
Not from a court of law! Truth comes from debate and from the scientific method. Persuasion comes from a court of law.
2015-12-03 6:57 pm
Truth doesn't comes from anywhere.Neither does it goes anywhere...its always present around us...its just that..its our perspective to look at truth that comes to us..from where I don't know...but when its time...it does come.
2015-12-03 5:24 pm
In John 14:6 it says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Him.

Joh 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Joh 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
Joh 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Joh 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

2015-12-03 5:00 pm
Truth come from within ;)
2015-12-03 4:49 pm
Humans have to debate truth but Truth IS FROM OUR GOD!
參考: My God!
2015-12-03 4:49 pm
My mouth
2015-12-06 4:45 am
Truth comes from inside
2015-12-05 5:54 pm
Truth comes from your heart
2015-12-03 4:34 pm
Lots of places. You just will not find any inside a church
2016-11-18 6:07 am
2016-11-18 6:01 am
2016-11-15 1:23 pm
2016-02-20 3:58 am
I began my life being naive believing in what I was told. Now after uncovering the lies, I listen to myself. Truth isn't illusive but rather always behind smoke and mirrors that people put in front of it. Sometimes it's easier to see life from that blur rather then to have reality to deal with. But best is love, real love, the kind animals give freely and if you are lucky some rare good humans will too. With love, truth can be seen warts and all, good or bad, and you can triumph in peace and joy knowing you are loved.
2016-01-13 2:24 pm
2016-01-07 11:30 am
2016-01-03 8:01 pm
Love of course..
2015-12-23 6:15 am
2015-12-22 7:36 pm
2015-12-21 11:27 pm
Within orginally. It is holding one to ones truth that is the major problem. Because if one is indoctrinated with someone else's truth then the whole spectrum is changed for what comes from the inside. Done all the time.
Your truth becomes mine....through fear, submission, acceptance, monkey see monkey do, hunger, survivial......etc.
2015-12-21 8:37 am
Truth comes from reality itself, for everything else must be unreal. The great plague of human ignorance and suffering stems from erroneous perceptions which in turn form erroneous concepts. To say everyone is entitled to their opinion is all good and well, but truth itself is unchangeable, therefore opinions are certain to fall short of the ultimate truth. If truth were light and ignorance darkness then know this, walk into any dark room with just one candle and you'll see that darkness simply cannot compete with light, for darkness and ignorance are nothing more than the absence of light, and that's the truth... Furthermore, from that one candle you can light a thousand more candles without diminishing the the life of the first candle. Unfortunately though, humanity has a long and continued history of ignorance and darkness, so they are somewhat terrified and blinded by the light, in which case they endeavour to snuff out the light of truth, and that's why many spiritual warriors are attacked and often outnumbered. Even if they do manage to kill the messenger, they can't possibly kill the truth, and eventually it will swallow them whole in the name of love... Forgetting your opinions and beliefs is a prerequisite for a more enlightened mind, only then will you not be biased in some way or another, besides, why be your own worst enemy? With truth on your side you can master the Universe by being in harmony with natural law...
2015-12-18 7:34 pm
The holy bible
2015-12-18 11:40 am
truth comes from inside
2015-12-16 2:53 pm
2015-12-16 2:45 pm
2015-12-16 2:20 pm
2015-12-16 1:46 pm
2015-12-14 8:22 pm
From wherever you see it.
2015-12-13 10:03 pm
Honesty is the source of truth.....
2015-12-11 11:50 pm
Absolute Truth can only come from The Absolute Truth. All truth s in this world are dependent upon another truth.
That constitutes relative truth. Absolute truth comes from The Supreme Personality Of Godhead; Sri Krsna from Vedic literatures.
2015-12-11 2:09 pm
2015-12-11 2:02 pm
2015-12-08 8:24 pm
Truth comes from Observations of REALITY

Not faux-news
2015-12-08 6:15 pm
There's lots of ways you can look at it. Let me paraphrase "Truth is relative, as truth is based on perception. Your senses intake information and your mind analyzes the data it gets. Your previous knowledge and intellectual capacity also sways the final out come of any thought to be true or false. Example the world was thought to be flat for many years by many people and this was a truth for them... Now we are pretty sure that's not the case :) "
I think this is a really good one. I think it has to do with what we consider truth to really be. Truth is something that is conjured up by our own mind pretty much. So, truth is derived from our senses. Again, you can interpret this many ways, which means that it may not be the same for everyone. Although many of us think of some truth the same way sometimes.

Universal truth is a pharse, there is only majority belief and YOUR perception of what is true.
2015-12-08 6:01 pm
truth comes from lies
2015-12-08 2:23 pm
First, and most importantly, truth is a property of sentences (or propositions). Although we often talk about a "true friend" or "true blue", what we generally mean when we say that something is true is that some sentence is true.
2015-12-07 11:56 pm
2015-12-07 11:51 pm
From the heap of untruths. One cannot perceive truth without a proper perception of untruth. Truth and untruth are as closely linked with each other as Good and Evil. Without one the other has no significance.
2015-12-07 9:42 pm
When a person speaks or shows it.
2015-12-07 8:13 pm
Your mouth
2015-12-07 7:23 pm
Reality. Therefore if you change reality or your perception (like current times) then you will change the truth (and the way).
2015-12-07 7:09 pm
2015-12-07 7:01 pm
What is considered to be "truth" is often what ever has the strength of repetition.
2015-12-07 5:27 pm
Look up Rene Descartes and his meditation on certainty, doubt, if god is real, and some other things....Will give you a very clear cut answer although he is slightly difficult to understand
2015-12-07 4:31 pm
2015-12-07 4:20 pm
truth comes from our soul
2015-12-07 4:09 pm
Me cuz you lie like a rug. nothing you say is the truth.
2015-12-07 4:08 pm
my ***
2015-12-07 3:45 pm
Toucan Sam's nose
2015-12-07 12:53 pm
truth come from mind and soul
2015-12-07 12:42 pm
Truth has many sources /God/ evidence/ Jesus who is the truth and the life / doing what is right. and having a friend that sticks closer than a brother
2015-12-07 12:25 pm
We produce truth. We also produce the opposite. Truth is produced as soon as an act is done by anybody on the planet earth. Words like truth, lie, sorrow, joy, pain and so on are all abstract words, which probably have been derived from our activities, behavior, performance, feelings, etc. These were never available before the inception of human being.
2015-12-07 12:10 pm
Truth is where lie is.
2015-12-07 9:21 am
Truth never hides
2015-12-07 9:20 am
beauty is truth and truth is beauty. William Shakespeare.
so i think beauty comes from source of everything.and may be you should call it god.
2015-12-07 9:15 am
Self knowledge, its what you know as true, because it happened to you.
2015-12-07 8:19 am
2015-12-07 8:04 am
It has to come from somewhere
2015-12-07 7:24 am
Give me a moment of your precious time,
live to Enlighten the mind.
A brief introduction.
Bitter-Sweet intimidation
.Beware the knowledge that I bring
High volt wattage blinding beam.
Illumination from a black Raven,
oh but isn't it ironic?Deciphering why its symbolic.
Hate to burst your bubble of comfortability, but I must
Clad in your armors that crumble with dishonesty, into dust.
I am the way, I am the light. Thruout history I survive.I alone possess the capability to set you free with the power to bring you to your knees. You cannot bury me, nor tie me in chains. All the world shall know my name,I am the living proof, I am the one and only Truth
2015-12-07 7:14 am
the ability to see without any bias but complete objectivity, rationality and wisdom
2015-12-07 7:00 am
It comes from science.
2015-12-07 6:16 am
I'm not sure but can tell you where truth does not come from.. .. Your government.
2015-12-07 5:28 am
Truth comes from deep inside a women's pelvis or a mans penis and comes out when u can't hold it back any longer lol
2015-12-07 5:24 am
The average person can be lied to up to 200 times a day. Most of us in fact lie at least once a day. There are several reasons for lies and several reasons for the truth. Truth really does come from the heart. We may be honest with someone because of our morals or to let someone know we are being sincere and passionate about something. We may lie to protect someone or ourselves. Truth is simple-its just what comes out without thinking and it will always eventually come out.
2015-12-07 4:48 am
Truth as in honesty, or as in fact even? Like Morality? Morality has to be taught, through life children make mistakes, because we are fallible beings. Thus we have to guided. As for any kind of known science ( or truth) we need to be able to have some sort of standard. This standard has to be called reason. And the origins of reason would have to be (again revealed) to mankind.

I hate to say "because God", but there has to be a reason for reason itself to exist. Whether its morality, physical laws, facts (truth/science) we need a standard for it. My explanation: The Lord is the beginning of intelligence (as well as everything else), because we have a world with reason where we can count on repetition.

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
"the world of science and technology"
synonyms: branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information, area of study, discipline, field
"the science of criminology"
a particular area of this.
plural noun: sciences
"veterinary science"
a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
"the science of criminology"
synonyms: physics, chemistry, biology; More"
2015-12-07 3:08 am
truth comes from humanities definition of right and wrong.
2015-12-07 3:01 am
The Truth comes from the knowledge of right and wrong. therefore it comes from knowledge.
2015-12-07 2:52 am
From honest people.
2015-12-07 2:18 am
From the universe
2015-12-07 12:41 am
2015-12-06 11:59 pm
From honesty, I believe.
2015-12-06 10:48 pm
from within
2015-12-06 10:38 pm
your heart
2015-12-06 10:34 pm
2015-12-06 10:21 pm
Jesus Christ said "I am the way, the truth, and the life....' John 14:6(kjv).i.e. Truth comes from God (Yahwah).
2015-12-06 10:02 pm
True comes from reality . sad fact
2015-12-06 9:59 pm
Truth occurs only when honesty prevails.
2015-12-06 9:54 pm
2015-12-06 9:01 pm
Thats too broad of a question
2015-12-06 8:47 pm
truth is merely a construction
2015-12-06 8:33 pm
truth comes from the land of truth, riding upon a white horse wielding the shining sword of pure truth.
in reality, we posscess a large number of variations before we reach pure truth or absolute truth.
often truth is measured from the end point as to their relative validity: provisional truth, partial truth, incomplete truth, distorted truth, perverted truth, limited truth, theoretical truth, arbitrary truth.
considering truth as an end is one which matches reality. the more we separate truth from reality, the less we have of either.
2015-12-06 8:15 pm
Science. That being said, death is the one universal truth. Everything dies.
2015-12-06 8:01 pm
truth comes from the absolute brahman in hinduism brahman represents the infinite reality those who reach it knows truth
2015-12-06 6:41 pm
your heart
2015-12-06 6:34 pm
i think logic and beauty
2015-12-06 6:14 pm
the heart and soul
2015-12-06 6:09 pm
may be from paradise
2015-12-06 5:27 pm
From the Bible.
Open in John 17:17 and 18:37,38.
2015-12-06 4:59 pm
2015-12-06 4:18 pm
What or wherever the main source is
2015-12-06 3:26 pm
truth comes from science and philosophy
2015-12-06 3:08 pm
Real people
2015-12-06 2:54 pm
truth comes from GOD.
2015-12-06 2:52 pm
the heart ♡♡♡
2015-12-06 1:58 pm
We don t know whether or not truth exists.
2015-12-06 1:41 pm
Truth it comes from the Bible
2015-12-06 1:21 pm
being honest....
2015-12-06 1:17 pm
The truth is, there is no truth.
2015-12-06 1:15 pm
Truth comes from experience, experience, study, research, observing, listening, open-mindedness and discernment. One must also be willing to be wrong and then keep searching.
2015-12-06 11:57 am
Truth comes from your heart if you asked Jesus into your heart. Only way.
2015-12-06 10:16 am
2015-12-06 9:36 am
Truth comes from lies.
2015-12-06 9:00 am
Truth comes from facts. Facts are the absolute truth!
2015-12-06 8:42 am
Comes from God
2015-12-06 8:40 am
2015-12-06 8:11 am
The truth comes from the strong desire to believe of something as reality. A lie is something that is not real. Therefore, truth originates from belief. It is not just facts because facts merely support the belief.
2015-12-06 7:47 am
truths come from the secret corner of heart of human being.
2015-12-06 6:11 am
If u find someone looking into yr eyeball, they're saying they don't trust you, and checking for yr emotional arousal.
2015-12-06 5:54 am
2015-12-06 5:49 am
I think this is a really good one. I think it has to do with what we consider truth to really be. Truth is something that is conjured up by our own mind pretty much. So, truth is derived from our senses. Again, you can interpret this many ways, which means that it may not be the same for everyone. Although many of us think of some truth the same way sometimes.
2015-12-06 5:20 am
it comes from your mind and thinking pattern
2015-12-06 5:14 am
thats crazy
2015-12-06 4:52 am
2015-12-06 4:48 am
Your senses intake information and your mind analyzes the data it gets. Your previous knowledge and intellectual capacity also sways the final out come of any thought to be true or false. Example the world was thought to be flat for many years by many people and this was a truth for them... Now we are pretty sure that's not the case :) "
I think this is a really good one. I think it has to do with what we consider truth to really be. Truth is something that is conjured up by our own mind pretty much. So, truth is derived from our senses. Again, you can interpret this many ways, which means that it may not be the same for everyone. Although many of us think of some truth the same way sometimes.
2015-12-06 4:33 am
truth is that the purity of the soul.
2015-12-06 4:20 am
its come from a true person
2015-12-06 4:19 am
Depends on what one wants to call he truth. Everyone's memory of something is slightly altered every time they talk about it. My source of his is from Doctors in related fields not my opinion. This is why lie detector tests and being sworn in does not nacassarily mean you're hearing he literal truth. Look into Frueds writing about lying unintentionally for more information.
2015-12-06 3:22 am
Lot to think about
2015-12-06 3:22 am
no such thing as truth; only facts, reason, intent, beliefs - only God is of Truth - The truth that we know may only be a level of truth for a higher truth should that individual be of that right to the higher truth, the higher power - what is sad, is that a lie becomes the truth, as it becomes the reality, and thus reality is truth is it not?
2015-12-06 3:08 am
Jesus Christ
2015-12-06 3:06 am
2015-12-06 3:04 am
truth come form (atma) heart
2015-12-06 2:46 am
from experience.
2015-12-06 2:42 am
Your daily movement on the toilet, then it is flushed down the media sewer. to the treatment plant where it is soon recycled for more "movements".
2015-12-06 2:42 am
2015-12-06 2:34 am
I guess someone who actully tells the truth should answer this...cuz I have no idea! Il tell u when I find out
2015-12-06 2:17 am
2015-12-06 1:49 am
Where ever you think it does
2015-12-06 1:46 am
You mind
2015-12-06 1:37 am
Your mouth
2015-12-06 1:30 am
the truth will come from the future :)
2015-12-06 1:29 am
The heart
2015-12-06 1:12 am
The bible. Look up chuck missler, he shows that there are ways to prove the bible correct.
2015-12-06 12:52 am
It doesn't come from anywhere, because 'Truth', 'Reality', Life'...are all there ever is. Im sure you've came across me mentioning that whole "nothing cannot be created or destroyed" thing, and all that other stuff with it, which validates the impermanence of 'Essence'. Your question presumes that Truth is expected to be presented as to material knowledge or thing we're somewhat familiar with, and therefore, it thought to "come" from something, or somewhere.
2015-12-06 12:49 am
Truth is the opposite of whatever the msm tells you.
2015-12-06 12:19 am
Heart by Barricuda
2015-12-06 12:02 am
Truth come from the dick
2015-12-05 11:51 pm
truth comes from my heart and soul
2015-12-05 11:50 pm
Truth comes from God. We all were born with the ability to tell what is right and wrong. Growing up in this would however can change your perspective of the truth.
2015-12-05 11:44 pm
From within, it is based on one's opinion and beliefs, as well as reality.
2015-12-05 11:31 pm
something's that's true
2015-12-05 11:26 pm
truth and lies comes from science and science comes from animals and nature and people.
truth and lies, only idiots say one and not both!
2015-12-05 11:20 pm
Truth to you is what you say. Truth to me is what I say.
2015-12-05 11:18 pm
Your heart
2015-12-05 11:11 pm
Your head
2015-12-05 10:57 pm
From a friend
2015-12-05 10:37 pm
Dat pwussy
2015-12-05 10:34 pm
Within yourself
2015-12-05 10:21 pm
Truth come from lies,cause if there is no lies u can never know the real truths
2015-12-05 10:11 pm
From the brain, your thoughts and emotions, your experiences and what you've gone through
2015-12-05 10:00 pm
Heart and soul
2015-12-05 9:31 pm
37Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." 38Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, "I find no guilt in Him

Truth is Jesus Christ Messiah and Lord
2015-12-05 9:26 pm
2015-12-05 9:25 pm
Truth comes from not only the heart, but also from trust and respect.
2015-12-05 9:23 pm
When I fart.
參考: My cornhole
2015-12-05 9:21 pm
Your mind
2015-12-05 9:08 pm
2015-12-05 9:06 pm
But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.
- matthew 15:18
2015-12-05 8:58 pm
2015-12-05 8:55 pm
Your Heart
2015-12-05 8:52 pm
From the Institute of Metrology in Paris, France...
2015-12-05 8:46 pm
Truth comes from one's own perception of reality and the situations they face
2015-12-05 8:39 pm
The mind and heart collaboration on what is right. So basically yourself
2015-12-05 8:20 pm
When facts and morals love each other very much, they work together to form truth. It's beautiful and natural.
2015-12-05 8:18 pm
The same place as lies.
2015-12-05 7:22 pm
Peoples words when they say or write or type something true.
2015-12-05 7:19 pm
The Truth is what you believe.
2015-12-05 7:06 pm
from god
2015-12-05 6:54 pm
Truth comes from the heart.
Lies come from the brain.
2015-12-05 6:33 pm
From stupidity, only stupid people are honest LOL just kidding

The truth is coming from ours hearts :-)
2015-12-05 6:16 pm
Your heart
2015-12-05 6:01 pm
2015-12-05 5:44 pm
Truth is coming from everyone's mind. Actually there is no such an organ like mind in human body. But every single action of human beings are under control of our mind. That is the main difference between human beings and animals
2015-12-05 5:34 pm
from the heart
2015-12-05 5:26 pm
Truth comes within you self. In my entire life, I have realized that if you listen to your own voice (inner voice) , you have the answers to everything
2015-12-05 5:09 pm
from within
2015-12-05 5:04 pm
2015-12-05 4:55 pm
Yeshua is incarnate truth
2015-12-05 4:37 pm
Certainly not my husband
2015-12-05 4:21 pm
Anywhere you want it to
2015-12-05 4:20 pm
Your head
2015-12-05 4:03 pm
From the Heart! If you let it out!
2015-12-05 4:02 pm
From your heart.
2015-12-05 3:40 pm
If I am hindi brahma is truth. If I am a platonic real is truth. If I buddist sensitive or soul is truth. If I am Chondogyo man heaven is truth, nabour is heaven. I am a protestant truth is only god.
2015-12-05 3:39 pm
2015-12-05 3:35 pm
From honest people, of course!
2015-12-05 3:28 pm
Yo momma
2015-12-05 3:17 pm
Popular discrimination, 100%.
參考: 70%?
2015-12-05 2:56 pm
Ice cream.
2015-12-05 2:41 pm
Truth comes from the lord jesus christ. :)

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

If you dont hear the truth, no one can tell you..put your faith in god and he will answer you.

god bless all...!!!
2015-12-05 2:25 pm
Truth exists all around in its pure and undistilled form, It is then perceived and regurgitated by humans as honestly as they can. And is known by that name if the facts are recounted without any knowing or intentional alteration.
2015-12-05 2:02 pm
Truth comes from Heart,but it will be real heart.
2015-12-05 2:02 pm
Truth comes from self experience,after you have believed in something and lived in it to see for your self through your own naked senses without relying on any extra terrestrial knowledge. truth is a perspective thinking. i believe science is a stream of philosophy that is my perspective of thinking.
2015-12-05 2:02 pm
From the heart
2015-12-05 1:57 pm
It comes from God
2015-12-05 1:55 pm
The person who knows the answer only
2015-12-05 1:25 pm
Truth comes form your perception of what the truth really is; everything is subjective.
2015-12-05 12:47 pm
2015-12-05 12:31 pm
2015-12-05 12:23 pm
2015-12-05 11:53 am
From fact
2015-12-05 10:29 am
2015-12-05 10:23 am
Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality,[1] or fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal.[1] Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of "truth to self," or authenticity.

The commonly understood opposite of truth is falsehood, which, correspondingly, can also take on a logical, factual, or ethical meaning. The concept of truth is discussed and debated in several contexts, including philosophy, art, and religion. Many human activities depend upon the concept, where its nature as a concept is assumed rather than being a subject of discussion; these include most (but not all) of the sciences, law, journalism, and everyday life. Some philosophers view the concept of truth as basic, and unable to be explained in any terms that are more easily understood than the concept of truth itself. Commonly, truth is viewed as the correspondence of language or thought to an independent reality, in what is sometimes called the correspondence theory of truth.
2015-12-05 10:02 am
Truth is always there in the nature. It reaches only to the people who crave for it.
2015-12-05 9:53 am
The false being slain and the truth being spoken.
2015-12-05 9:41 am
truth is come from inside
2015-12-05 9:23 am
A very honest and truthful person. Sadly, not many of these about .
2015-12-05 9:22 am
yes I agree
2015-12-05 8:36 am
Peoples actions rather than their words. Truth is also dependent on how we see things which is based on our knowledge and experiences.
2015-12-05 8:18 am
God and our own honesty as well as cultural in some cases.
2015-12-05 7:59 am
Inside your heart.
2015-12-05 7:53 am
The rectum.
2015-12-05 7:32 am
parents family friends , atleast it should anyway!
2015-12-05 7:17 am
Say, for example, I throw a ball and accidentally hit you in the face. You experience truth. Others may have seen the event and will have another idea of what happened. However, you know that the ball hit your face. It hurts.
Our senses can pretty much rely on concrete experience. I see, I hear, I smell, I feel. What those tell us, is truth. But the mind cannot comprehend non concrete things, like outer space, loyalty, invisible gas, hate, love. God. The only way to find truth, is to think things through, and discover why we believe in the invisible. Well, I took a stab at it.
2015-12-05 5:39 am
Everything including truth comes from the physical world.
2015-12-05 5:32 am
2015-12-05 5:30 am
where else but from conscience
2015-12-05 5:08 am
Well at least it's not bullox
2015-12-05 5:02 am
Non delusional people. Those that have nothing to lose. People that are not held back by worthless diatribe; those determined to give you the most blunt, possibly most awful truth when you need that most.
2015-12-05 4:29 am
It comes from inside you.
2015-12-05 4:10 am
the mind
2015-12-05 4:03 am
There some truths that are absolute, that we all can agree on. And also there are truths that are different from your truth. English translation each of us have our own viewpoint on truth. What's true to me, is BS to you, and vice versa.
2015-12-05 3:59 am
Sympathy comes between **** & syphilis as for "Truth" it s a fine line. A coin is legally said to have one side. I don t see it that way. 3 sides→ heads, tales & the edge "truth" its a fine line.
2015-12-05 3:33 am
According to Chairman Mao - "Truth speaks out of the barrel of a gun".

Ain't that the truth?
2015-12-05 3:21 am
2015-12-05 3:19 am
Science, reality and sometimes it is just a perception. truth should be an absolute, but many times it is not so. It really does not come from anything, it just exists.
2015-12-05 3:17 am
first you would need to define your terms

as in..........what is TRUTH
2015-12-05 2:58 am
2015-12-05 2:35 am
i think : Truth by practice .........
2015-12-05 2:35 am
Where does truth come from? Well, it probably does not *come* from anywhere; truth is not generated or brought into existence by some more basic concept or property, truth itself is a primitive concept (meaning it cannot be broken down into more basic concepts).
2015-12-05 2:32 am
Your conscious
2015-12-05 2:12 am
You already know the truth. That is why when you do something wrong nobody has to tell you. Why is that? You already know.
2015-12-05 2:10 am
Truth doesn't "come from" anywhere, any more than reality comes from some place. It just is.
2015-12-05 2:05 am
2015-12-05 2:01 am
Truths are self evident
2015-12-05 2:00 am
If you have to ask, you already know.
2015-12-05 12:52 am
Same place lies come from -- The mouth.
2015-12-05 12:40 am
The truth does not come from anywhere. It is always there.

The question should be, "where does illusion come from?"

Because truth is simply the absence of illusion.
2015-12-05 12:30 am
Your heart well your mind truth comes from what your actions basically ion know
2015-12-05 12:16 am
from anywhere besides politicians.
2015-12-05 12:06 am
In my opinion they come from people that have experienced certain things to be true. Mike
參考: Logical Knowledge.
2015-12-04 11:58 pm
the truth comes from my mouth.
2015-12-04 11:15 pm
As Leonardo Bruni of the Italian Renaissance believed, the truth comes from the source, or the Ancient Greeks and Romans. As they are translated and altered from their true form (or even new ideas are created) they flow down to the pool, one contaminated by time and change. This is an idea called "ad fontes." Which literally means "to the source" in Latin. This idea was believed for hundreds of years and wasn't formally questioned until around the time of the scientific revolution.
2015-12-04 10:53 pm
The heart.
2015-12-04 10:51 pm
Your gut.
2015-12-04 10:09 pm
the heart
2015-12-04 10:05 pm
From your confidence
2015-12-04 9:08 pm
2015-12-04 8:59 pm
Not God
2015-12-04 8:10 pm
it just exists
2015-12-04 8:00 pm
truth land!
2015-12-04 7:31 pm
heart creates & brain Exposes the liked by pituitary- Gland,
2015-12-04 7:23 pm
2015-12-04 7:19 pm
From the heart and god
2015-12-04 7:09 pm
From God.
2015-12-04 7:01 pm
The truth is whatever the rich and powerful people say it is because they have the power and influence to enforce their version of the truth.
2015-12-04 6:57 pm
Truth is only what is real in any present moment, everthing else is just a concept.
2015-12-04 6:43 pm
Jesus said , " I am The Way The Truth and The Life . No man comes to The Father but by Me . from The Bible
2015-12-04 6:28 pm
behind the wall of lies
2015-12-04 6:22 pm
2015-12-04 6:17 pm
Brain maybe
2015-12-04 5:52 pm
Truth is not a solid object
2015-12-04 4:57 pm
2015-12-04 4:43 pm
There is no such sense in brain which handles the truth. It all depends upon situation.
2015-12-04 4:34 pm
Truth? I am no buddy, I just am! no identity, "I am" Truth beyond Truth = no truth or truth, so simple or to simple "I just am"
2015-12-04 4:34 pm
2015-12-04 4:20 pm
The Bible :)
2015-12-04 4:02 pm
The heart
2015-12-04 3:41 pm
Yen & Yang; EVERYTHING balances out; Hot & cold, tall &short, good & bad, truth & lies, etc., etc. ! Our (USA) very Govt. system is built around this premise; Checks, & balances !
2015-12-04 3:40 pm
2015-12-04 3:18 pm
I believe that is comes from the brain because that is where all of our thoughts come from
2015-12-04 2:35 pm
Within your heart.
2015-12-04 2:19 pm
2015-12-04 2:07 pm
The truth comes from ones' better judgement ... and ultimately, their conscience.
2015-12-04 2:05 pm
The lie detector test
2015-12-04 2:04 pm
The Morning Star
2015-12-04 1:58 pm
truth comes from your heart.
2015-12-04 1:42 pm
the truth comes from the heart of loyalties but truth comes from pure and innocent hearts there is none today but babies say the truth they have the most pure and innocent hearts
2015-12-04 1:39 pm
2015-12-04 1:37 pm
The heart!!!
2015-12-04 12:55 pm
Truth comes from the person!
2015-12-04 12:04 pm
It comes from. Honesty
2015-12-04 11:44 am
Truth comes from verifiable facts.
2015-12-04 11:31 am
The heart
2015-12-04 11:18 am
I think you can rule out yahoo answers
2015-12-04 11:05 am
It comes from within.
2015-12-04 10:59 am
Nowhere, because it doesn't exist.
2015-12-04 10:29 am
2015-12-04 10:22 am
Your brain technically
2015-12-04 10:14 am
From the mind.
2015-12-04 10:08 am
From the heart
2015-12-04 9:41 am
My!From my mouth!I am that have sickness about it!
2015-12-04 9:24 am
Well, from history, so many stories tell us the truth, but people can not believe it at that moment.
2015-12-04 9:05 am
The bible
2015-12-04 7:35 am
Truth comes from our own inside God (Buddha's nature or Nirvarna). It's a form of energy.
2015-12-04 7:29 am
Truth comes from reality itself.The Law of the world is Truth.
2015-12-04 6:46 am
2015-12-04 6:36 am
The truth comes from our internal soul. When we are going to do wrong deeds, there is a internal sound. That is our soul's sound, which saves us to go for wrong deeds.
2015-12-04 6:29 am
It doesn't "come" from anywhere; it just is. Truth is merely that which comports with reality.
2015-12-04 6:19 am
2015-12-04 6:16 am
2015-12-04 5:40 am
From the spirit of truth,God
2015-12-04 5:36 am
what is truth??
there be many truths, but not all are TRUTH.
2015-12-04 5:20 am
Only from God mam's truth is foolishness it seams right but it has some mistakes in it .
2015-12-04 5:00 am
the most selfish people
2015-12-04 4:53 am
2015-12-04 4:47 am
Truth comes from not believing in all of what you think~!
2015-12-04 4:22 am
Truth is based on morals.
2015-12-04 3:54 am
From Google :)
2015-12-04 3:36 am
" I am the way, the truth, and the life." - Jesus Christ
2015-12-04 3:16 am
From the holder.
2015-12-04 2:59 am
2015-12-04 2:19 am
Honest people.
2015-12-04 2:02 am
- the quality or state of being true.
- that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
- a fact or belief that is accepted as true.
2015-12-04 1:56 am
God common sense experimentation
2015-12-04 1:51 am
From honesty
2015-12-04 1:50 am
If you are seeking a new and different explanation of the truth that makes sense, search for TRUTH CONTEST in Google and click the 1st result, then click on THE PRESENT and read what it says. This is truth you can check.
2015-12-04 1:42 am
2015-12-04 1:32 am
Truth is something, someone can view. Stones dont hold truth. People do, animals do.
But since we are not perfect we dont see truth, we see our estimation of truth.
2015-12-04 1:02 am
From god
2015-12-04 12:45 am
The truth is just there.

Discovering it. You don't want to know where that comes from.
2015-12-04 12:35 am
2015-12-04 12:34 am
Love is truth, anything else is a lie that enslaves. Ever notice that in others? God is love, Jesus died for us in love. Truth sets you free. So in problem solving, if it ends in love it sets you free from the chains that tried to bind you in hate that produces misery that leads to drugs..the illusion of truth or happiness.
2015-12-03 11:31 pm
Application? If it can be applied 100% and work the same way every time, it must be truth!
2015-12-03 11:31 pm
It comes from God! We would not have any real concept of truth if we got here by accident!
2015-12-03 11:28 pm
Sometimes it seeps out of the cracks.
2015-12-03 9:38 pm
Existence makes for truth. Viability makes for truth, but in that is in practical argumentation. Unless something exists, or is a bad idea, you cannot make the phrase that it exists without it becoming evaluatably false
2015-12-03 9:07 pm
Reality. either something exists, or it doesn't, period. lol
2015-12-03 8:00 pm
It's a concept that necessarily exists, otherwise existence would be so all disordered with universal rules that no life could ever be sustained
2015-12-06 8:56 am
My A********
2015-12-06 8:32 am
The truth comes from Assassin's Creed 2, in which it was first used as a sort of mysterious thing.
2015-12-05 11:29 pm
My anus.
2015-12-05 8:59 pm
your butt
2015-12-05 8:26 pm
Truth can come from iNFINITE ALL-KNOWINGNESS as in the case of God who made all things.

Creator Sons partake of an INFINITE subset of God's truth and perfection. They are flawless for eternity in respect to their endowments.

Less than INFINITE truth can come from other beings having God as direct parent.. These are perfect beings who start with some specialized perfection of knowledge, usually in Paradise or the Eternal Central Heaven.

Creator Sons with Divine Minister daughters of the Infinite Holy Spirit created all of the Local Universes, then they created the Local Universe Higher Beings and the ministering and administrative angels (copious details available not given here).

Creator Sons made evolutionary mortals last. These evolve to perfection using their own God-given free will as Co-Creators over many subsequent spheres, higher and higher, of their own Destiny in Eternity, assuming they do not disqualify themselves from resurrection.

Mortals experience death only once, when leaving their first (mortal) sphere. Mortals start as babies rather than adults and in total ignorance. A good, loving Mother is the first necessity, a good loving Father, the second.

Mortals learn TRUTH in two ways -- from experience of life on their native sphere. [number 1]

The number 2 way mortals learn truth is by revelation from God or from appointed higher beings -- Creator Son Christ, who is our closest representative of God, from Divine Minister Holy Spirit Daughter, or from the Ministering Angels whom She commands.

Mortals who learn from all these sources attain scientific and historical knowledge, specialized knowledge from their own life experience, and revelatory knowledge from higher up -- angels, Holy Spirit, Christ's Spirit of Truth, and possibly, for some of higher attainment in any local universe, or one of the other six superuniverses, from one of the Seven Master Spirits, or from some lesser High Beings of Paradise or Eternal Central Heaven or Superuniverse status.

Any mortal acquainted with all of these sources has borderline transcendental knowledge in relation to virtually all other mortals.

However, God is not a respecter of persons, and all mortals are equally entitled, without limit, if they are humble to seek and receptive to find, diligently, always the ready student, for whom successive teachers appear.

I have described here briefly the pathway to SHINING TRANSCENDENTAL TRUTH...

I will offer the most frequent first starting point for humans, which I can verify:

Come Holy Ghost

Come Holy Ghost

after that, take many more daily steps diligently, day by day, over the decades....

The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is like a PERFECT, unconditionally LOVING MOTHER, even to this entire world.

Likely you will have to work, no? More than for Math PhD, so keep clicking it off.

Remember: If you want God to help YOU, you should be helpful to others!

Whom would the Sent Angel help ?

My heartfelt prayer is that all who understand, may receive all of these great gifts and stand with their like forebears in Paradise on the Perfect Day of which Isaiah the Prophet spoke. Where we will work with those who were created perfect, using our own experience as perfected mortals, to achieve transcendental cosmic perfections beneficial to all beings, high or low.

It is not excessively hard, nor complex. Creator Son, as Jesus here, said: "My yoke is easy, my burden is light." Further, all of the heavenly powers mentioned here, God the Father included, work in flawless UNITY and HARMONY likewise as they wish for the destiny of our own mortal sphere. As Jesus said, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in the heavens." A fact of destiny, not an idle wish....

When and IF God the Father Himself SPEAKS, albeit He is with you through all, a point attained by few indeed, it will be a culmination of all such efforts, preceding translation, thus escaping even mortal death. You will truly have attained a purity and transcendence of will relative to all others here, the Highest Honor possible on any mortal sphere.

But coming short of that is still sufficient for resurrection on the third day following death, you will not sleep until the End of the Age resurrection ! Life is uncertain here, many circumstances preclude sufficient time.

Keep your faith ! Proverb: Before Honor, comes humility. Necessary for mortals who evolve to free will, co-created perfections, rather than starting as perfect. Nevertheless, Christ appeared here as the human baby, Jesus, and experienced our life, like unto us, like unto you or me. He truly knows life as son of man and as Son of God, making Him a very fitting Sovereign Master Creator Son unto us.

Edit: I forgot to say that each and every Creator Son is unique, an only-begotten, and THAT is what only-begotten means. Somewhat likewise, but not partaking of infinity, each mortal is unique in the cosmos, also a gift from God. BTW, countless thousands of Christians know this, excepting the self-limiting fundamentalists.
2015-12-05 7:03 pm
My butt.
2015-12-05 2:08 pm
2015-12-05 7:24 am
2015-12-05 5:43 am
It comes from God.

Atheism says that people make their own truth, and that the closest we can come to absolute truth is the social contract, but that even the social contract is relative, because there is more than one culture.

Really, if we are going to say that there absolutely is absolute truth, period, there has to be one original point that absolute truth comes from, and the only place that could come from is God.
2015-12-04 11:06 pm
The truth comes from God in his last n final testament: The Quran.
All there, about life n death, hereafter, heaven n hell, punishment of the grave.
If you wish to succeed in this life and hereafter then read the Quran, The last testament from your Lord/the God, creator of all mankind.
2015-12-04 9:59 pm
The Bible is the only source of real TRUTH! Hebrews 4:12
2015-12-04 8:04 pm
The truth comes form the observer depending on how one perceives the observed + his reaction to it. The truth as well as the lie is an illusion, and truth or lie can be named things which are perceived with a certain taste buy an observer depending on how his mind is affected at a certain level. so i'd guess the truth comes from the illusory "understading" of an illusion.
2015-12-04 7:39 pm
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Gospel According to John 14:6

Just sharing the truth with you.
2015-12-04 4:02 pm
The only real truth comes from jesus christ alone. He said I am the way, the truth, and the life.
2015-12-04 7:46 am
My *** lol
2015-12-04 7:04 am
that comes from bigbang
2015-12-04 6:32 am
Truth comes from the facts in God's will.
2015-12-04 3:42 am
My posterior
2015-12-04 3:18 am
The only way for truth to be real is if it was alive, if it was breathing. Jesus Christ is the truth. Yet one who doesn't understand will state exactly what Pilate says in the bible, "What is truth?" It's not something logical but spiritual.
2015-12-04 2:43 am
From the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Being, God, Krishna. In the material world everything is relative truth. That is to say, one truth depends on something else.
The Absolute Truth can be compared to the sun, which is appreciated in terms of two relative truths: reflection and darkness. Darkness is the absence of sunshine, and a reflection is a projection of sunlight into darkness. Neither darkness nor reflection has an independent existence. Darkness comes when the sunshine is blocked. For example, if one stands facing the sun, his back will be in darkness. Since darkness stands in the absence of the sun, it is therefore relative to the sun.
2015-12-04 2:04 am
From your heart/consciences.
2015-12-04 1:24 am
Out of your ***!
2015-12-04 12:01 am
My wiener
2015-12-03 7:09 pm
2015-12-04 11:29 am
Truth comes form nowhere,actually it stands for what you think and what you believe if I am a Muslim I have my thinkings and belives but atheists will think differently and its not matters that majority of people are always right they might be wrong in some circumstances so plenty of data on internet is also wrong so only those people will help you to find the truth who cares about you
2015-12-04 5:08 am
Truth comes from ideas. When a person gains insight into a problem and solution, the solution is often an idea of truth that will revolve around the problem. As an idea gains ascendency it is a meme first, a phrase--a catchy cliché of a sort, after which it is and becomes a stable, solid and unfailingly social artifact--a unit of culture, in a manner of speaking.

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