
2014-06-15 8:39 pm
He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients were strongly requested.


上面英文通順? 有冇錯?


回答 (6)

2014-06-15 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients strongly requested it.

1. 不能使用 "were requested" ,因為它是被動語態 passive voice。

2. 動詞 "request" 只可以是及物動詞 transitive,所以它一定要有賓語 object "it"。

其他動詞如: enjoy

一定要說: Please enjoy it. 或 Please enjoy yourself.

不能說: Please enjoy.

2014-06-15 14:30:08 補充:
正確的句子是:He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients strongly requested it.

2014-06-20 03:09:42 補充:
Hi, Garlic:

I think there is some problem for your second sentence.

Do you think the adverb "so" can be used as subject in a passive voice sentence? Please elaborate, thanks.

Maybe you were thinking of an inversion structure, like "so did he".

Thanks for your explanation.

2014-06-20 08:38:09 補充:
Request 的另一正確用法: request somebody to do something

另一正確的句子是:He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients strongly requested you to do so.

2014-06-20 08:41:23 補充:
另一正確的句子是:He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients strongly requested me to do so.

2014-06-20 08:58:18 補充:

unless the clients strongly requested that I (should) install those programs.
unless that I install those programs was strongly requested by the clients. (passive)

"so" is used:
unless the clients strongly requested so.
unless so was strongly requested by the clients.

2014-06-20 09:04:22 補充:
Analysis (2):

unless the clients strongly requested me to install those programs.
unless I was strongly requested by the clients to install those programs. (passive)

"so" is used:
unless the clients strongly requested me to do so.
unless I was strongly requested (by the clients) to do so.

2014-06-20 09:42:28 補充:
But, I am not sure if the first analsys is correct.

Especially, the clause:
"unless so was strongly requested by the clients", or
"unless so requested strongly by the clients"

2014-06-20 09:49:38 補充:
My suggestion:

For the first analysis, I'd rather use the pronoun "it" instead of adverb "so".

unless the clients strongly requested it.
unless it was strongly requested by the clients.
2014-06-24 9:19 pm
garlic2012 is an English professor(he thinks he is) who can create English expressions.
He once wrote a beautiful sentence as follows:

The answer by xxx was correct EXCEPT ON CAPITALIZING S.

My version is very simple.

XXX's answer was correct except(for) the 'S'.

2014-06-24 13:26:37 補充:
Although garlic2010 is jobless, he is always going out of his way to
look for information or look words up in the dictionary to answer some baby questions.

2014-06-24 13:36:23 補充:
003 is called zzzzzzzzzzz modern English. LOL

2014-06-24 13:50:01 補充:
garlic2010 is forever right. He can form boring sentences with his links and stolen dictionaries fast. He is also a hypocrite who sends emails to his soulmates to vote for his answers.


2014-06-27 16:32:19 補充:
回答者: Julie ( 小學級 5 級 ) Good Job!

2014-07-05 23:08:45 補充:
2. 動詞 "request" 只可以是及物動詞 transitive,所以它一定要有賓語 object "it"。

garlic2010, something is absent in your dictionaries! LOL
2014-06-20 11:19 am
He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients were strongly requested.
He advises that I shouldn't install those programs for my clients unless it is
strongly requested by them.
參考: Myself
2014-06-16 9:19 am
1. He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients strongly requested so.

2. He advised me not to install those programs unless so requested strongly by the clients. (passive voice)

'So' is used to refer back to something that has already been mentioned and as a substitute for a preceding clause.
2014-06-15 9:42 pm
He advised me not to install those programs unless the clients request strongly.
2014-06-15 8:41 pm
(X) ... unless the clients were strongly requested.

(O) ... unless the clients strongly requested it.

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