Pro rata的用法

2015-04-15 3:06 pm

英譯:If Party B fails to fully provide the service in accordance with this Agreement, Party B shall indemnify Party A based on the uncompleted portion of the service. The amount of monetary indemnification shall be equal to 150% of the paid amount indicated in Article 5 pro rata.

請問我上述的中翻英,英文部分有無錯誤?我尤其不確定的是pro rata的用法是否正確?是否最好?也就是說,我雖然知道pro rata可以當形容詞,也可以當副詞用,但還是不太清楚如何用。

(1) 指正我以上英譯的缺失。
(2) 提供更好的英譯寫法。
(3) 給我更多有關pro rata的用法好嗎?Because I was inspired by 貓博士yesterday and would like to explore the usage of pro rata.

Thank you very much.


回答 (4)

2015-04-15 4:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Error and correction:-
---If Party B fails to fully provide all service in accordance with this Agreement, Party B shall indemnify Party A based on Article lll, the uncompleted portion of the service, to the principle of monetary indemnification prorata,and of +50% compensate in paid amount for Party A.

-----Prorata=proportionate=eg Your resign at mid-year June30=eg remaining 7 1/2 holidays paid prorata.

-----If it remains 7 1/2 days Holidays, then there will be a prorata proportionate money for you.

-----Money=eg 7 1/2 Holidays will be paid prorata proprtionate for you.

2015-04-16 00:19:16 補充:
ArticleV=Article lll ?

2015-04-16 04:54:12 補充:
Amendment Article3=The cost of complete service items is proportional to fees payable prorata.
2015-04-15 4:39 pm

The amount of monetary indemnification shall be on a pro-rata basis plus additional 50% (of the resulting figure) as stated in Article 5.

2015-04-16 11:57:01 補充:
In your Chinese version, it uses "第三條支付", your English version uses "Article 5". Is that a mistake?
2015-04-17 3:53 pm
Master Big Melon,
Yes, it's a mistake. It should be Article 5 instead (or vice versa). I tried to change the original text a little bit due to confidentiality reason and forgot to make the two versions consistent.

My apology for that!

And thanks a lot for your help.
2015-04-15 3:46 pm

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