Which of us is right?

2015-10-30 3:04 pm
My friend and I are in a fight. We are doing a school project, and it's a movie trailer. Well my friend Rain and I asked our friend Zach. Well he agreed, but something came up last minute, and he had to cancel for this weekend. But we still have all week to film. My friend Grace is the one I am in a fight with. She says because he canceled this one time because of family thing, she says she doesn't like him, and that his character should be played by someone else. BUT the thing is we don't have anyone else, and he already agreed to this week. She doesn't know him as well as Rain and I do, and we know he won't cancel during the week but she thinks otherwise. She says we need to find someone else, but Rain and I don't. Who is right?

回答 (2)

2015-10-30 3:20 pm
Hello Sunny,

I think she is saying he will cancel again because he has done so once already because she does not like him.

She can t simply assume that because he cancelled once he will do so again. She is being very unfair to him.

If you can t find anyone else, or don t want to because you want Zach to be in the film, stick to your guns and tell her that it was decided that Zach would be chosen and he must be given the chance.

Problems do crop up and things have to be cancelled or postponed from time to time and this is probably not Zach s fault.

Tell your friend to wait and see .

Although I expect Zach will be free to work with you all next week it might be an idea to put out a few feelers to see if anyone else can step up if something else crops up and Zach can t help out.

2015-10-30 3:20 pm
Well it all depends. Is Grace involved in the project also? Because if she is she has a right to express her feelings. But to be honest I think everyone of you are right. And I'll explain. You and Rain know Zach and know his character and you and Rain aren't worried and know Zach won't Welch out on you all and leave you all hanging and that he'll come through for you all. And chances are that's probably the truth. However Grace doesn't know Zach like you both know him and since he didn't show up before she's seeing a great big huge "F" on the project and she's freaking out. So to calm her down since she's involved in the project, just have a back up handy for Zach even though you and Rain know you're not gonna need him, it'll pacify Grace and that way fight's over and you Rain Zach and Grace can all be friends again and Grace won't be freaking over an "F" anymore. What do you think?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:50:50
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