這個人怎麼一點都不害臊 的英文

2015-04-23 12:00 pm



Why is this man is not ashamed at all?


感覺 this man 不搭
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

還是整句全部都聽起來怪怪的 英文有這種說法嗎?


> How come does this man have no shame? 怎麼聽起來怪怪的...

回答 (13)

2015-04-24 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why does this guy not feel ashamed of himself?
2015-04-27 4:36 am

2015-04-24 9:34 am
亦作「害羞」。 -- 教育部字典

以前我奶奶最喜歡說 "不知羞,不害臊"。也會用不害臊來說人不知羞(恥),總是帶了點閨閣味。不能算是正式用法。

2015-04-24 13:05:40 補充:
"我的墓地 也達到了!"

你可以瞑目了嗎? 喔! 我是說闔眼睡覺。
RIP! (Rest in Palace!)

2015-04-24 19:42:35 補充:
shame 或 ashamed 適用範圍廣,是要比 unshy 好。

unshy 是個古字,(說實話,我從未用過)。但近幾年,在美國菁英階層使用越來越普遍。

2015-04-25 00:38:20 補充:
@ Prisoner

they were naked, unshy, beautiful, and full of grace — John Cheever
句中的 unshy 就是 "一點都不害臊" 的意思。


2015-04-24 1:41 am
Why doesn't he blush at all?
2015-04-23 11:56 pm
I'll take Beth's and Jim's side: dose this guy have no shame.

害臊 is Chinese (somewhat reserved) way of saying being embarrassed.

2015-04-25 18:38:41 補充:
To comments above

2015-04-23 7:06 pm
prisoner, 怎麼感覺這句的"不害臊"應該是 shameless.

2015-04-24 10:12:26 補充:


女兒: 娘~ 人家的心已經是仁哥的了.
娘: 唉呦!妳這個人怎麼一點都不害臊呢?


甲: 這女的連個幾夜老是勾引皇帝.
乙: 這個人怎麼一點都不害臊呢?
甲: **就是矯情
2015-04-23 5:43 pm
有一次我老闆跟一個很不要臉的客人交涉. 談完話後, 我問他, 如何. 他說, I need to take a shower after the meeting.

這種說法, 沒用到髒字, 但是你知道很髒.
2015-04-23 5:27 pm

Errors and Corrections:-
(1)All exclamations:-
This man is so unashamed.
This man is so shamlessly (adv) live with the shame..
This man make you feel ashamed.
There is no shame in this man
=This man has no shame
=This man is so shameless.
Question forms are:-
(1)Why is this man not ashamed at all ? (No double "is" in the sentence, when a sentense should have one finite verb to be greatly appreciated in the thought.)
(2)Why is this man have no shame ?
(3)Why is this man so shameless ?
(4)Why is this man so shamelessly (adv) live with the shame ?(Good sentence.)
2015-04-23 1:37 pm
I beg to differ!

shame is different from shyness.

Shame is something arises when one does something against one's conscience while shyness is the feeling of embarrassment. One can perceive embarrassment when doing something that is private but far from being dishonest.

2015-04-23 05:43:41 補充:
For example, a lot people is shy from public speech which has nothing to do with shame at all.

Based on this, I would suggest:

Why is this man so unshy? (by doing something that is typically considered embarrassing)

Why is this man so shameless? (by doing something dishonest)

2015-04-23 10:09:39 補充:
>Does he have no shame?
>Why is this man so shameless?

why did 曉飛 keep missing the point?

shame is different from shy.

2015-04-23 13:07:47 補充:
玫瑰婆婆醬老了,裙子還醬短 好"不害臊"
in this case, should it be shameless or unshy? I would go for the latter!

2015-04-23 20:51:56 補充:
害臊 as I could find is mostly used in cases of "embarrassment" but not "dishonest". That made me consider unshy better an answer than shameless.

2015-04-23 20:54:00 補充:
Especially when all others have gone to the other side...

2015-04-23 22:56:31 補充:
So, I wonder if Beth could give a few commonly used examples for 不害臊?

2015-04-24 10:21:27 補充:
既然已經不是一面倒,我的墓地 也達到了!
2015-04-23 1:33 pm
美國人口語的說法: Does this man (he) have no shame?

2015-04-24 05:25:42 補充:
2015-04-23 12:46 pm
To Beth ( 專家 1 級 ):
Oh... you are good. I like your answer.

2015-04-23 09:39:53 補充:
Does he have no shame?
Why is this man so shameless?


2015-04-24 05:47:41 補充:
長知識... 長知識... 我的英文變強了!

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