My forehead is really big?

2015-09-16 7:07 am
My forehead is huge! It's a 5 head or maybe even 6 head. I HATE IT SO MUCH. I don't look good in any photo and it really makes me want to cry. (I'm 14 & a girl) every time I see myself I just feel bad. I hate my huge forehead and I've always have. But now I hate it even more cause I'm in high school with lots of pretty girls. Any tips?? I'm thinking of getting bangs but I'm not sure. And tips on how to make myself feel better about myself cause when I see myself in photos, my mood completely changes cause I'm so ugly with it. Honestly if I didn't have a forehead that big, I would actually be pretty.

回答 (41)

2015-09-17 6:26 pm
First of all, I bet you aren't ugly at all but there no such thing as ugly! Everyone is gorgeous! Secondly, I thought my forehead was too big and now I have a bang and I will change this hairstype to another one because it lookseems freaking good on me! I love it and I think I look less bad now! I would prefer a bang! I didn't think I would like it but after I got my hair done, I loved it!
2015-09-19 11:10 pm
front bangs!!!
And its probably not even close to 5 inches. if it was your forehead would literally end halfway down the back of your head. your forehead is probably average, at the most its a centimeter or more larger then normal. You only think that its that big because its your own, everyone has insecurities. All those 'pretty' girls in your highschool worry about their looks as much as you. So don't worry about it. And if your super desperate about the photos you can you can always use alittle bit of photoshop. Even beyonce does that and shes flawless
2016-12-16 8:40 am
I Have A Big Forehead
2016-03-15 6:28 pm
We are both in the exact same situation; I get bullied because of my forehead aswell. I don't get bullied as much anymore, I used to wear my hair like yours but I tried hairstyles that made a big difference. I either let my hair down and tuck it behind my ears, wear it in a middle/side parting and bobbypin my bangs (that have kinda grown out) to the side on both sides then pull on it to make it looser (if that makes sense) i still slightly struggle when i want to put my hair in a ponytail or bun but if I have to then I'll make it really loose and pull out baby hairs around my face (especially around my forehead) and pull the front of my hair really loosely so it kind of sits over my forehead a little. Just stay away from hairstyles that are going to make your forehead appear big. Honestly I don't even think yours is that big but if you're really insecure then there are some tips hope I helped!!
2015-09-17 7:42 pm
Get some bangs, it's amazing what a good haircut will do to help your confidence.
2015-09-17 5:02 pm
I say bangs. I used to be really insecure about my forehead so I got fringe/swoop bangs and I wouldn't go out without my bangs styled. I say get bangs straight down or the swoopy kind. which ever kind you like better.
2015-09-16 7:09 am
Bangs. Trust me, you won't regret it.
2015-09-17 11:21 pm
When you look at yourself, all you see is your forehead. When other's look at you, they see your beautiful eyes and smile, your breasts, your legs, everything. They don't let one feature define you, so you shouldn't let one feature define you. If you think you'd be pretty if you didn't have a big forehead, think of yourself as a pretty girl with a big head, not as a girl that would be pretty with a smaller forehead.
And grow out some bang. Wear hats.
2015-09-17 2:52 pm
My friends and I used to call them mellon heads
2017-02-27 4:40 pm
Personally I like guys with reduced hair. I don't mind it becoming a little long like 3-4 in . (maybe a little longer) as lengthy as it's styled in a great way.
2017-01-21 6:17 pm
Medium duration hair because it is easy to handle and you can still do most of the hairstyles
2016-10-04 9:20 pm
Large Forehead
2015-09-21 2:26 pm
get bangs/fringe
2015-09-21 2:50 am
Don't worry a lot of girls in high school wear makeup remember it's 2015 and our generation sucks at least we have technology
2015-09-20 10:39 pm
Tyra Banks is notorious for her huge forehead, yet it is hard to deny her beauty. Rhianna, Angelina Jolie, Christina Ricci, and so on, are also consider beautiful and known for big foreheads. So learn to accept it, realize that it doesn't make you any more or less beautiful than anyone else. No one really cares except for the people you don't want to have in your life anyway. So find a way to make it work for you, rather than comparing yourself and aspiring to unrealistic expectations. Stop magnifying and exaggerating your features in your mind, as well as passing negative judgments about them that reinforce you perception. Insecurity in women is just as unattractive to guys as lack of confidence in men turns off women. If you have to, "fake it until you make it." Striving for someone else's idea of beauty, and imitating other's looks rather than portraying your own beauty, might give you satisfaction in the short term, but will leave you unsatisfied in the long run and keep you endlessly seeking unattainable beauty.
2015-09-20 9:05 pm
get some bangs, they can easily hide a forehead
2015-09-20 2:16 am
You can contour your forehead to look smaller but personally I find big foreheads beautiful famous supermodels like Tyra banks have large foreheads and there was even periods in time where woman would shave the hairline back to make their foreheads look bigger!
2015-09-20 12:50 am
Urgh I used to have the exact same problem! I tried having a fringe/bangs yes it did cover my forehead a bit but as soon as I went out side my hair would blow all over the place and I was back to square one again! I also didn't like having bangs so I decided to use abit of makeup not much and hardly noticeable! There are plenty of videos on YouTube and online which can show you how to contour I'd definitely check them out before chopping your hair! Hope this helped
2015-09-19 11:54 pm
that means you're intelligent :)
2015-09-19 11:36 pm
Aww, sweetheart, don t spend another moment concerned about this!! The only reason you are dissatisfied with your forehead is because right now everyone is wearing a side-swept bangs and other styles which show a lot of brow, and for those of us with higher foreheads, it s really not that flattering.

Absolutely get bangs! You ll be thrilled with the look, and you can wear them just forever. They never completely go out of style, they just alter a wee bit every few years in the latest "how to wear them" style.

I do hope you update this and tell us how you feel with bangs! :-)
2015-09-19 6:30 pm
2015-09-19 12:52 am
Consider gettting hair cut with bangs (or 'fringe') to hide the forehead.
2015-09-19 12:51 am
I have one too! bangs would make it look a whole lot better! I know so many girls with huge foreheads, so don't be ashamed! Your beautiful the way you are.
2015-09-18 9:05 pm
2015-09-18 12:20 pm
Most super models have regal huge foreheads look at Calvin Klein models or Victoria secrets models
2015-09-18 2:06 am
i think you are worng.your forehead is not big.
2015-09-18 1:20 am
i have the same problem so i totally understand you! i just got front bangs to cover it up but then i didnt like it very much so i got side bigs and i loved it. As i got older i have learned to accept it and its not so bad anymore. :)
2015-09-17 4:51 pm
Just go for a hairstyle that suits your face type and covers your forehead.
2015-09-17 3:58 pm
Bangs will make it look shorter
2015-09-17 9:00 am
i guess go for bangs
2015-09-17 4:27 am
Are you Brendon Urie???
2015-09-17 1:05 am
Try getting a bang
2015-09-16 3:42 pm
I understand I hate my forehead so i have bangs to cover them up and they make me feel better, you can try getting bangs:)
2015-09-16 7:14 am
I'm a guy and I really hate my forehead aswell even though my friends say it's not big, I think it is. What I did was I let my bangs grow out to cover it up.
2015-09-16 7:09 am
It doesnt matter how your forehead is just make sure your hair suits you.
2015-09-19 6:50 pm
Tyra banks has a 5 head and she's obviously gorgeous. "Flaws" aren't always bad honestly, sometimes they add character in a good way. Giselle, one of the highest paid supermodels has a honkey nose and she's also very beautiful. So... Don't worry about it. Your forehead is never going to change and you might as well accept it and love yourself flaws and all. Don't think of it as a defect, think of it as something that makes you unique. Though it does take time to like your perceived flaws and a bit of mental work (being positive about it, reminding yourself about the above) it's worth it.
2015-09-18 9:45 pm
My hairdresser recommended I always have a fringe (bangs) so I have followed her advice for the last 30 years :). People will look at your personality much more than your forehead - and hey, a big forehead implies lots of brains ;)
2015-09-18 1:16 am
It doesn't matter if you have a big forehead if you can give a good head
2015-09-17 5:35 pm
2015-09-16 7:08 am
Read all >>

check the 1st and 2nd green linkz>>>>
2015-09-18 4:32 am
I know plenty of people with big foreheads, it's a super common thing, I would try not to worry about it too much. I have tons of things that I'm really insecure about, but you just have to learn to realize that that is who you are, and you can't really change it. If it absolutely drives you crazy, try contouring. People make themselves look completely different with that. I would recommend Lorac pro contour pallete , and go on Pinterest and look up contouring and figure out how you should do it based on your face shape. Or, you could get bangs, which are so cute! But overall I think the best way is just to learn to love yourself. Try to surround yourself with people that make you feel better instead of worse, although I know how difficult that can be. Also, look up some Sadie Robertson videos. I'm not sure if you're Christian, but she is so great!! Good luck!!

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