問問關於英文tense 問題

2015-04-13 9:30 pm
宜家做緊英文tense 功課,有問題想問問。

我一直洗碟,當一洗完碟後立即講" I have washed dishes." 想問問係這個情況下用現在完成式有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-04-21 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can, but you need to add 'the'.

"I have just washed the dishes " / "I have already washed the dishes " will be better

"I have just washed the dishes " = 我剛剛洗完碟

"I have already washed the dishes " = 我已經洗完碟
2015-04-15 9:08 am
This is the millionth time the poster has asked the same question. He uses the wrong expression every time and keeps asking if there is a problem with his expression. I firmly believe he is suffering from some kind of compulsive behaviour problem.
2015-04-14 7:48 am
~ I have washed dishes. ( 可以用現在完成式,但錯誤使用動詞)
應該說: I have just finished washing the dishes.

如果你阿媽問你: What have you done the whole morning?
你才可以說: I have washed the dishes.
2015-04-14 6:53 am
I have just washed dishes.
I have already washed the dishes.
2015-04-14 5:13 am
首先,你應該說 'I have washed THE dishes'. 接下來,如果你說“I wash dishes'' (現在完成式),這意味著你的工作是洗碗. So is wrong.

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