一d關於英文tense 既問題想問下

2014-07-11 1:32 am
Mary 問Tom"How old are you?" Tom 答"I am thirty one years old"個陣岩岩到左第二日十二點,個日係佢三十一歲生日,咁Tom 答I am thirty one years old有無問題。

回答 (5)

2014-07-11 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案



Mary 問 Tom, "How old are you?"
Tom 回答,"I am thirty-one years old."

你指他回答的一刻正好踏進31歲生日,那當然沒問題,而且時間剛剛好,甚至他可以回答 "I am JUST thirty-one years old."(我剛剛三十一歲)。

"I am soon to so be thirty-one years old."(我即將踏入三十一歲)。




2014-07-11 15:29:59 補充:
Dear Raymond and Godfrey,


容許我把 Raymond 的解釋加入我的補充。


2014-07-11 15:32:08 補充:

2014-07-11 15:32:14 補充:
謝謝 Raymond 的意見:

對很多人來說 "I am JUST thirty-one years old." 會指 "I am only thirty-one years old".

如果想表達「我剛剛三十一歲」,我們可以說 "I have just turned 31".

2014-07-12 00:59:55 補充:



2014-07-12 02:15:39 補充:

That man, aged 31, is Tom.

2014-07-12 02:56:29 補充:
Godfrey 講得好好!

│ .✪‿✪ │ Cheers~~!!!
╰/) ⋈ (\\╯
2014-07-12 8:52 am
TomingBB 經常發表違反文法基本法言論,大家是否讚成將 TomingBB 革除Yahoo 會藉﹖
2014-07-11 8:24 pm
"I am 31 aged now." ~ 錯
"aged" 不是這麼用

"Tom has already been 31 after noon; and is starting on the 32 Birthday"
~ 不僅 grammar 與 usage 錯到七彩, 思維上都有問題
To put it harshly:-
Whoever wrote that has become an object of ridicule.
如果不提, 發問者可能當"無錯"

2014-07-12 01:48:24 補充:
Tom is 31.
Tom is thirty-one years old.
Tom is 31 years of age.
Tom is a 31-year-old student.
I have a friend, Tom, aged 31.
Tom is going to turn 31 next Monday.
Tom is a man of thirty-one.

2014-07-12 01:51:07 補充:
近于 31歲

Tom is about/nearly/almost/over/under 31.
Tom is only a little over 31 years old.
Tom is above/below the age of thirty-one.
Tom is in his (early) thirties.

2014-07-12 02:40:03 補充:
相信 TomingBB 不是存心誤導, 每個人都有權利表達
問題很多時自己錯了不知, 最弊將發問者對的改了變成錯
或者講到似是而非, 同意 Raymond 以前說過, 網友應言及不對地方
Constructive criticism 是好的
Yahoo 知識網是分享知識, 誰答不重要, 重要是發問者獲得適當的解答
為了分數回答, 無什麼意思!
2014-07-11 4:46 pm
To most people, "I am JUST thirty-one years old." would mean "I am only thirty-one years old".
To mean 我剛剛三十一歲 , people would say "I have just turned 31".
2014-07-11 4:34 pm
In tense of the verb, tense may indicate the completeness or incompleteness of an action,but extends to and includes the present.
For a general statement, where no particular time is thought of, eg:-I come to be 31 years old.
In subordinate clauses of Time or Condition expressing a future action, eg:-When you see me tomorrow at noon, remember me to be 31 aged.
Sometimes in giving the summary of a story,eg:-I am 31 aged now.the Simple Present is felt to be more dramatic.
Sometimes to express a future action about which a decision has already been made,eg:-Tom arrives at 31 aged at noon tomorrow.
Already means "before now", "up to now", "by this time", "so far", eg:-Tom has already been 31 after noon; and is starting on the 32 Birthday !
When Mary said to Tom on his birthday today at 12:00 noon,"How old are you?" Tom:-"I am 31 years old"="I am just 31"="I am already 31." where "already" indicates periods of time that began in the past and extends to the Present on His birthday, depending on the Content,Scenario, Meaning and (1 sec.)grammar by You and no problem whatsoever. Keep up with the good work !

2014-07-12 07:58:50 補充:
Tom is celebrating his birthday today at 12 noon.He is aged 30 before 12:00&aged at 12:01 into 31.While Tom is celebrating his birthday 31 along it was 12 noon,&it was full of fun@12:01 when he was 31(one.)

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