增值自己 提高競爭力英文可以點講

2014-05-02 4:22 am
增值自己 提高競爭力英文可以點講??

回答 (8)

2014-05-02 7:10 pm
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增值自己 提高競爭力
增值英文可以講:"upgrading the value"。

"Upgrading one's own value to raise the competitiveness"。

2014-05-03 05:02:44 補充:
"Upgrading one's own value to enhance the competitiveness"。

2014-05-04 05:54:19 補充:

2014-05-04 05:58:30 補充:

2014-05-08 15:55:10 補充:
I find translating 增值 not easy without first specifying what the值 is referred to.
I am tempted to translate it simply to "Increasing the value" so that it is always correct regardless of what the context it is in.

2014-05-08 16:03:09 補充:
If we mean a value in terms of one's skills, "upgrading the skills" or "upskilling" is no doubt an appropriate translation.
There are other aspects in which one's value can be enhanced such as intellectual knowledge, self-cultivation, assertiveness etc.
2014-05-05 12:27 am
Spoken English

To upgrade myself in order to stay competitive.
2014-05-03 7:48 pm
「增值自己 提高競爭力」可以是兩句平衡句,也可以解「增值自己 來提高競爭力」或「藉增值自己 提高競爭力」。每種有不同譯法。

Increase your competitive power by equipping yourself with better skills.
Enhance your competitive edge by upgrading your skills.
2014-05-06 9:16 am
Make sure you are very competent to carry out the job better.
2014-05-03 3:21 am
競爭力 在這裡指能力, 所以可以講 the capacity of competitiveness.

增值自己 我會用 self-improvement

提升可用 increase or enhance

2014-05-02 19:28:29 補充:
enrich 唔一定係金錢上的. 因為這個字上的富裕不一定是擁有財產的, 也可以是擁有精神上或非物質上的富裕. eg: enrich the experience, enrich your life.
2014-05-02 11:14 am
Enriching myself in order to escalate the level of competitiveness.
2014-05-02 7:35 am
增值自己 提高競爭力

make myself more marketable, enhancing my competitive edge

2014-05-02 05:38:32 補充:
No offence:

“enrich myself” means to increase amount of money I have. 使自己更富裕 (金錢上)

“He used his position to enrich himself.”
~ from Oxford Adv. Learner’s Dictionary

“escalate” 是負面字
“escalate” 的 object 多是 violence, war, costs, price, conflict, tension, dispute, rate of inflation … etc.

2014-05-02 20:11:21 補充:
enrich (transitive verb) + object, object 可以是 life, understanding, vocabulary, soil, stockholder .. etc (充實, 強化, 使豐富, 加料于)

但是用 enrich oneself 多數是財富, 我想因為是無 object, 遵循字面解

避免誤解, 我會 rephrase 過, 尤其無前文

Another example:

They tried to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. ~ from Webster Dict.

2014-05-03 00:36:06 補充:
“He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers.” ~ Cambridge Dictionary.

"They were able to steal from Ukraine, steal from the nation, enrich themselves, they had no motivation whatsoever to keep the funds in Ukraine." ~ Reuters

2014-05-03 00:43:03 補充:
“Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense" ~ a book by D. Johnston

倒不如自己上網 google, 看看英美字典, 大學, 政府, 有聲望的報紙, 怎樣使用 enrich oneself.

2014-05-08 05:42:01 補充:
“Make sure you are very competent to carry out the job better.”
上述的句與 “增值自己 提高競爭力” 無關
中文句子主要字眼是”增值” 和 ”競爭”
Competent 解 ”能幹的, 勝任的”, 與”競爭”, 扯不上關係
“做好份工”是否 ”增值自己” ? ~ I wonder.

2014-05-08 07:13:04 補充:
“增值自己” 有點商業味. 想是指力求進步 (self-improvement), 主要目的是 sell 與promote 自己, 怎樣去做? 將自己當成市場上產品,有銷路,暢銷的, 盡量符合商業市場需要. 市場上有其他牌子同類產品競爭, 要自己 more marketable. (希望自己outperform, outclass 其他的人)

“增值自己” 這詞很空洞, 謝謝 garlic2010 建議, 具體是 upgrading your skills, 除了technical skills, 還有 soft skills, 多元化的.
2014-05-02 4:49 am
Improve the competitiveness of their own value-added

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