You’ve Been Served.

2015-06-21 7:38 pm
蔡英文接受 "Time Asia" 專訪,文中最後一段結語,頗具深意。

Tsai believes she will win that right. Several days before I return to my Beijing base, over Taiwan-Japanese fusion in Kaohsiung, Tsai is quietly confident that she will gain the trust of Taiwan's voters and secure victory, whatever Beijing might think. She puts a final piece of tuna on my plate. It's from Pingtung County in the south, where she was born. “Go back to Beijing, ” says Tsai, “and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”

“Go back to Beijing and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”

(提醒: 我要的是文字上的意涵,政治立場不是我關心的重點)

我想重點不在文法,而是你如何看待 "be served" 這個字


如何解讀 "be served" 的含義?

回答 (6)

2015-06-21 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

用「過去簡單式被動態」were served表示時間點重要。所以在那個挾魚肉的時間點,我的職務「是」下任總統。寫成主動態時,句子時:The next President of Taiwan served you the final piece of tuna.但英文有尾重的習慣,通常句尾的資訊最重要,所以用被動態時,原主詞移到句尾,成為by xxx,總統取代了鮪魚成為全句的「焦點」。突顯了: I am the next President of Taiwan。
如果用「現在完成式被動態」時,表示結果重要:他「曾」幫你挾過魚肉。但焦點也還是句尾的:I am the next President of Taiwan.

2015-06-21 12:46:46 補充:
Go back to Beijing and tell them (that) you were served the final piece of tuna.

2015-06-22 10:59:09 補充:
過去式動詞xxx served you的被動寫法是you were served by xxx

2015-06-22 11:04:29 補充:
When you serve food and drink, you 'give' people food and drink.
Someone who serves customers in a shop or a bar helps them and provides them with what they want to buy.

Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners p.1414

2015-06-23 13:20:50 補充:
If you have been served with a summons and complaint, you have some weighty choices to make.

have been served才是指 have been sued(應屬委婉的用語)
2015-06-22 9:26 pm
1.) 蔡英文的英文一點也不菜,並且擁有國際法學位和實務經驗
2.) 這句話是用 quote 表示,英文新聞寫作,引述當事人說法, 即使是錯誤也須要原文照錄

1.) serve 的表面意思是服務,餐飲禮儀,挾食物給他人,並不是一個適當的行為。這應該只是一個 gesture,為了帶出下面這句話。此外,為他人服務不應表現 "紆尊降貴" (condescending) 的姿態。這兩者都不合國際禮儀。

“Go back to Beijing and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”

2015-06-22 13:39:38 補充:
2.) 蔡英文一向謹言慎行,不會臨場演出。這裡be served/get served 的用法是法律人的 inside joke。蔡英文了然於心,並反其道而行,利用一個似乎是玩笑的用語,帶出一個鄭重的聲明。這個be served 是 "正式照會,要求正視" 的意思。

我也覺得 Lion 大,翻的最好


2015-06-22 14:32:03 補充:
美國的主流新聞記者,大都是一身傲骨,不是能夠隨便 "摸頭"。你想 Time 駐北京的主筆,會為了被台灣 hopeful 的女總統挾一塊壽司,就感到無比榮耀? 雀躍地跑回北京去向人誇耀? 作者會何要以此一細節,作為結尾,當有其用意。
2015-06-22 8:05 pm
be served 被服務 ,被招待,或上菜
前: She puts a final piece of tuna on my plate.

後:and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”
告訴他們 你有被台灣下屆總統招待過。
就如呆子所言, 此宣示她必當選總統的信心。
2015-06-22 12:24 am
Lion +

being served --> "被服務", 沒特別含意。服務別人就是serve.


May I serve you some tea?

Have you been served?
2015-06-21 9:59 pm
Go back to Beijing and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”Go back to Beijing and tell them you have been served by the next President of Taiwan.”這二句區別:用were served簡單式表示有信心當下屆總統而have been served表示已選上的下屆總統替你服務這二句需有所區分

2015-06-23 07:10:01 補充:
2015-06-21 8:34 pm

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