Tense problem

2014-09-26 8:15 am
我要做一樣功課關於Future Perfect Progressive

回答 (5)

2014-09-28 6:21 pm
Google translate:
"school mistress = 學校的情婦
schoolmistress = 女校長"

Bing translator:
"school mistress = 學校情婦
schoolmistress = 小學女教師"

mistress 時下解釋 "情婦"居多
schoolmistress 一定要是一個字, 不能分開兩個字寫
北美很少用 schoolmistress 這個字, 已經荒廢
你要小心用字, 查查字典才回答

2014-09-28 11:10:51 補充:
"The marriage-registry will have been running (for three years in Oct.)"
你連簡單的 active/passive 都攪不清楚, 不要說 adjunct 了

Julie 清楚地用英文答了,
知足常樂 (知識長) 在意見區給了好的 link, 是中文解釋
如果沒有錯或者你有好的補充, 不知道你為什麼要答?

2014-09-28 11:24:47 補充:
Future perfect focuses on the result of the action.
I'll have written the report by six, so it'll be on your desk tomorrow morning.

Future perfect continuous focuses on the action going on.
This report is taking ages. I'll have been writing it for a week by the time I finish.
F.P.C. 現在很少人用
2014-09-27 1:08 am
Indicating duration:-If you want to indicate the duration of an event at a specific time in the future, you can use the future perfect continuous tense.(=progressive)
eg:-By Oct.2014, she will have been working (for this school) for 2 years.
eg:-The marriage-registry will have been running (for three years in Oct.)
Note that you need to use an adjunct (1) of time to indicate the future time and an adjunct(2) of duration to state the duration of the event.
Indicating certainty for the future perfect tense:-If you are referring to something that has not happened yet but will happen before a particular time in the future, you can use the future perfect tense:-
eg;-By the time she is 40 a school mistress will have taught a considerable number of mainland students.
eg:-Maybe by the time we get to the Lowu station the train will have started.
eg:-Maybe when you show up,you'll have heard the most recent news.
eg:-Maybe when you come up,you'll have heard the latest news about your working for 2 years !
Note that you must indicate the future time referred to by using an adjunct or another clause .Adjuncts :-4 adverbs as adjuncts space,time,process(=verb+its complements),and focus(=adverbs focus on a particular unit).
Keep up with your good work.
2014-09-26 7:15 pm
I don't even think future perfect progressive tense is necessary in any situation. In Julie's example, future perfect tense does the job perfectly.

I will have worked here for two years by October 2014.

I don't see the need for progressive tense.
2014-09-26 11:14 am


Wing Sze 同學你好~

的確,Future Perfect Continuous Tense 是比較少用的 tense。



2014-09-26 10:50 am
We use the future perfect continuous tense to:

~ With a time word, to talk about an action which starts before a time in the future and continues up to that time.

Example: In April 2009, I will have been teaching here for two years.
(= I started in April 2007 and still teach here now, probably I will continue after April 2009 but we are not sure).

We often use this tense (instead of the present perfect continuous) because we like (to make up to) easy numbers.

For example, imagine now it is September 2014.
I started working in my job in October 2012.
If you ask me: how long have you been working here?', I don't want to say '1 year and 11 months' because it's a bit long and complicated.
I prefer to use the future perfect continuous so I can say 2 years, which is an easier number.

So, instead of saying: I've been working here for 1 year and 11 months (using the present perfect continuous)
I prefer: In October, I will have been working here for 2 years.
參考: perfect-english-grammar.com

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