Is there a man made space ship that travels with speed of light ?

2015-10-05 8:06 am

回答 (34)

2015-10-05 8:47 am
No. The New Horizons spacecraft that took pictures of Pluto was the fastest spacecraft launched from Earth, at a speed of 36,373 mph (58,536 km/h). Voyager I is traveling faster after a gravity assist from Jupiter, but nowhere near the speed of light.
2015-10-05 8:44 am
No object with mass may ever be accelerated to the speed of light.
It takes the Large Hadron Collider a couple of hours to pump up a few protons to 90% of light speed.
2015-10-06 1:50 am
It's impossible to get anything with mass to the speed of light (that is by pushing the mass to that speed). It would require more energy than exists in the universe to do that. We need to fold space or compress space (in front of a spacecraft) to go that fast; though in that case, the spacecraft is not going a light speed, it's moving through compressed space which results in traveling fast.
2015-10-05 8:09 am
2015-10-05 8:08 am
Not even close.
2015-10-07 12:27 am
Impossible by 2015 standards but the next century who knows...................
2015-10-06 12:20 pm
When you think how fast light travels, about 186,000 miles per SECOND, or 300,000 meters a second. It is hard to believe anything going that fast. But for every ray of light, each wave of a photon, lightbulb or internal reflection is moving at 186,000 miles per second.
so no, maybe you can imagine, I can't
2015-10-05 5:21 pm
It is not possible for anything with mass to go the speed of light. Our current "rocket" technology is very far from even getting close to that. New Horizon (Pluto fly-by mission) is going about 0.067% the speed of light. The fastest sustained speed by a spacecraft to date.
2015-10-05 8:48 am
It's not possible as we know so far, but many things have happened that were once thought impossible..such as airplanes.
2015-10-05 8:11 am
Not now, probably never.
2015-10-05 8:08 am
2015-10-08 11:12 pm
If there was, we wouldn't be able to see it
2015-10-07 5:23 pm
Matter can never approach the velocity of light. Mass of matter increases geometrically and becomes infinite at light s velocity. Obviously, it s impossible to accelerate to that velocity or near it. Even a fraction of light s velocity demands so much fuel that a ship cannot carry it and accelerate it too. There is the huge problem of containing and directing hydrogen fusion or antimatter-matter reaction that are the only sources of power strong enough for such usage.
2015-10-07 4:17 pm
Not yet.
2015-10-07 8:01 am
Unless you can make a spaceship which is made of light then that is not going to happen.

If you read up on some relativity straight forward physics you will find out that you would need an infinite amount of energy to accelerate anything with mass to the speed of light. Consider the complexity and the size of the CERN particle accelerator which is designed to accelerate protons to very close to the speed of light. The mass of a proton in just 1.6 x 10^-27kg.
2015-10-07 12:03 am
no and there most likely never will be
2015-10-06 9:55 pm
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is the key to understanding this particular question. Any reference on the subject (and I'm sure there are loads of them written for a wide range of students) will have some discussion on this. Briefly, to make an object accelerate from rest to any speed, we must expend some energy (by using a rocket engine, say). For low speeds (much less than the speed of light --- 186,000 miles per second; all all humans have traveled only at very slow speeds compared to that of light), an increase in the energy expended results in a reasonable increase in the speed of the object. However, as the SR theory says, when the object is traveling at very large speeds (= a considerable fraction of the speed of light), then an additional expenditure of energy will not result in as large an increase in speed as it would have at lower speeds. In other words, we have to expend quite a bit of energy to increase the speed by only a little bit, if the rocket ship is already traveling fast. If the rocket ship is traveling at 95% of the speed of light, a trememdous amount of energy will be necessary to make it travel at 96% the speed of light. In trying to make it travel at the speed of light, we would need to expend an infinite amount of energy --- in other words, we can't make it travel at the speed of light.
Now, every space ship, or other plane, etc., has traveled at a speed very small compared to light, so you might be wondering how we know the Special Relativity Theory is correct (why should we believe it without evidence?). Although, we have never made any large object (like a space ship) travel at a considerable fraction of light speed, experimental particle physicists are constantly making electrons and the like travel at speeds like 99% of the speed of light in particle accelerators. These accelerators only work properly because they are constructed obeying the laws of Special Relativity. To make the electrons accelerate, when they are already at 90% of the speed of light, does indeed take quite a bit more energy than would a comparable speed change when they are only moving at 10% of the speed of light. Special Relativity theory appears correct, in detail, even under the extreme speed conditions of a particle accelerator.

Is there a chance that we may be able to go the speed of light sometime in the future?

Since Special Relativity theory appears correct even under the extreme speed conditions of a particle accelerator, it is unlikely we will ever find a way to travel through space at a speed greater than (or even equal to) the speed of light. However, if your goal is to get from one place to another distant place in a time less than it would take to get there by normal space travel (at a speed less than light), there may be some way to get from one place to another without traveling "through the intervening space", by going through some sort of wormhole or other tunnel, but at the moment such ideas are nearly entirely speculative --- any progress in such a possiblility (if it's even possible), would have to occur in the future. But people are looking into it. An interesting reference on that would be Kip Thorne's book "Black Holes and Time Warps" which was published last year (I think).
Einstein said that if something could travel at light speed its mass would duplicate. How could it be?

Actually, here's the way it should be said: energy and mass are related. If you set up a "black box" (box you can't see into) containing some atoms, the total mass of the box and its contents will be equal to the sum of the mass of the box and mass of the individual atoms in the box. If you heat the box to a high temperature (so the atoms are moving around at high speed in the box, and thus have high energy), then the total mass of the box and its contents will be larger than if the temperature of the box is lower. Why? Because, the higher energy atoms contribute more mass to the total mass than before the box was heated. So, if you try to push on the box, you will discover that its inertia will be larger (it won't accelerate as quickly).
In a practical setup of this box containing gas, the actual change in inertia of the box (due to heating it) will be small. But, in principle, if the atoms are made to move at speeds nearing the speed of light, the mass of the box can be made very large --- even approaching infinity.
2015-10-06 7:48 pm
Not yet
2015-10-06 3:15 pm
no it is not possible in reality a speed breaking the rate 186000 miles/second or 300000 meters/second...but a man can make a space ship only 10 miles per second!
2015-10-06 2:17 am
2015-10-06 2:03 am
No but there's man made airplanes that can break the sound barrier.
2015-10-06 1:31 am
2015-10-05 10:13 pm
Ever heard of the word Astrophysics?
2015-10-05 9:30 pm
No yet, but hopefully one day...
2015-10-05 9:16 pm
Nothing can - not man-made nor otherwise...
2015-10-05 4:54 pm
nope, it is not possible
2015-10-05 3:57 pm
2015-10-05 2:50 pm
2015-10-05 1:56 pm
No, not even close
2015-10-05 10:21 am
No because that is just impossible.
2015-10-05 8:08 am
Only in our man-made imagination. Nothing has been moved to that great a speed.
2015-10-05 6:22 pm
2015-10-05 8:15 am
no cost a fortune we make nuclear weapons though we can kill some body that might/ does duh
2015-10-05 11:17 pm
Yes, however it is not visible since it travels at the speed of light.

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