詢問Present Perfect Tense 的有關問題

2015-07-08 4:23 am
我曾經打電話聯絡過Tom ,我想同我朋友講"I have contacted Tom." 有無唔妥,Tom 已經過世。

回答 (4)

2015-07-08 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
No problem ... only if you contacted Tom through a 問米婆.


Hey buddy, you have been asking the same types of questions over the last two or three years. Your sentences, correct in some cases they may be, are DEAD, that is, without life. Those are not the sentences real people will use in their daily encounters. I have yet to see you write a compound sentence. You have been staying at your current level for too long. Ask questions about compound sentences and advance to the next level.
2015-07-08 12:22 pm
"You have been asking the same types of questions over the last two or three years."

佢應該會問你點解用 present perfect continuous tense。
或者問番你用 "You have asked" 有無問題。
2015-07-08 9:30 am
Tom died.
die, died, died, dying.
Don't use the present perfect, use the simple past.
NB.Your question of inquiry brought no response. All responses condemn you !
2015-07-08 4:45 am

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