
2014-05-31 2:39 am
Mary 經常叫我幫佢買手錶,係星期一叫我係今個星期內買一隻手錶,Mary 叫我買左隻錶之後打電話俾佢。我係星期四買左隻錶,宜家係星期五,咁我打電話俾佢講"I have bought the watch." 岩唔岩。

回答 (2)

2014-06-01 3:22 am
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What the. 你有冇睇醫生啊,你個強逼症好似嚴重左喎。你真係得喇,我睇到你既帖文就火都黎埋,扯火程度直逼5.18班基督徒上街反同。

你果句梗係唔啱喇,Mary冇話要買隻咩表,你買左隻咩表Mary又唔知,點可以用definite article 'the',就算Mary有講明買邊隻表,你果句都冇話買俾邊個,你可以係買俾自己,買俾啊媽亦得,總之你果句唔係錯就係 incomplete。

2014-05-31 7:02 am
The present perfect tense is used:-
(1)For an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present,eg:-
I have bought the watch.(Up to now---You to Mary)
With activities completed in the immediate past, just is often used,eg:-
I've just bought the watch. (Friday---->Thursday)
I've bought the watch since Thursday.(modified by phrase)
I've bought the watch just now.(= a little time ago)
I've already bought your watch.
Have you ever thought of such a gift ?
------this morning, this afternoon can be used with a Present Perfect or a Past Tense depending on the time the speaking is made,eg:-
I have bought the watch on Thursday morning.(said during Friday Morning.)
I bought the watch on Thursday (said in the afternoon or evening on Friday.)
(2)For duration of an action which began in the past and continuing to the present moment, eg:-
I have bought the watch for 5 days since Monday. (Friday------>Monday)
Keep up with the good work on Verbs---Tense.

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