
2014-04-26 6:25 pm
Cindy went to Apple School to have an English lesson yesterday. She took a
taxi to the school. She arrived at the school at 10:30am. The school was big.
There were six storeys in the school. There were three thick books near the
entrance of the school.

問問各位師兄師姐,"The school was big.There were six storeys in the school.
There were three thick books near the entrance of the school." lee 幾句咁樣寫,人地知唔知道lee 幾樣野係當Cindy 到達學校個陣發生。

回答 (4)

2014-04-27 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
shan, 你好! 對於你以上的提問,我有以下的解答。

你整篇都係按著時序黎寫,有先後次序之分,因此人地完全明白Cindy 係搭完的士後,到達學校個陣發生。完全無問題,正確!

2014-05-05 2:06 am
garlic 終於都忍唔住要出手答啦~

2014-04-28 4:11 am
You are correct in grammar but we can rewrite the following in Present tense as they are facts.

The school was (is) big.
There were(are) six storeys in the school.

There were three thick books near the
entrance of the school.
2014-04-27 9:13 am
你寫得好岩,人地知架喇,寫得咁明人人都知喇,past tense用得冇錯,係當Cindy 到達學校個陣發生架嗎,你冇錯架,lee D 問題唔駛再問架喇。


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