
2015-06-16 5:25 am
我見完工,我知道份工作做d物野,同埋份工既福利同埋人工,咁個面試官就問我"Do you like to work for our company?" 咁我答佢"I like to work for your company."想問問咁樣答有無問題。

回答 (7)

2015-06-16 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
咁答, 係文法 tense 係無問題, 不過唔夠禮貌, 程度上都較幼稚.

應該要講 " thanks for giving me this opportunity, i am appreciate to join your company.
參考: 自己
2015-06-19 10:29 pm
Not any big problems, but I agree that you shall respond more politely, say, "Yup, I'm grateful to have such chances"
2015-06-16 4:49 pm
TOMING88 and Leo, your silly mentality can be entertaining sometimes.
2015-06-16 9:15 am
Your answer does not compare favourably with those of your competitors.
"Do you like to work for our company?"
"I like to work for your company."
2015-06-16 9:09 am
I wish what you said was true. I rather you got a job than post silly questions to this forum every day.
2015-06-16 6:42 am



"Sure! I am looking forward to working for the company!"

2015-06-16 5:31 am

"Would you like to work for our company?"

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