有關英文tenses 問題想問下

2014-05-01 5:25 am
係早上八點Sam係Mary 間房度,於是叫Sam離開間房,但Sam 唔肯,於是
Mary 叫Sam 個細佬勸Sam 係九點前離開佢間房。最後Sam係八點四十五分離開間房,於是Sam 個細佬同Mary 講"Sam left your room at 8:45am today."
想問下大家上邊句子係lee 個situation 之下有無錯。

回答 (2)

2014-05-04 5:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Present Perfect Tense,whether active or passive, is in your situation:-eg:-
(1)The Present Perfect Tense is associated with the present idea of now.It is used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present, eg:-
Sam has just left Mary's room at 08:45 am today
=Sam has just left your room at 08;45 am.
(2)The demanded time was approaching 15 min. to 09:00 am but now his leaving has been taken at 08:45 am.
(3)With activities completed in the immediate past, just is often used.eg:-just left;
Or since eg:-Sam has left your room since 08:45 am.
Whether active or passive, the present perfect tense is in your situation.
2014-05-01 9:43 am

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