Can someone end up as a Sex Offender if they send an underage child a pornographic picture online?

2015-09-19 7:34 pm

回答 (7)

2015-09-19 7:35 pm
This scenario fits the description of a Sex Offender.
2015-09-19 7:37 pm
Hello Scotty,

Most definitely and so they should.

2015-09-19 8:18 pm
Of course they can. There are 18 year old high school kids registered as sex offenders for sending dick pics to their 17 year old girlfriends
2015-09-19 8:04 pm
2015-09-19 7:51 pm
Yes & they should. No adult should ever sent porn to a child.
2015-09-19 7:42 pm
2015-09-20 4:57 pm
That's really a very quick way

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