
2014-05-21 7:26 am
You are dreaming on your office, or you are not attend on your office? Answer me

回答 (4)

2014-05-22 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are dreaming on the office.
用錯 preposition

You are dreaming in the office.
You are daydreaming in the office.

用 "daydream" 比較好, daydream = 做白日夢

You are not attend on your office? ~ 錯
沒有這 verb form. "attend" 是 verb (base form)

Present continuous tense:~ am/is/are + verb-ing

You are not paying attention in the office.
特別講這句時, 對象這人正在做白日夢

沒有 ashame 這個字
ashamed 是 adjective
shame 是 noun 和 verb
2014-05-22 8:28 pm
"Shame! Shame on you!. You are dreaming on your office or you are not attended at your office. Answer me."

"I don't think so law."

2014-05-22 12:32:53 補充:
鍾樹根 sounded like saying "Shave, shave on you" to Mr Walder, who is almost bald.
2014-05-21 4:39 pm
Attention Mr. Watson from HK styled English:-
What are you doing in your office, Mr. Watson of USA ?
Please pay attention to your job, or sack and fired!
Ashame on you !
It has come to our attention (06 Metro News H.K. May20).

2014-05-22 08:08:18 補充:
You should be ashamed(adj) of yourself for working in MTR !
2014-05-21 1:02 pm
Answer me
What cannot be cured must be endured, Sir !

2014-05-21 05:47:33 補充:
typo error, sori !
should read you do not attend .......... what cannot be cured must be endured

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