"什麼人玩什麼鳥" 英文怎麼說?

2015-07-25 5:06 pm
先聲明: 我是真的想知道這句話怎麼說比較有趣?




回答 (9)

2015-07-26 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. short version:
People and their pets are telltales of each other.

2. long version:
People and the kind of pets they keep are telltales of each other.

2015-07-29 00:45:20 補充:
1. 中文"什麼人玩什麼鳥"會讓人爆笑嗎?未必。(好像鄙夷口氣居多)實際如何,應配所指何人何事。而非這句話而已。

2. 我只有看題目翻譯,沒有受到任何影響。出題者無需望文生義,隨性猜測。

3. 個人認為題目中的人和鳥/寵物應該保持,自然延伸意涵。就像豬羊變色,堅持要有動物。
2015-07-26 9:05 am
I'll just say, "You are what you are."
2015-07-29 7:29 pm
A long long long pause of silence.

What options do I have for this dilemma ?

A. Put to the vote - anyone who voted should pay $10 first to ensure that they're serious.
B. Make my own pick
C. Shutdown the question - now that will ruin the fun
D. any other comment ?
2015-07-26 10:39 am
For" Metaphor":-comparison between two unlike things:-
eg:-Everyone has his own way of doing thing:-"one=own"
eg:-A man is what a man plays:-"man=man"
what is a pronoun, which thing ; that which thing; adj.=which; whatever is a pronoun=anything which; of what kind of "bird" it may be.

For "Parallelism" is better in usage in expression:-is the use of balanced words, expressions and sentences together
eg:-the ideas of heat and cold, light and darkness, white and black, motion and rest cannot be as "intrigue" as an underhand plot; secret love affair by hand,carry on "intrigue" as in
eg:-What man is played by what bird (figuratively).

2015-07-27 03:34:02 補充:
eg:-What man sex by what bird (figuratively).

2015-07-30 02:29:51 補充:
To make a Kookie referral:-Dolly, Game, Rare, Song;eg:-What man fvcks what song bird (figuratively).
2015-07-26 7:18 am


People's thoughts and conducts vary from one to another.

Everybody has his own way of doing things.

Individuals get various extents to reach.

2015-07-26 23:39:32 補充:
Man is judged by what he takes the most interest in.
參考: 羅莉 - 語意表達
2015-07-26 6:09 am
先聲明: 我是真的想知道這句話怎麼說比較有趣?


A man is what a man does.
A man is what a man eats.
A man is what a man plays.
A man is what a man pets.


A girl is what a girl flies.


2015-07-26 03:20:51 補充:

You are what you befriend with.

2015-07-27 06:25:26 補充:
No feedback from kookie? Unusual indeed.

2015-07-28 19:59:35 補充:
> 第一位答題者 Prisoner,顯然影響了後續的回答者。

優質解答影響深遠 那也是當然的話.
立言 立言 立言 是3不朽 本尊當然是 粉脂班中狀元 了吧!

2015-07-28 20:02:20 補充:
> 在此之前,我從沒想過這句話和 "什麼人玩什麼鳥" 可以有連繫。

The best answer is not only to quench your thirst for answers but also open up your mind for more.

Come to mama, you cutie.

2015-07-28 20:24:03 補充:
> 發問者有選擇最佳的特權,目前的答題者讓我頗為難

有特權 就有責任. 我當然瞭解為神是"答題者"而不是"答案"讓妳頗為難
我相信妳知道 "答題者"之中 有誰是投票部隊長.

So, I would give you a fair warning - I would remove my answer if you submit your question for votes. I have no interest in voting games as you said "什麼人玩什麼鳥"

2015-07-29 20:50:02 補充:



Try this:

A man is who a man fvcks with.

2015-07-26 1:23 am
> 這句話是中性,正面,或負面?

2015-07-26 12:18 am

2015-07-28 5:03 pm
我原先以為會有暴笑的說法出現。第一位答題者 Prisoner,顯然影響了後續的回答者。不瞞各位,我是喜歡戲謔的表達。但也不希望因此而左右了答題者。

A man is what a man does. 讓我想到阿甘正傳 (Forrest Gump) 的名言。
"stupid is as stupid does",在此之前,我從沒想過這句話和 "什麼人玩什麼鳥" 可以有連繫。


2015-07-29 18:22:49 補充:
我從未將發問交付投票的記錄,所以不用擔心。 我想看看是不是有其他的答題者或意見出現,

以前的天津人喜歡溜鳥,所以也有了 "什麼人玩什麼鳥",這句俚俗語。鳥字在方言中,大多有不雅,粗俗的含意,我記得以前常聽人說話帶 "鳥" 字。

可是各位的答題,都讓我感受不到 "鳥叫聲"。這也是一直躊躇不知如何進行。怕直說,會影響各位以後不再回答我的問題,但請各位也得體諒,我可以有個人喜好,但也期待有出乎我想像的答題。


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