英譯:If Party B fails to fully provide the service in accordance with this Agreement, Party B shall indemnify Party A based on the uncompleted portion of the service. The amount of monetary indemnification shall be equal to 150% of the paid amount indicated in Article 5 pro rata.
請問我上述的中翻英,英文部分有無錯誤?我尤其不確定的是pro rata的用法是否正確?是否最好?也就是說,我雖然知道pro rata可以當形容詞,也可以當副詞用,但還是不太清楚如何用。
(1) 指正我以上英譯的缺失。
(2) 提供更好的英譯寫法。
(3) 給我更多有關pro rata的用法好嗎?Because I was inspired by 貓博士yesterday and would like to explore the usage of pro rata.
Thank you very much.