
2014-04-24 4:40 am
想問一d問題關於現在完成式。我係2013年四月二十三日開始讀一個會計課程直至宜家。個課程第一堂係2013年四月二十三日下午四時三十分開始。想問下係2014年四月二十三日早上十時,可唔可以講"I have been studying
a course in Accounting for one year."

回答 (2)

2014-04-27 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
你所說的"I have been studying a course in Accounting for one year."
其實是Present Prefect Continuous Tense.
如果你係由2013年四月二十三日下午四時三十分開始一直讀到2014年四月二十三日早上十時(即無間斷),可以講"I have been studying a course in Accounting for one year."
但其實用"I have studied a course in Accounting for one year." 更好.即 Present Prefect Tense.

Present Prefect Tense is used to show
1) a past action with present results
2) an immediate past action
3) a repwated action
4) an action that began in the past and has continued up to the present

Present Perfect Continous Tense is used to show
1) an action that was happening until this moment or a short time ago
2) an action that started in the past and is still continuing at this moment
2014-04-24 9:26 am

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