
2014-06-17 4:43 am
1.Taking both into account the client requirements, these options would be viable .

2.slightly lt could be argued that the AB Centre is too big for the number of

conference participants.

3.that in terms of cost,this centre is considerably more expensive with a fee of $10000 compared to of $5000 for option B.

4.marginally Catering facilities are also comparable: however,Option c is again cheaper.

5.the concerning transport to and from the centres , there is a significant different
between two venues.

6.with travel time differs considerably 15 minutes to the HG centre and 35 to the
Ztech Centre.

7.for on the other hand , those using private transport, the Ztech centre provides fee parking for up to 80 cars.

8.As comparable far as payment is concerned , both centre offer conditions and discounts.

9.whereas Centre A is serviced every 20 minutes by a shuttle bus, Centre B
relies on the local bus service.

10.as both possible venues could be seen being adequately equipped for such
an event.

回答 (3)

2014-06-17 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Make arrangement for sentences rearrangement can be done=viable:-
(1)Taking into account the clients' requirements, both these options would be viable. (adj)
(2)It could be argued that the AB Conference Centre is slightly too big for the no. of participants.
(3)This Centre A is more expensive ($10000) compared to B that of ($5000).
(4)Catering facilities, however, are also compared with Option C marginally cheaper again.
(5)There is a significant difference between the two venues to and from the Centres with the concerning transport.
(6)The travel time differs considerably by 15 minutes to HG Centre and 35 minutes to Ztech Centre.
(7)For those using private transport,the Ztech Centre ,on the other hand, provides free parking for up to 80 cars.
(8)As far as payment concerned comparatively, both Centres offer conditions and discounts
(9)As Centre A is serviced every 20 minutes by a shuttle bus, Centre B relies on the local bus service.
(10)Both venues possible could be seen being adequately equipped for such an event.

2014-06-17 10:38:31 補充:
The YK+ does not allow posts(=A post=job posting by anonymous internet you) from blog-head you again.NB:-the capital letter supplied word=first word.Okay before I drop out !Toming88
2014-06-17 9:42 am
A post with the same sentences once appeared as putting the supplied words in the correct position of each sentence.

In some of sentences of this post, the first word is the supplied word.
2014-06-17 7:18 am
You have asked "to fill in the blanks" for these sentences before.
Now, you are asking 重組 for the same sentences.

What a waste of resources, and abuse of Yahoo!知識+!

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