
2015-04-23 10:35 pm
我知道Mary 係1997年買左一部玩具車,我宜家唔知部玩具車有無丟左,有無退返俾賣家,有無俾左朋友,想問問大家我宜家講"Mary has bought a toy car." 有無問題,我想講俾人聽Mary 曾經買過一部玩具車。

回答 (6)

2015-04-25 9:45 am
2015-04-25 5:35 am
If you want to mention the date of buying the toy car, you use past tense.
-----> Mary bought a toy car in 1997
You need to use past tense if you mention the exact date.

If you just want to mention Mary bought a bicycle in the past
------>marry bought a toy car
We use past tense to state an action happen in the past

If you want to say that Action A had happened before Action B. Namely, something happens earlier than another Thing.

For instance,
---->When I came home, mother had cooked the dinner
This sentence states that monther cooked the dinner first . Then I came home.

If you just want to simply say that marry 曾經買過一部玩具車。
You may form the sentence like this
----> marry bought a toy car once
參考: myself
2015-04-24 11:43 am
Before Mary died, she had bought a toy car (for life) without "Return To Sender " !
2015-04-24 8:52 am
Mary (曾經) 買左一部玩具車。Mary bought a toy car. Mary has bought a toy car. Mary a acheté un voiture jouet.

Whether you say it in Chinese, Englsih, French, Spanish, or Japanese (or even a language from other plantet), YOU 都無講部玩具車有無丟左,有無退返俾賣家,有無俾左朋友。

It is not an issue of tense!
2015-04-24 2:44 am
Mary had bought a toy car !
參考: Dictionary
2015-04-23 11:45 pm
Mary 有買過部車係過去既事實, 唔會因為跟住係點而改變, 係未?

不過, 我會改用 had, 因為你都唔知而家部車重係唔係度.
參考: 自己

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