
2015-04-25 3:12 am
"have received Mary's letter." 想問問這句係米表達出唔知何時收到佢封信,同埋我宜家我擁有這封信。

回答 (8)

2015-05-01 12:21 pm
(i) (I) have received Mary's letter for how long?
----------since a point of time in the past lee.
(2)(I) have received Mary's letter for I own,possess,be the owner of it.
-------have received Mary's letter since I own,possess, be the owner of it to a point of time in the past lee.

2015-04-26 01:27:06 補充:
Where is the subject of the sentence ?
eg:-(--) have received Mary's letter .
As seen all 4 responses asked you about the "subject?"

Whether you possess all the letters:-the possessive case(grammar), or throw away,you can speak/use the same sentence.
2015-04-28 10:58 pm

(補充一點, 答得多果個唔一定代表係高手呀)
2015-04-27 12:39 am
係 ! but haven write down the subject : I
參考: Me
2015-04-26 9:40 pm
陪佢玩都唔緊要,最離譜係佢竟然多次 delete 我的帖,咁我先唔知佢想點~
2015-04-26 12:07 am
係。不過前面要加翻個subject,即係例如I have received Mary's letter .
參考: 本人自己
2015-04-25 6:10 pm
係, 不過呢句少左 subject, 要補返~~
參考: 自己
2015-04-25 9:43 am
2015-04-25 5:35 am

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