問問英文sentences 岩唔岩

2014-04-26 4:22 am
25th April 2014
Dear Mary,

Hi, Mary, I’m Steven. How are you? We have not seen each other for two years. Will have you spare time on the coming Saturday? I want to go to Causeway Bay with you on the coming Saturday. Sam has been washing dishes for thirty minutes. Tom has been ironing shirts for forty minutes.


上邊封信d句子唔之有無問題,請求各位幫手睇下。"I want to go to Causeway Bay with you on the coming Saturday." 尤其是lee 句有無問題。

回答 (4)

2014-05-03 9:12 am

不過呢個post 又真係有笑料喎~

2014-04-28 4:16 am
25th April 2014

Dear Mary,

How are you? We have not seen each other for two years. Will you have time on the coming Saturday? I want to go to Causeway Bay with you on the coming Saturday. Sam has been washing dishes for thirty minutes. Tom has been ironing shirts for forty minutes.

2014-04-26 9:40 am

2014-04-26 01:44:00 補充:
Miss So 講得好,你連自己係Steven 定Tom 都唔知,靜係掛住 D tense,唔好逼自已喇。
2014-04-26 5:52 am
25th April 2014
Dear Mary,

Hi, Mary, I'm Steven. How are you? 給你弄糊塗了, 上面是 “Dear Mary,” 開頭又 “Hi, Mary” , 只需 “Dear Mary” 便可以了。We have not seen each other for two years. 這句無問題Will have you spare time on the comingSaturday? 只需 “Will you have time on the coming Saturday?”不用 “spare”, 中文你是想問有没有空閒時間, 這是Chinese EnglishI want to go to Causeway Bay with you on thecoming Saturday. 這句tense是没有問題, 只是不太有禮貌, 如果不是太熟, 可用 “I would like to go toCauseway Bay with you on the coming Saturday.”這兩句不知你是什麼用意,好似不大聯繫上上面的意思, 但tense没有錯, 但用法就不肯定。Sam has been washing dishes for thirty minutes.Sam現在在洗碟已洗了30分鈡Tom has been ironing shirts for forty minutes. Tom現在在燙衫燙了已40分鈡這兩句在講的時候也正在洗緊和燙緊

Tom你上面講你係 “Steven”, 下款卻是 “Tom”我會這樣寫, 你可作參考 :
25th April 2014
Dear Mary,

Hi. How are you? We have not seen each other for two years. Willyou have time on the coming Saturday? I want to go to Causeway Bay with you onthe coming Saturday.

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