Can dogs eat chocolate?

2015-09-16 8:11 pm

回答 (67)

2015-09-17 12:10 am
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No it's highly poisonous and lethal - if you suspect your dog has eaten chocolate, take it to the vets IMMEDIATELY.
2015-09-16 8:16 pm
No. Chocolate is toxic to dogs.
2015-09-16 8:13 pm
2015-09-16 8:12 pm
參考: common knowledge for decades
2015-09-16 9:48 pm
Human chocolate, no. Dog chocolates contain mostly vanilla flavour and carob, they dont have any chocolate in.

Chocolate contains theobromine. It builds up in the liver, and it can be fatal. Its so toxic that cocoa husks are banned from the UK, they used to be sold in garden centres as a mulch and for horse riding arenas. But so many dogs died after eating it that it was banned.
2015-09-16 11:05 pm
2015-09-16 10:30 pm
2015-09-16 8:16 pm
no. They also can't eat grapes or onions
2015-09-16 10:16 pm
Dogs can and do eat poison, but that does not mean they should.

If you feed them properly and nothing else then you won't have any concerns will you.
2015-09-16 9:31 pm
No as chocolate is very toxic and can do a lot of harm to your dog.
參考: Its common sense
2015-09-21 1:18 pm
Yeah, but they die slowly then
2015-09-20 2:06 pm
Not if you want them to be truly healthy. Look up the 10 foods that dogs should never eat. Raisins for example are deadly for dogs. Take a moment to read the list. And no, do not give your dog chocolate. Not if you want a healthy dog.
2015-09-19 9:42 pm
It is very toxic to dogs.
There are many foods dogs cannot have. But grapes and chocolate are just a big no no for dogs in general.
My dog ate a chocolate cupcake at one time- he's small. Luckily he was not sick at all.
2015-09-19 6:07 pm
Chocolate is known to be toxic to dogs. If your dog has eaten chocolate, the first thing you should do is get your dog to vomit. Then maybe you won't need the vet visit.
2015-09-19 3:10 am
That is almost like asking if humans can eat rat poison. The answer is a resounding NOOOO!!
2015-09-18 12:15 pm
Chocolate is harmful to dogs. The reason people think it's not is because maybe their dog has eaten some milk chocolate and not had a reaction. Milk chocolate is not pure chocolate. If you were to give the dog dark chocolate it would be very dangerous. Milk chocolate in large amounts is also dangerous. But if you have a small dog it may not take alot of milk chocolate to be lethal to the dog. Don't let the dog have any chocolate. Dogs shouldn't have most human food.
2015-09-18 7:24 am
2015-09-17 10:41 pm
**** no
2015-09-17 11:49 am
I tried to feed my dog a piece of chocolate cupcake and the result, my dog became super hyper.
2015-09-17 12:44 am
2015-09-16 8:26 pm
2015-09-16 8:25 pm
I actually think chocolate can be poisonus for dogs so no
2015-09-16 8:17 pm
NONONO. It's toxic and can kill them.
2015-09-18 5:15 am
Dog will eat chocolate but can make them sick
2015-09-17 2:20 am
I feed my Saint Bernard chocolate and he lived a long time and he loved it.
2015-09-16 11:03 pm
No, it is very toxic to them. If your dog asks for chocolate when you eat it, you can buy chocolate for dogs that don't actually contain chocolate
2015-09-16 8:35 pm
Yes, they 'can' but it is very toxic to dogs & too much chocolate will kill a dog.
2015-09-18 8:26 pm
Not being funny but my dog eats chocolate all the time (by mistake obviously) like mini eggs at easter when we leave them out overnight, truffles at christmas etc. apparently its deadly but when we went to the vets last week they said he was in perfect health. Maybe my dog is just super human (well he is coz hes a dog)
2015-09-21 5:27 pm
Any intake of chocolate of more than half ounce per pound of dog's body weight it will cause high risk to dog due to chocolate poisoning.
2015-09-21 8:44 am
it is harmful to dog as directed my my vet and in my vet assisting books give your dog a small amount of peroxide and they will puke it up and will feel better
2015-09-20 7:50 pm
No! Never feed chocolate to dogs. The chemical in chocolate which gives humans the satisfactory feeling is highly toxic for dogs and cats. If you suspect your pet has eaten chocolate, take him to the vet. He will probably do a gastric lavage.
2015-09-20 1:39 pm
2015-09-20 2:39 am
The more dark/bitter the chocolate the more dangerous it is for dogs
2015-09-19 11:06 am
No... it it believed that anything "sweet"in taste if is eaten by dogs will cause irritation to them
2015-09-19 6:14 am
You can feed chocolate to your dog - if you want it to die.
2015-09-19 5:58 am
2015-09-19 1:03 am
2015-09-18 4:31 pm
2015-09-18 8:57 am
No its like poison to them
2015-09-18 7:10 am
Yes, they 'can' but it is very toxic to dogs & too much chocolate will kill a dog.
2015-09-18 5:21 am
It can be deadly! I highly suggest you take he/she to the vet ASAP if they have.
2015-09-18 4:57 am
toxic to most dogs a little will not kill but it can.
2015-09-18 1:36 am
2015-09-17 10:40 pm
NO NO NO! Human food is not good for animals, exspecially candy!
2015-09-17 10:13 pm
yes they can eat chocolate. no they should not eat chocolate.
2015-09-17 8:46 pm
Yes, if you want them to die.
2015-09-17 4:20 pm
2015-09-17 3:12 pm
2015-09-17 3:00 pm
2015-09-17 2:05 pm
Obviously not.. thats like rule 1
2015-09-17 1:21 pm
No don't give it to your dog
2015-09-17 9:10 am
Yes,but it is toxic to dog.
2015-09-17 8:38 am
nope nada
2015-09-17 5:37 am
NO that's one of the foods you should NEVER give your dog, and if he accidently eats some take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY! it's poisonous to them!
2015-09-17 3:40 am
2015-09-17 1:09 am
no can kill them
2015-09-17 1:06 am
definitely nooooooo!!!!!!!!
2015-09-16 8:24 pm
It isn't very good for them
2015-09-18 11:06 am
Yes, but it's not good for their skin and hair. Too much sweetness causes hair fall in dogs.
2015-09-17 9:44 pm
my dog doesnt mind chocolate
2015-09-17 12:52 pm
I don't think dogs can digest any kind of chocolate.
2015-09-17 4:26 am
2015-09-17 3:26 am
No,it's like a poison to them.EVEN though they'll beg for it,do not with a capital D
2015-09-18 2:45 pm
It depends. Some dogs are fine. When my brothers dog was a puppy he snuck into my room and ate probably 35 prices of chocolate and all the wrappers, not to mention several pieces of plastic bag. We didn't even know until the next day. He's fine.
2015-09-18 4:18 am
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its DEADLY if your dog ate it and you didnt remove it immediately in like 3 min she/he could die becasue it heats her/his organs to 400 degrese and the organs melt at that temp and she can also dehydrate and not be able to be hydrated even if pumped fluids but most importantly the organs melt and after melting she /he dies!!! its FACT. i called our vet once when my 9 pound poodle ate an entire chocolate bunny one year on easter and the vet said to spoon hydrogen peroxide into the dogs throat and MAKE him swallow it and it induces vomiting and do so in the yard and the dog will vomit up a color of foam and it all will come back up and the dog is gonna be fine. same for gum because it has a very very very very poisonius chemichal that starts with a z or x. and it does the same thing. dont feed onion or garlic bc it is a blood thinner and they are so small and produce so little blood to start with. tomatoes heat up the organs and kill them, so does grapes and raisons (raisons are grapes so same thing), any nut, cheese is too many calories. if you dont know look it up. never give any food to a pet unless you look up the food and gooogle to see if it is poisonous. if internet says its not poisonous to dog then you can feed a little but read how much. same for cats. cats have more things they cant eat. some things you can give dogs in moderation that cats cant eat at all.
2015-09-18 12:37 am
it depends on your dogs reaction to it. My dog once ate a bag of oreos, left unattended by my sister, and she was ok. when my mom buys a frappuchino from starbucks, she gives caramel or chocolate to my dog and she eats it and nothing happens, so it really depends on your dog, not every dog will die by eating chocolate
2015-09-17 11:41 pm
yes its fine my dog eats chocolate since she was a puppy and is as healthy as can be and my vet says its fine the whole chocolate being bad is a myth it depends on the dog like humans can die from eating chocolate so can certain dogs

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