i have really thick hair how do i make it thin?

2015-10-05 4:20 am

回答 (106)

2015-10-05 9:12 pm
I have the same problem as you. Although I am just 12 I think I will have a great solution as this is what I regularly do to keep mine thinner (not exceptionally thin) and easier to take care of.

When you go to the hairdressers ask for a side fringe, this will thin out some of the hair from the top side of your head, depending on which side obvs. Then ask for it to be layered, if you don't like the look of layers like me ask for them to be hidden. Next, if they are kind ask them to style it for the rest of your day, a French plait across the front of my head suits my hair and my hair is very similar to yours so I imagine it would suit you too.

Surprisingly washing your hair often is bad for your hair, I tend to wash my hair 2-3 times a week, my friend washes hers every day - not commenting -. Also, washing your hair daily will make your hair dead on the ends and it may return thick quicker.

I reccomend you go to the hairdressers around every 2 months.

Hope I helped!! Xxx
2015-10-05 10:08 am
Thick hair is wonderful! However if you really want to make it thinner you can just go to a hair parlour and tell the person who will be cutting your hair to make it thin. They know how to do thinning.
2015-10-05 7:40 am
Umm trust me you do NOT want thin hair. You will have enough of it once you get older. People are trying to thicken there hair. Thick hair means health hair
2015-10-07 4:24 pm
You shouldn't try to make it thin, thick hair is most beautiful, I used to worry about this too, I also wanted my hair to be thin, and I learned the hard way that thick hair is so much nicer, as you grow, your hair falls out anyways and with get thinner sooner of later. Enjoy your thick hair while you still have it. Most people that have thin hair really wish their hair were thicker. If you have thick hair your hair will fall out later than someone who has thin hair. I love thick healthy hair and I wish my hair was how it used to be, healthy, strong, thick, and long. LOVE your thick hair!!:)
2015-10-06 12:27 am
You technically can't make the individual strands of thick hair thinner, but there are ways to reduce the weight of your hair and overall volume:
1) get a layered or U-shaped haircut
2) If you don't have one, try out a fringe or bangs that suit your face shape, this will reduce the amount of hair in the back.
3) try to use an oil based/natural shampoo - the oils will coat your hair making it appear flat and smooth, reducing volume.

Keep your hair healthy and happy :) you don't want your hair to fall to make it thinner. Maybe grow your hair out longer. Long hair looks very nice when it is thick.
2015-10-05 9:05 am
Thick hair is Great!! Appreciate it.. Everyone wants thick hair. Thin hair looks limp and dead and has no volume
2015-10-14 2:14 pm
Lucky you! Yet, anything in excess is a trouble, even hair. Avoid layers completely. You could ask your stylist to cut bangs or fringes to ease out the thickness. French braids look great on thick hair. Wash your hair only two or three times a week. Natural oils of scalp keep hair manageable. They may become unmanageable with excessive shampooing that leads to dryness with the removal of natural oils. Try Keranique shampoo for excellent hair manageability.
2015-10-05 4:34 am
Keep getting perms or a silk presses
2015-10-07 9:42 pm
It is good that you have thick hair. However, having too much of anything is not good. Here is one idea that you can do to thin your hair. Ask your stylist to use shears: Instead of getting the typical haircut with scissors, ask your stylist to use shears to thin out your hair. With this tool, hairstylists can take out some of the heavy volume of thick hair as they cut, giving you a thinner look overall. Another alternative if you really do not want to cut your hair is to just accept you hair. Remember having thick hair is much better than having thin hair. When you thin out your hair it will change the physicality and health of your hair. Choose your options wisely and be careful of who you allow to do your hair. From past stories I have heard not every hair professional cuts professionally! I hope that helps and good luck.
2015-10-05 6:04 pm
I had thick hair, and hated it. Then got it thinned out and layers cut into it.... worst mistake ever! I regret it now
2015-10-05 10:25 am
Run scissors down your hair shaft with the scissors open but not so much that they're closed its best to do it when its pin straight i used to thin mine if i ever felt it was too thick.
2015-10-05 6:12 am
Hi, you can go to a hair salon and they have these special scissors that they use to thin your hair
2015-10-05 7:49 am
First off you are so lucky to have thick hair mines is on the thinner side. But I do know u can ask your hairstylist to thin it out a bit
2015-10-26 6:13 am
Chop them off! Ask your hairstylist for a suitable short haircut. This will help you manage them better. If you want to keep your hair long, you could tie them in braids or high ponytail. Fringes and bangs are for you lady! Make sure you keep your tresses well conditioned to prevent them going wild. Straight, thick hair look awesome when kept loose.
參考: Your Beauty Advisor
2015-10-11 3:42 pm
thick hair is beautiful and most people would die for it but if you are unhappy then here are a few ways to thin it out...
1. boots sell really good thinning shampoo's and conditioners, they are really cheap and effective!
2. many places like boots and superdrug sell thinning scissors, they are half scissor and half comb all you do is go up and down you hair and it thins and layers it, plus they are only cheap!!
3.blow dry your hair, it makes it light and thin!
4.wash it regularly!
2015-10-11 3:19 pm
go to the hair dressers and get it thinned out
2015-10-11 3:43 am
You can get it thinned out at a salon.
2015-10-10 7:42 pm
Mine is thick as well to the point that even my hairdresser is impressed whenever i go. DO NOT use shears. I used to but it damages the hair. Let it grow out since it will weigh down and therefore will not be as 'poof' as before. Also, whenever I wash it I let it air dry cause the blower does 'poof' it [sry about the poof word but no better word is coming to mind]. Then when it's dry i lay for about 15 minutes on my pillows on the right, left and middle side and that helps it to stay in place. And whenever you feel bad about it, remember that there are people who have hair so thin that their scalp shows and i for one wouldnt want that
2015-10-10 1:02 pm
thick hair is good
2015-10-09 10:28 pm
Go to a salon, have them thin it out for you
2015-10-09 10:34 am
No. Thick hair is hair goals! People would die for that!
2015-10-09 6:36 am
2015-10-09 4:38 am
go to the solon
2015-10-09 1:25 am
come to california. the hard water here is making everyone's hair fall out..... RIP to my once super thick hair...
2015-10-08 10:24 pm
There is no way dude.
2015-10-08 6:32 pm
My friend has thick hair, so I kinda see where you're coming from. My hair gets thick when I brush it, but I have found that when I comb it then straighten it, my hair gets thinner. You could try that, and see if it works!
2015-10-08 5:01 pm
go to a beauty salon and ask them to straighten it
2015-10-08 3:16 pm
Perhaps a shave
2015-10-08 12:34 pm
Thinning can be done with thinning shears and it is and easy process.
2015-10-08 12:14 pm
get it thinned
2015-10-08 10:39 am
just tell your barber to thin it out
2015-10-08 9:07 am
A haircut with long layers.
2015-10-08 8:15 am
Lots of people want thick hair...
2015-10-08 2:42 am
thick hair is nice why would you want thin hair
2015-10-08 1:51 am
go and see a hairdresser and they'll thin it out for you
2015-10-08 12:58 am
Goto a cheap barber.
2015-10-08 12:28 am
Get it thinned
2015-10-07 10:06 pm
lol thick hair is amazing. you should be lucky you have it, because not many people have it. it's beautiful and gives your hair so much volume. ♥
2015-10-07 9:19 pm
well you can flat iron it or get it permanently get it flat ironed
2015-10-07 8:22 pm
NOOOOOOO DONT DO IT! trust me! I used to be like you and hated my thick curly hair and now I love and I will never change it! You will grow to love it. Please don't ruin your gorgeous hair!
2015-10-07 8:00 pm
Thin hair is crap why would you want that ? :/
2015-10-07 7:28 pm
everyone wants thick hairs
2015-10-07 2:40 pm
Normal razor u use for shaving legs does trick for me just use your head and fingers for the feel
2015-10-07 2:16 pm
perm and press
2015-10-07 2:16 pm
2015-10-07 5:00 am
you do not want thin hair
2015-10-07 4:39 am
why the **** would you want thinner hair? thinner hair is worse! be grateful!
2015-10-07 4:03 am
rejoice you have thick hair
2015-10-07 3:26 am
try ask jeeves
2015-10-07 12:48 am
Ask the hairdressers to thin it out using thinning scissors ????
2015-10-07 12:05 am
Straighten it
2015-10-06 11:47 pm
Visit Craig Hubert's shop in Essex. He will sort you out.
2015-10-06 11:45 pm
It should be choice, but to be decent shave !!!
2015-10-06 11:33 pm
2015-10-06 9:49 pm
Be Asian do what Michael Jackson did he turned from black to white and now whites can turn to Asian
2015-10-06 9:40 pm
when u go for hair cut get it layered and thinnered
2015-10-06 7:56 pm
Find a shampoo
2015-10-06 4:19 pm
Pluck it
2015-10-06 2:31 pm
don't !!!!!!
2015-10-06 1:25 pm
2015-10-06 10:18 am
some hairdressers have a way of cutting it and they use a tool that can make it look thinner.
2015-10-06 8:55 am
2015-10-06 4:46 am
Wash it
2015-10-06 3:49 am
I had the same problem so i went to my hair dresser to get it thinned out.
2015-10-06 1:28 am
go to hair salon
2015-10-06 12:45 am
Go to the salon and ask your hair to be cut in a way it feels lighter.Layers work for my hair
2015-10-05 11:59 pm
don't do, you're beautiful pretty amazing lol
2015-10-05 11:54 pm
go to a hair salon and ask the person who will cut your hair to make it thin
don't make it too thin though! (:
2015-10-05 11:49 pm
you dont need it thin thick hair is beautiful
2015-10-05 11:32 pm
My hair is extremely thick as well. I just keep my hair stretched (braided).
2015-10-05 10:56 pm
shear razor
2015-10-05 10:34 pm
I would kill to have thicker hair... It is a BLESSING . Appreciate while you still have it
2015-10-05 9:34 pm
2015-10-05 9:13 pm
Have children. You will be pulling out your hair wondering why you ever had them!
2015-10-05 7:56 pm
be thankful for thick hair
2015-10-05 5:06 pm
Thick hair is GORGEOUS! Keep it
2015-10-05 4:36 pm
thinning shears
2015-10-05 3:38 pm
shave your hair and buy a wig
2015-10-05 11:31 am
Get a layered cut
2015-10-05 10:47 am
hair thinnener
2015-10-05 6:31 am
2015-10-05 5:06 am
First you need to go Any parlor and choose your best hairstyler make some shining and state.
2015-10-05 4:27 am
A hairstylist can thin it out for you. BUT, there is no way to permanently do so. It will happen with age.
2015-10-05 4:21 am
you cant exactly change your genetics to make your hair thin, but you can go to your hair dresser and have your hair thinned. this should help with bulk and weight in your hair.
參考: Hair Dresser for the 6 years
2015-10-05 4:20 am
Try getting layers
2015-10-07 9:07 pm
2015-10-07 3:58 pm
If you have a lot of layers in your than just ask your hair stylist to thin it all out into one layer. It'll be short but thin.
2015-10-07 2:04 pm
Thinning sisiors.
2015-10-07 6:51 am
Thick hairs are awesome.I mean boys love it(at least i am). But everyone have their own reasons so if you really want your hairs thinner than you should contact your hairdresser as he/she knows how to deal with it.Thanks
2015-10-07 4:20 am
I had really thick hair as well and it was horrible. I bleached my hair a few times and it got thinner cause of the bleach in my hair (falling out) this happens with every dye. But how I mostly got rid of my thick hair was with a razor comb. It gives you layers, but only a little bit and it makes your hair thinner (did to me) you get get one online (Amazon or other sites) or at Sally's. And if you have a difficult time brushing your hair I suggest getting a detangler brush for thick hair.
2015-10-07 12:50 am
Make sure you find a good hairdresser. Having a good haircut can make a big difference! I had lots of problems with my hair before because it is very thick and it was really hard to find someone who knows how to deal with it.
I strongly recommend Janos from Janos Kiss Hair in Cremorne. (google their website)
They have a Facebook page as well, where you can see some of their works. Give it a try :)
good luck!
2015-10-06 4:50 pm
Thick hair is great. You can change your hair style any time and anywhere.I recommend you use condisionar after using shapmo.
2015-10-06 1:37 pm
You can't necessarily make it thin but next time you go to the hair salon for your normal trim get a thinning layerd haircut.
參考: Cosmetologist
2015-10-06 12:53 pm
You can make it not so thin by using moousse and run this through your hair when it was wet.
2015-10-06 5:44 am
I think thick hair is good..many people now a days suffering many problem due to thin hairs.Thick hair make u more beautiful...if you need thin hair you can use conditioner for making hair thin..so try it..
2015-10-06 5:38 am
If you have thick hair, it is good. But you want thin hair so you can use conditioner after hair wash because conditioner makes your hair straight and also reduce the volume of hair not quantity of hair. You can also use conditioner thing Like plain curd, Heena it also make your hair silky and straight.
2015-10-06 2:37 am
set it on fire
2015-10-06 1:37 am
I made a really stupid decision thinning my hair and I regret it. If you have thick hair it means its healthy.
2015-10-06 12:25 am
Thick hair is great! The only way to do that is by damaging it
2015-10-05 10:05 pm
If you have really thick hair, making it straight won't be easy. You can't just make it straight at at second, it requires some time and dedication. You can start by washing your hair properly and keeping it as untangled as possible, I like to use avocado puree with oil on my hair because avocado has a lot of vitamins and it will make it softer and thinner. You can straight it sometimes, but be warned that it damages your hair. I don't straight my hair because I have curls but it is soft, so I prefer to keep my hair natural. You can do that too by just keeping your hair healthy and untangled and clean and you will see the results! I hate to straight my hair, it doesn't work with me and I think it is not beneficial at all, but If you wished to do so. You can decide which side! good luck!
2015-10-05 7:00 pm
Why would you want thin hair?! It sucks! But if you really want it. That's your business. You can't really make your hair thin without damaging it....
參考: Hair stylist in training :)
2015-10-05 4:19 pm
Thick hair is better than thin. :)
2015-10-05 5:43 am
Thick hair is a fortune.
2015-10-06 1:07 pm
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The best apply teeth whitening gel will be "Tresemme twenty four Hour or so Physique Building Apply Gel".

We have experimented with several, which includes extremely costly brand names. This place will be definitely, the best.

Apply consistently around head of hair, together with the particular mousse you might have utilized previously.

Turn your mind ugly which means your head of hair will be proper facing see your face. Acquire the particular bath towel you needed on your own brain once you received out from the bathtub, and also put it to use to be able to scrunch upwards nice hair. While using the bath towel is probably the finest actions you can take. It's going to run dry virtually any excessive h2o and also merchandise, concurrently since functioning the item properly directly into nice hair.

Keep on achieving this and soon you notice nice hair straightening upwards alone.

Turn your mind again above.

This kind of subsequent idea will be the one that I really do, Nevertheless, you can easily omit that without sufficient time. Acquire nice hair and also number that upwards in to a huge chaos at the top of one's brain. Sort of input it in the "wet sloppy bun" and also work with a huge head of hair show to be able to flag the particular head of hair with each other in opposition to your mind. Apply together with a tad bit more apply teeth whitening gel, and also hold out 15-30 moments. The particular more time an individual hold out, the particular stronger the curls can keep. This may established nice hair.

As i mentioned, it is possible to entirely omit this kind of portion, yet easily feel planning to get a night time out, and possess previously designed time out there to get all set, however merely carry out my own make-up although Now i'm holding out. Basic!
參考: www.reactbd.com
2015-10-05 10:07 am
Thick hair is a fortune. it's good
2015-10-05 4:33 am
Getting layers helps. If you have curly hair I'd suggest putting flax seed gel in it. I have really curly hair and it's layered and I put flax seed gel in it. The flax seed gel really helps to make it easier to brush through, not frizzy, and to not look as thick.
2015-10-05 4:26 am
There are special scissors that hair dressers use for layering and thinning out hair. I have the same issue and get it thinned out on the ends every time I go there. Other than that, idk what to tell you.
2015-10-05 4:21 am
You could go you a hairdresser and ask them to thin it out. It really work, my hair has been thinned twice and it is still pretty thick.
2015-10-05 5:54 am
Balding is created by numerous reasons, for example, lack of healthy sustenance, ailment, strain and other well being issues. Hand crafted cures can treat male pattern baldness. Home made solutions for decreasing the male pattern baldness: Massage with olive oil before going to bed around evening time and next morning, wash off the hair delicately. Take a few leaves of henna and bubble them into mustard oil. Back rub of this readied oil is exceptionally viable to treat male pattern baldness. Ground well seeds of dark pepper and lime to make a glue. It is helpful for the treatment of sketchy hair sparseness. Wash hair consistently with chilly and clean water. Subsequent to washing the hair rub the scalp with fingertips well. It is a straightforward way and helpful cure against hair loss.Take a couple drops of coconut drain and back rub of this milk into the foundations of hair all bit of the scalp. In the event that one needs to develop hair, trim the hair at regular intervals. Maintain a strategic distance from sharp clasps, tight elastic groups and spiky brushes. Never brush the hair when it is wet. Don't over brush the hair.

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