Comebacks when someone calls you fake over the Internet?

2015-09-12 8:12 pm
Sick of people calling me fake over the Internet after looking at my pictures. Can I get some witty comebacks for those pricks?

回答 (4)

2015-09-12 8:18 pm
stop being fake then..
2015-09-12 8:26 pm
Hello Alaska,

How about these?

1) Some people will always have something to say and nothing to contribute.

2) Just because you’ve chosen a label for me doesn’t mean I’ve chosen to wear it

3) Happy, secure people have no need to put others down..

4. I don’t understand people who hate their lives enough to criticize everyone around but not enough to fix their own.

2015-09-12 8:25 pm
"You assume I actually care what some anonymous troll thinks, lol".
2015-09-12 8:17 pm
just say "at least my eyebrows are real"

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