
2014-05-16 5:33 am

Mary 由下午一點開始洗碟直至三點,咁三點零分零一秒用"Mary has washed
dishes." lee 句黎形容有無問題。

回答 (4)

2014-05-16 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mary 由下午一點開始洗碟直至三點,可能打攔晒D碟,可能洗得一隻咁多。Mary has washed dishes 形容唔到呢個情景囉。

Mary has washed dishes 又冇冠詞,又冇量詞,除非全世D界碟你洗晒,dishes 梗係好有問題喇。


2014-05-16 01:17:06 補充:

2014-05-16 11:18:15 補充:
2014-05-18 12:21 am
Mary has washed the dishes. = OK Mary 洗了碗

Mary has washed the dishes for two hours= Mary 洗碗洗了兩個小時
2014-05-16 5:30 pm
The present perfect tense indicates an action took place in the past, is associated with the present idea of now,eg:-Mary has never washed any dish. (up to now.)
The present perfect tense is used:-
(1)For an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present,
In your description and time of speaking;
3:00:01-3;00;00=00:01,and is the speaking time
I have washed my dishes.
I have washed one dish.
The dish has been used for a meal and need to be washed
=Mary'll do the dishes
=wash them.
(2) For the duration of an action or of absence of an action that had begun in the past and continuing to the present time:-
eg:-I have not broken all dishes for (3-2=1 hr.)
=I have not washed any baking/serving dish.Another eg:-This hot water washing has made an excellent hot dish by Mary.
=chef's dish of the day.(WHEN dish means a vegetarian /fish dish Or when Mary can recommend the chef's dish of the day.)
(3)since is almost always in the present perfect;eg;-
She has washed dishes here (since) 13;00:00.
This tense is usual with already:-
She has (already) washed dishes by the time of 15:00:01.(= according to your speaking time.)
With the Adverbs of frequency:-
eg:-She has often/never/always, etc. washed dishes.
eg:-Have you ever heard of such a thing as broken all the dishes?
with the words:-now,today, up to now, up to the present, up to 15:00:01, so far, not yet, lately.the present perfect is used with ever and never if they have the meaning "at any time up to now"=now=15:00:01.
2014-05-16 5:50 am
呢題可能問 garlic2010 大大才可以啦~


2014-05-16 13:45:16 補充:




Are you fooling us?


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