
2014-06-05 3:56 am
我係今年3月5日買左三本故事書,係4月5日買左一本故事書,宜家我講"I have
bought a book. It is interesting." 用黎形容4月5日買左一本故事書,想問下lee 句有無問題。

回答 (6)

2014-06-07 6:30 pm
Zookeeper 與 garlic2010 都是對
單獨一句, 無提到何時買,其他人不知何時買
用現在完成式 OK, 加多一句更好,
I have bought a book. It is interesting.
何時買不重要, 重要是這本書 interesting. (result)
過去買書與現在這本書 interesting有關係

I bought a book on 5th April.
I have bought the book. ~ 這句是錯, 因知何時買.

2014-06-07 10:30:00 補充:
I bought 4 books on 5 Mar this year, and then I bought another book on 5 Apr. The book I have bought on 5 Apr is interesting. ~ wrong.
應該是 The book I bought on April 5 is interesting. 才對

No offence:
1. 句中有 April 5, 完成買書發生在過去注明日期 (specific time), 應該用 past simple
2. 現在完成式如果用來表結果, 多數是無 time expression, 尤其是definite time
3. 不會用不同 tense 先後講同樣發生的動作. 兩個 verbs 都是 bought
先用 past simple, 後用 present perfect ~ 錯,
買這本書這個動作, 不需要跨越兩個時間 past / present

We use the present perfect for states or for single or repeated actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time is not important. We use the past simple for finished events or actions that happened at a definite time in the past. We usually say when they happened, using expressions like yesterday, last month, two days ago, on 5th April

許多的人誤解 ”已經做了” 便可用 present perfect, 從 Perfect aspect 看, present perfect 是 action is completed in the present. Past perfect 是 action was completed in the past. Remember Present perfect 與 present 有關. 從 Present 連結 Past

We often use the present perfect when we first give some news, and then we use past tense for the details such as when and how it happened.

There has been a serious car accident on the highway. It happened at ten o’clock this morning when a truck went out of control and collided with a car. (present perfect – past simple ~ in that order)

A: Where have you been? (present perfect) ~ 無 specific time
B: I went to see my uncle yesterday. (past simple) ~ 有 specific time
(present perfect – past simple )

past simple – present perfect
He moved into that house in 2000 and has lived there ever since. (past simple – present perfect) 兩個 verbs不同 (moved和 lived不同性質)

Just a suggestion:
I bought four books on 5 March this year, and then another book on 5 April. The book I last bought is interesting

句中有definite time, 可用現在完成式是~
He has lived in that house since April 5, 2014.
~ 現在完成式可表持續, 過去發生的動作, 持續到現在

2014-06-07 11:21:18 補充:
Just a similar example:

George Orwell wrote a book in 1945. He also wrote a book in 1949. The book he has written in 1949 is interesting.
~ correct or wrong?

Note: G. Orwell died in 1950.
參考: Cambridge Grammar of English
2014-06-05 10:18 pm



講述早前已買了四本書而沒有時間標籤,合理的寫法/講法是: I have bought 4 books already.而不是I bought 4 books already.因為要表達的是我現在已經累積買了四本書這狀況,而不是表達我在以前買了四本書的過去行為。


2014-06-05 14:18:23 補充:
I bought 4 books on 5 Mar this year, and then I bought another book on 5 Apr. The book I have bought on 5 Apr is interesting.

你看得明當中為何講同一件事(4月5日買書)卻可以一句是用past tense,而另一個可以用present perfect tense仍沒錯的話,你才真正明白和懂運用動詞。
2014-06-05 4:58 pm
I tell you if wrong on the unusual date---a date with a bk dated on April 5.
The present perfect tense is used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present,eg:-
I have bought an interesting bk, which is unusual (varied) on April 5.
=I have bought an interesting bk on April 5---the engaging date.
Since April 5 with the present perfect,I have bought an intriguing bk.
I have bought an interesting bk ; I am unable to intriguing anymore!
I have bought an interesting bk; there is nothing to prevent me from going intriguing.
This bk. was working all right interested a moment ago but now it has stopped lee---lee sentence.
---For an action which began in the past and continuing to the present,lee--lee--lee sentence,eg:-
I have bought a bk. on April 5.
I have bought this bk.(March 5---April 5) for one month.
On March 5 I have bought 3 story bks.
On April 5 I have (just/since)bought a 4th interesting bk.
I have already bought 4 bks.
I have bought 3 boring bks + 1 fascinating bk already !(said during the argument)
I bought 4 bks. already (said in the aftermath,consequence.)when the time of the buying-action is indefinite in lee--lee--lee--lee sentences.
2014-06-05 9:16 am
I have bought a book 係講你買左一本書,唔係形容4月5日買左一本書,你個句形容唔到呢個情況。

要形容你講個情景,用 past tense 喇。

2014-06-05 01:25:07 補充:

2014-06-05 13:25:26 補充:

2014-06-06 11:55:35 補充:
I have bought a book 係冇講本書係4月5日定3月5日買嗰本,你想講嗰個意思賈寫成

The book I bought on April 5 is interesting.

2014-06-07 11:01:46 補充:
Godfrey 唔抵得有人教錯人被逼出手,又一精彩答案。

TomingBB 成人講野九唔撘八都冇人出手指正,係同人唔同命。
2014-06-05 6:43 am
No problem if 5th April doesn't appear in the sentence:

(correct) - I have bought a book. It is interesting.
(wrong) - I have bought a book on 5th April. It is interesting
--> the second one should be: I bought a book on 5th April. It is interesting.
2014-06-05 4:05 am
lee 句無問題!好ok!

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