English Grammar 問題一問

2015-06-15 11:18 pm

"Yesterday, I watched television. Then my mother arrived home."


回答 (3)

2015-06-16 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

You did not describe the expression "一睇完" 電視.

One of the correct expressions:
No sooner had I finished watching the televison than my mother arrived home.
(= my mother arrived home right after I finished watching the televison)

2015-06-16 00:43:17 補充:
Other expressions for "一" 睇完電視...."就":

- Hardly had I finished watching the television before/when my mother arrived home.

- As soon as I finished watching the television, my mother arrived home.

- Upon my finishing watching the television, my mother arrived home. (a bit awkward)

2015-06-16 03:35:23 補充:
Sorry, i made a basic mistake.

watching television (programme) 應該唔洗用 article

No sooner had I finished watching televison than my mother arrived home.
2015-06-16 9:13 am
Good answer by Julie. But the poster can never write a compound sentence.
2015-06-15 11:36 pm
你可以寫"Yesterday, I was watching television when my mother arrived home."


"She was cooking while she was looking at the fishes"


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