
2014-04-29 7:20 pm
I went to Apple Garden to play TV games on 3rd February 2014. I drove my car
to the garden. I arrived at the garden at 11:30am. At the time of arriving at the
garden, it was big and there were car and bridge in the garden. There was a boat
under the bridge. I started to play them at 11:44am. The games were interesting.
While I was playing them, my sister was reading a story book. I finished playing
them at 12:50pm.


回答 (4)

2014-04-30 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The sentences in the composition:-
--I went to Apple Garden to play TV games on 3rd February,2014. It was the 4th day lunar new year,Monday.(a particular day be mentioned)
I drove my car to the garden,arriving at 11:30 am.(gerund)
The garden was big and there were cars and bridges in it.
I could see a boat under the bridge.(active voice)
I boarded and went rowing in the boat using oars at 11:44 am.(all past tenses)
The sport and activity of rowing in a boat was interesting.(past tense)
While I was rowing, my sister was reading a story book.(past continuous tense)
I finished rowing at 12;50 pm.
2014-05-02 3:45 pm
row (intransitive verb) = argue in an angry way (爭吵)

row (transitive/intransitive verb) = move a boat using oars (划艇)

rowing a boat = 划艇
rowing in a boat = 在艇內爭吵 ??

~ muddled attempt to write!
2014-05-01 9:38 am
「lee 幾句咁樣寫,人地知唔知道lee 幾樣野係當Cindy 到達學校個陣發生。」

At the time of arriving at the garden, it was big and there were car and bridge in the garden..


2014-05-01 01:54:35 補充:
I boarded and went rowing in the boat using oars at 11:44 am.(all past tenses)???

Did the guy mean to say 'play TV games'? Is it a 'row a boat' TV game?
2014-04-30 4:56 am
I went to Apple Garden to play TV games on 3rd February 2014. I drove my car to the garden. I arrived at 11:30am. The garden was big and there were cars and bridge in it. I could see a boat under the bridge. I began to board and rowed it at 11:44am. The paddling was interesting.
While I was playing them, my sister was reading a story book. I finished playing them at 12:50pm.

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