
2014-04-30 12:49 am
我係 5:00pm 偷左一隻錶,係5:00:01pm 可唔可以講"I have just stolen a

我係4:00pm 丟左三本書,係4:00:01可唔可以講" I have thrown out three

回答 (3)

2014-04-30 3:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Present Perfect Tense, though it indicates an action that took place in the past, is associated with the present idea of now, It is used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present.With activities completed in the immediate past, just is used,eg:-
According to the speaking time (5:00:01-5:00=00:01 and 4:00:01-4:00=00:01),it is okay to say:-eg:-
(1)I have just stolen a watch.
(2)I have thrown away three books.
Hope that helps you.

2014-05-01 08:33:36 補充:
Thanks for paying somebody a compliment Dr. Garlic 2010.---From Toming BB.
2014-05-01 9:46 am
Identical questions have appeared here at least once.
ctc****** ( 小學級 4 級 ), you are kidding. Such questions have appeared over fifty times.

2014-05-01 01:49:10 補充:
TomingBB, your answer is great.
According to the speaking time (5:00:01-5:00=00:01 and 4:00:01-4:00=00:01),
2014-04-30 2:41 am
Identical questions have appeared here at least once.

There are lots of grammar reference materials in the internet, if you are really eager to learn, spend some time to google.

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