請問連音問題: and will get into stuff, so you got to let them explore its new surroundings little by little. 這個的連音是怎麼唸呢?尤其是and will這個的連音?

2015-11-13 1:11 am

回答 (3)

2015-11-13 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Anno=an'll= and'll=and will;
way in which two words are pronounced recommends you for vowels and diphthongs "and =>n;will=strong form;-wil often shortened to and'll=an'll=Anno; Hence :-Anno get into stuff,---if you insist on the importance of being with emphasis on Linking Pronunciation,against opposition of unclear,innocent of what you say !
2015-11-13 3:09 am
and will get^into stuff, so you got^to let^them explore its new surroundings little by little.



get^into = ge' into。中間的'表示短暫的停頓。
got^to = go' to
let^them = le-dem

除了「連音」和「省略」外,講話時,還要把英語的「快慢」「輕重」和「模糊」表現出來。「句重音」落在有意義及新的資訊字上,這些字或字的重音要讀得慢而清楚,非重音的母音要讀成快且模糊化(成為「厄」的中介音),甚至省略。history > his'try ; chocolate > choc'late

一些難唸的音會取一個中間音(如t, th可能發成近似d的音)。因為講話時,是在與時間賽跑,要在最短的時間裡放進最多的資訊,於是聲音受到壓縮,類似電腦在處理檔案那樣。
2015-11-13 1:27 am
and will 唸時沒有"連音"。因為and前是講一個主題/句, and後的will get into...是另一個主題/句,只是可能由於兩句之間是有關係或遞進的說明,則and will的讀法應該更要在and之後有小停頓(時間短過",",但長過will get之間的時間),所以聽出來會分辨and之前的句和and之後的句的間隔。

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