Within many English dialects, it is common to pronounce the word ‘butter’ using a /d/ sound rather than a /t/ sound. This is an example of?

2015-08-30 8:31 pm
Within many English dialects, it is common to pronounce the word ‘butter’ using a /d/ sound rather than a /t/ sound. This is an example of ___________?

回答 (4)

2015-08-30 8:50 pm
In American English there is no virtually no distinction between saying "butter" and "budder." So, yes, there are dialects within English where t will sound like d in a word like "butter."
2015-08-30 8:37 pm
Hello Bentarzi,

I am British and it is extremely rare that I hear someone pronounce butter as 'budder', although I know a few people do pronounce it as budder.

2015-08-30 10:38 pm
I'm not sure exactly what the question is looking for, but "lenition" is one correct answer.
2015-08-30 8:33 pm
No idea of the official name, but the Brother's Grimm identified it.

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