2014-06-22 7:19 am
Garlic 粉腸話:

'The powers that be' is a noun phrase referring to the people or group of people in actual power. The phrase is the subject of the sentence.

What the hell is 'actual power'?

He answered the question, but he also tried his BREAST to confuse some people, I think.

回答 (5)

2014-06-22 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LOL@ actual power

God knows how actual it is anyway!

Very confusing ar Garlic粉腸 LOL
參考: garlic campbitch dictionaries
2014-06-22 10:19 am
swallow your pride

✿ to admit that you have been wrong about someone or something

☆ He swallowed his pride and called his daughter to apologize.
☆ I swallowed my pride and asked for a second chance.

Usage notes: often said about something that has embarrassed you

2014-06-22 02:19:39 補充:

Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003.
2014-06-22 9:58 am
Garlic2010 is correct.

"Acquisition of actual power" ~ from Encyclopedia Britannica

You use “actual” to emphasize that the place, object, or person you are talking about is the real or genuine one. For example: the actual fact

2014-06-22 02:00:34 補充:
To 發問者:

You have to swallow your pride.

Smearing someone at all costs ~ It becomes a national sport these days!
2014-06-22 9:37 am
呢條友叫 whatiswhat24,有100個IDs,佢同我既仇口算來話長,總的來說,條友係個 total loser。total loser 同 loser 有乜唔同,可以問番呢條友。

2014-06-22 01:47:32 補充:
whatiswhat24 係乜水﹖英文分類知識長,勁。我係話佢既粗口。
2014-06-22 8:18 am
你同佢咁大仇口ge?actual power 好似係解實權喎

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