
2014-05-18 11:44 pm
Mary 係2007年一月一日三點偷左隻錶,宜家隻錶係Mary 屋企,咁係宜家可唔可以講"Mary has stolen a watch."

回答 (5)

2014-05-20 7:59 pm
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I lost my watch yesterday.
I have lost my watch


至於有沒有has stolen這句法,是絕對正句,如:

Mary has stolen my heart.

2014-05-23 3:14 am
文法上句子冇錯,但句子係冇意思,同意Godfrey講法present perfect tense應該同現在有關,如果唔係 Mary has stolen a watch. So what?

條友根本唔會理會用 adverb phrase 去link番意思到現在,佢一定會再問D冇意思的問題。
2014-05-20 7:44 am
The following sentence is correct (if no specific time is expressed).

Mary has stolen a watch before.

This sentence tells you that Mary has had the "experience" of stealing a watch.
2014-05-19 9:21 am
不可以講 "Mary has stolen a watch."

偷手錶與現在是無關聯, 那是 2007年發生事件. (過去的事件) 不會用 present perfect tense.
那隻手錶現在係Mary 屋企, Mary不是偷那隻手錶直到現在, 不是剛剛偷了.
用 past simple tense 便可以.

Mary stole a watch.

Steal 的 past tense 是 stole.

加上 adverbial phrase of time

Mary stole a watch in 2007.
Mary stole a watch on January 1, 2007.

2014-05-21 02:38:44 補充:
不可 ignore 這句.
宜家隻錶係Mary 屋企, 事隔七年後, 宜家講 "Mary has stolen a watch."?
相信講者知道 Mary 七年前偷左隻錶, 前後句講同一隻錶.
"偷隻錶 "這動作七年前已經完成.

2014-05-21 08:09:32 補充:
我同意 ginger2011 說法, 沒有 specific time, 例如 yesterday, in 2007
before, up until now, so far, ever, never 連用

你句強調 "experience" of stealing a watch
Mary 過去何時偷手錶和偷某一隻錶無言及
暗示 Mary 可能現在再去偷手錶. 以前偷過

現在完成式可表結果, 動作發生過去, 但對現在有影響


2014-05-21 08:39:47 補充:
Consider this:
Mary 係2007年一月一日三點逝世 (七年前),宜家葬在天主教墳場,
咁係宜家可唔可以講 "Mary has died."?
我認為 "Mary has died" 這句是指剛剛逝世, 去世不久
有 些 verbs 不是持續性

2014-05-21 09:19:21 補充:
或者令人誤解, 道歉我可能說得不清楚

- 不可以講 "Mary has stolen a watch." -

只應用在發問者言及情形下, 不是任何情形

2014-05-21 09:36:37 補充:
"Mary has stolen my heart."

現在完成式可表結果, 動作發生在過去, 但對現在有影響
Result 可能是直到現在, 講者仍然念念不忘 Mary, 對現在有影響

I have turned on the light. (對現在有影響, The light is still on.)


2014-06-04 07:55:18 補充:
這例不用”現在完成式 “
1) Mary 七年前偷錶, 偷錶這動作與現在 result 無關
正如 garlic2010 說, so what?
He has had a car accident. (That's why he is in the hospital)
Often we are only interested in the present result

2) Mary 不是剛剛完成, say 10 minutes ago. 這動作七年前完成
2007年 is not the "recent past"

2014-06-04 07:59:21 補充:
3) Mary 不是七年前開始偷錶, 繼續偷, 偷錶直到現在
He has lived in London since 2007.

4) 講者不是不知道何時偷, 第一句清楚地列明係 2007年一月一日三點偷
Time reference is well defined.

5) 不是 imply experience, repeated action.
Have you ever driven a Ferrari? ~ (implies experience, up until now)

2014-06-04 08:17:35 補充:
不單是發問者不理解”現在完成式”, 覺得連不少人都誤解
他們認為動作發生在過去, 不理會何時 (Ignore the first sentence), 反正動作已完成, 便覺得發問者例子用”現在完成式”,正確

如果單獨一句, 無其他句
Mary has stolen a watch. ~ 是無錯 (It implies that Mary did so very recently.)

Don't forget:~
The Present Perfect always suggests a relationship between present time and past time.
2014-05-19 12:07 am
participle is the form of a verb,usually ending in -ing or -ed, which is used to make compound forms of the verb or as an adjective=stolen-watch.The compound form=has stolen.
Hence present participle tense=Mary has stolen a watch at 2007.
past participle=stolen.

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