How 2 show my penis off?

2014-07-28 5:08 am
I have a cousin who feels very highly about himself nd is always an *******. Hes taller than me nd stronger than me. I recently discivered that he is far below average penis size when on tuesday i went in his room to get my cell phone nd by accident i saw that he was asleep naked on his bed nd i caught a glimpse of how small he was! Frankly, i m abive average for my age (15) nd tomorrow we r going to see a movie nd i wanted to find a way to show my **** off at him. No, i am nit gay.

回答 (4)

2014-07-28 7:59 am
Really? Are you for real? You're 15 years old and you REALLY want to get into some sort of show-down with your cousin over penis size?? I have to ask again: REALLY???

By the way, at the age of 15 you should already know this, but if your cousin was flaccid in his sleep then you have no way to judge what "size" he is. The vast majority of the male population have a small flaccid penis that gets much larger when erect...they are commonly known as "growers." A much smaller percentage of males have a larger flaccid penis that doesn't get all that much larger when erect, and they are referred to as "showers" (rhymes with "growers" and not "powers') or sometimes "danglers."

In any case, comparing penises the way you're trying to do just strikes me as incredibly immature. If you persist in trying to do this, you're probably going to look back on it with some embarrassment too.
2014-07-28 12:33 pm
Be careful, he may be a grow-er since you saw him nude while he slept.
He may in fact much larger that what you saw !
2014-07-28 5:09 am
LOL just go to the bathroom with him and use the urinal next to him? LOLLL
2014-07-28 5:11 am
Follow him into the bathroom. Stand next to him at the urinal and point at your penis and say "Hey Pee Wee, check out this monster. Pretty nice huh needle ****?"

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:10:42
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