"豬羊變色" 英文怎麼說?

2015-04-28 6:15 pm
看到一個跟"豬和羊"有關的問題,突然想到如何用英文表達 "豬羊變色"?

如果我們用 "一夕變色" 來解釋 "豬羊變色",我能想到的是 turn the tide 或 the tide has turned. 感覺還是不夠生動。
請問各位高手,是否有更佳的詮釋? (能順便提供例句更佳)

回答 (8)

2015-04-28 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
突然想到如何用英文表達 "豬羊變色"?

Per the principles of Animalism, there is only one answer to this question.

Boar's Revolution.

Examples? Just talk to Napoleon and he will let you have it all.

2015-04-28 19:37:10 補充:
Were there men in the dungeon, it would not have been a prison...

2015-04-29 06:13:39 補充:
No way -

1. total switch is full of electrons but no animals
2. the color of the goat actually changes multiple times

Only revolution can tell it all. Long live the boar!

2015-05-05 11:12:17 補充:
Working behind the scenes, the Minority Party Whip had successfully orchestrated a revolt by consolidating with third party and independent legislators, which had turned the table and blocked the bill.
2015-05-07 7:30 am
Nigerian troops turn tables on Boko Haram.
This is the heading of a news ,sent out by Michelle Faut, The Associated Press, on DMN.
Personally I believe “turn table” is the best choice of what you are looking for.
2015-04-30 12:27 am

It's a case of "the lion and the mouse" scenario.
2015-04-29 7:45 am
1.) "Total switch" has a nice ring to it.

2.) Animalism is a plus except the "Revolution" part turns me off. Revolution always comes with chaos and anarchy. Can we use "coup or sabotage" instead?
Also, the political and ideological connotations implied spoil the fun.

2015-04-28 23:58:47 補充:
(Boar's Revolution. 影射 George All's-Not-Well 的 "動物農莊"。)

Now we have two candidates.
1.) Total Switch
2.) Boar's Revolution

I'm still open to more submissions. Anyone else?

2015-04-29 23:16:55 補充:
"the lion and the mouse" scenario 是否來自於 "伊索寓言"?

"豬羊變色",指在一個 "你死我活" 的競爭下,(win-lose situation),原本居於劣勢的一方,因為一著活而全盤皆活,整個盤面為之翻轉。常用於選舉,如原先居於優勢的一方因 "醜聞" 的揭發,而一夕生變,勝選無望。

2015-04-29 23:22:11 補充:
"豬羊變色" 的另一特點在於秘謀策劃,將所有不利的條件,扭轉成自己的利基。但這過程,並不是毫無代價。即使取得了12張 "豬",獨缺一張,就只有死的更慘。
"政變" 是個相當鮮明的例子,失敗就人頭落地,成功就成王拜相。

2015-04-30 23:34:51 補充:
In the end he had successfully staged a (豬羊變色) by collecting all hearts, which had turned the table and scored the win.

turn the table 僅傳達 "扭轉局面" 的結果。用來描述 (豬羊變色) 的過程還是稍嫌遜色,不夠生動。

2015-04-30 23:46:17 補充:
美式足球有 "Hail Mary Pass",拳擊有 "Comeback Knockout" 都是 turn the table 反敗為勝的例子。但我們不會用"豬羊變色"來描述這些場景。

"豬羊變色",需要一個 "標謙化" 的專屬名詞,動詞片語也行。

(我前面所說"即使取得了12張 "豬",獨缺一張,就只有死的更慘",是我搞混了規則。已經有超過10年沒玩過 "拱豬了。正確的規則應是,取得13張紅心,才成就 "豬羊變色")

2015-05-01 00:41:35 補充:

此一規則是否是東方專有,西式的Poker 裡是否有類似的規則?

2015-05-03 01:25:48 補充:

Working behind the scenes, the Minority Party Whip had successfully orchestrated a (豬羊變色) by consolidating with third party and independent legislators, which had turned the table and blocked the bill.


2015-05-04 00:25:56 補充:

意見#023 的句子,如果不依字面 (豬羊變色),可以選用那些英文單字。

2015-05-06 00:23:29 補充:
Revolt 讓我聯想到一部Hollywood老電影,"Mutiny on the Bounty",不過這也是文字遊戲。
我原本希望英文在遊戲或競賽中有類似"豬羊變色"的規則存在,能夠直接套用。(也許有,而還沒有發掘出來。) 在缺乏適當又有共識的詞彙出現前,也只好任由自行選擇喜好的表達方式。

2015-05-06 00:23:49 補充:
如果發問期限截止前,沒有更理想的提議,我就只能選擇 Prisoner的提議。
不過我還是喜歡 "Boar's coup",我不想苦心贏得一面倒的勝利後,被戲稱為 "Communist" 或 "Red October"。


2015-05-08 07:42:41 補充:
"Turn tables" in the news of Nigerian troops returning blows to Boko Haram is more as a "comeback knockout" than a subversive takeover.
2015-04-29 7:44 am
What's the title of the film in which a black man (Samuel Jackson?) and a white man switch their positions?

2015-04-30 21:28:30 補充:

我會使用關鍵致勝那方 A turned the tables (on B [optional]): Reverse a situation and gain the upper hand

2015-04-30 23:01:47 補充:
或者,把局面描述後。結語: Thus the tables were turned overnight. 就這樣一夕之間大翻盤(豬羊變色)
2015-04-29 3:30 am
Reminded me of the movie "All of Me" by Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin.

I'll go with Total Switch.

Ex. After the second full moon, the Dungeon Princes and Ms. Lori had gone on a total switch in personalities.

2015-04-30 17:25:26 補充:
OK, Miss Pig's Coup d'état

Can't really come up with an example...

2015-04-30 17:25:55 補充:
I meant Miss Piggy's Coup d'etat.
2015-04-28 6:47 pm
The turning of the tide with an example of the sentence Illustration, which is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words,eg:-What's a pigsheep ?

The ussr country has changed overnight from military to democratic rule is a simile comparable to change overnight by abandoning from ----to ----.

Or The ussr country has changed the tide overnight from military to democratic rule is a simile comparable to change the tide overnight by abandoning from (pigsheep) to (swine-sow).
2015-04-28 6:29 pm
天呀 我看到另一篇問答才在想這個豬和羊的問題
還真的有人問了 哈哈~~
基本上 豬羊變色來至於拱豬這個遊戲
而拱豬又是跟 Hearts 的玩法非常接近
所以 shoot the moon 絕對是合理的答案
所以 drastic change of a situation

2015-04-28 11:09:26 補充:
後來想想 shoot the moon 是豬羊滿圈 又稱大滿貫.
說真的 the tide has turned 非常傳神了

我來寫句初學者的英文 completely reversed.
沒你的厲害... 但是簡單明瞭嘛...

2015-04-28 23:20:54 補充:
Turn the tables?

2015-04-30 21:09:42 補充:
> 即使取得了12張 "豬",獨缺一張,就只有死的更慘。
> "政變" 是個相當鮮明的例子,失敗就人頭落地,成功就成王拜相。

drastic change of a political situation

但是就缺少了 小豬豬跟羊昧昧的味道

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