tricks your dog knows?

2015-09-30 4:11 am
Just a fun poll :). My boy Panda knows The Basics Sit,Lay,Stay,Come,Leave it. Sulky commands Whoa,walk,trot,mush,easy,pull. And random commands Spin,through (figure eight through my legs) up and circle (circle around me). We are currently working on agility commands.

回答 (24)

2015-09-30 4:43 am
My Rough Collie Atticus (8 1/2 months) knows Sit, Down, Stay, Wait, Heel, On, Off, Watch Me, Stand, High Five, Shake, Back Up, Leave It. When he reaches the year mark and we can start looking into sports I'll be training him in Agility and seeing about local herding clubs :)

This is my boy Atticus :)
2015-09-30 7:54 am
my dogs can sit, that is all but still impressive to me for two dogs who are very wild
2015-09-30 4:43 am
New pup's only been in my possession for about a month, so we're still working on the basics. He is good at making eye contact and targeting my hand on command. He kennels up on command, has a decent (not proofed) recall, heeling is getting there, his down is pretty fast but his sit needs work, he holds a good stay in most circumstances. He has been introduced to the dumbbell but that is on the back burner, and he's learned a few things about body awareness through the "all four" game (get all four feet in/on whatever I indicate) as well as one lesson on "roll over" because I was bored that day.
2015-09-30 4:21 am
Basics: Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Leave It and we are working on heel.
Other Commands: Wait, Off, Back Up, Give, Stand Up ( standing on hind legs), High Five and we will be begin some basic agility next summer.

My Chihuahua has learned most of these withing 2 to 5 mins and can learn a new command once a week. Oh she is also not a barker and is 100% house broken!
2016-02-17 5:10 am
It's the owner that needs to learn how to train the dog, so sending it away to be trained means it will work for the trainer, but when it gets home the owner will probably do everything wrong and the dog will not respond correctly. Learn how to train your dog obedience

Part of the fun in having a well trained dog is learning to train it correctly yourself. That is also the most rewarding. Some people send dogs away for specialist training, like sheep herding, protection work or gundog training, but even then, that is the lazy way out and good trainers do their own training to get what they want from their own dogs.

However it is always more productive to train your dog under a good instructor, especially if you are not experienced
2015-10-05 5:55 am
I have my two Shih Tzu's sit and then I say, Teddy & Zoey what do Oklahoma Sooner fans look like after their team is beat by Oklahoma State in football, I snap my finders and they both fall over and play dead.
2015-10-03 9:34 pm
My dog knew the basics. Sit, down, roll over, speak, shake, stay, come, GET EM. But my favorite was hide and seek!
2015-10-03 6:21 am
My 1-1/2 yr old Chorkie knows stay, sit, sit pretty, lay down, leave it (meaning not to touch something that's fallen, such as a pill), not yet (holding a treat in front of them and them not grabbing it until you say okay), turn around, high 5 (with each paws), high 10 (both paws at the same time), shake (with each paw), crawl, jump over a specific item, jump on something, beg (by touching her paw on me).
2015-10-02 11:40 pm
Sit lol
2015-10-02 10:20 pm
I've rescued my puppy a month ago and he knows sit n lay down! Im proud of that its my 1st dog
2015-10-02 8:42 pm
My dog knows how to ride a skateboard. -Leslie
2015-10-02 3:56 pm
Come here and get your ball, that's it.
2015-10-02 11:48 am
Roll over
2015-10-02 7:42 am
My boxer can sit, lay downn, speak, give me both his paws and also hold treats and toys on his nose!
2015-10-02 5:41 am
Sit & eat.
2015-10-02 5:25 am
The basics. Sit, lay down, heel(come), wait, stay...He knows up (Standing on his hind legs and sometimes jumps), jumping through hoops, speak, shush, playing dead until i give him cpr..He gives high fives if he's not paying attention otherwise He acts like he doesn't know what you want...He knows gentle. Which means to be gentle around babies or something fragile. That's about it.
2015-10-02 5:15 am
Hide and seek
2015-10-02 5:08 am
Sit, lay down, high five, and fetch (sometimes)

Nothing very impressive ^_^
2015-10-01 7:30 pm
he knows this way. Left and right. My side your side. Find teddy. Find squeaker. Swim in the water. But as for tricks he has his own. when there is tasty food around he will pretend there is someone at the door and bark. We will go to see who it was. When we realise there is no one there.. It's too late he has already stole the food haha x
2015-10-01 2:15 pm
My KC Registered Border Collie Female Dog (2 years old) knows the basic commands like Sit, Lie Down/Down, Sit pretty, High five, Shake, Stand, Play Fetch, Roll Over, Play Dead (with bark), Growl, Back Up, Cross paws, Speak, Heel, Spin, Leave it, Yawn, Touch, Bark, Take it, Bring it, Stay, Crawl, Wave and Bow.

She also knows- Limp, the walking Handstand, Weave between legs, Jump into my arms, Bring tissue, Jump through a hoop, put 4 paws into a tiny box, Rebound, Leap over something, Footstall, Act ashamed, Put toys away, Bring something to you, Naughty dog trick (go to the corner), close doors, put money into a piggy bank, light switch on and off, roll over in a blanket and go to sleep, Blow bubbles and right now I'm teaching her Backstall. More tricks are planning to come :)

She just loves performing these tricks and teaching her more :)

I also have a KC registered female Border collie puppy (4 months old) but she only knows sit, lie down, sit pretty and put toys away so far :)
2015-10-01 8:42 am
Roll over
Twirl (stands on hind legs, spins)
Spin (all paws on the floor)
High five
Get it! (gets what I point to - usually one of her toys or a stray treat)

Those are the tricks,not the basic obedience type things like sit/stay/come/leave it/down etc etc
2015-10-01 4:29 am
sit, down, chase his tale, stay, hand shake,
2015-09-30 5:08 pm
stay jump
2015-09-30 11:06 am
My dog knows both English and Vietnamese, my family speaks vietnamese so my dad talks to my dog in Vietnamese. In English, my dog knows sit (he only does sometimes), lay down (sometimes), no, stay, bad boy, good boy, come here (sometimes), cmon, lets go.
He also knows words, like when I say shower he barks at me because he hates showers, when I say time out he whimpers :)))
In vietnamese he knows sit and pray.

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