What does the phrase "shift the calculus" mean in below paragraph:?

2015-11-05 4:01 pm
In addition to the coming Taiwan elections, the ratcheted-up tensions in the South China Sea—where the U.S. recently sent a patrol close to Chinese-built islands—have helped shift the calculus for Beijing. China’s and Taiwan’s claims in the South China Sea are identical—outlined on a line the shape of a cow tongue on a Kuomintang map.

shift the calculus 在句中如何解釋?

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回答 (1)

2015-11-05 6:35 pm
shift the calculus=shift the method of calculation;make reckonings,scheming,designing, considering, thinking for more lands on the SE Sea map of China.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 20:02:43
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