is windows 10 any good?

2015-11-05 6:06 pm
ok this has probably been asked before but im too lazy to look for it.

to me it seems like a downgrade to the windows phone

回答 (4)

2015-11-06 11:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's good. Been using it since it was released. If you don't want to use the "Windows Phone" parts then simply remove the tiles from the start menu and use it like you always have. It's a lot more like Windows 7 than Windows Phone in that way.
2015-11-05 6:10 pm
Hello SpinalSnowCat,

Loving or hating W10 is a personal choice.

I am afraid I hate it, in the same way I hated Vista, and 8.1.

I wish they would bring back XP

2015-11-05 8:43 pm
Yes, Windows 10 is very good.
What it is like on a Windows Phone device is close to unknown - so why do you think its a backwards step?
2015-11-05 7:13 pm
I absolutely hate it and regret downloading it. I hate the format, I hate the accessibility, I hate the defaults and I hate the way it has messed up my cursor sensor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:59:08
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