
2014-04-20 4:40 pm
Benny has received Mary's letter.

小妹想問下以上句子係米無講到Benny 幾時收到Mary 封信。

回答 (3)

2014-04-21 10:41 am
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Benny has received Mary's letter.

以上句子係無講到Benny 幾時收到Mary 封信.
是用了 Present perfect tense
已經收到了, 大有可能剛剛收到了, 句子沒有列明幾時.

以下句子多用一個字, 比較明確點
Benny has just received Mary's letter.
Benny has received Mary's letter already.

意見者:garlic2010, thanks for the constructive comment. I couldn’t agree more.

Benny has received Mary's letter for 1 hr. ~ 這句子是錯
原因 receive 這個動詞不可用 phrase of duration.
Benny不是過去一小時無停地收到 Mary 的信或者一小時內在不同的時間收到兩三封信
相信香港郵差叔叔一小時內不會派多過一次信 (正常情形下)
"for one hour" 這個 prepositional phrase 不能應用在收信上, 收信不需要一小時, 完全地不同 ”等收信” 等了一小時.

“Benny has received this letter for 2 hrs. (and are still reading it)” ~ 句子是錯
“for 2 hrs” 是言及收信, 不是閱讀信
"收信" 與 "閱讀信" 是兩件事 (two separate verbs, receive / read),
收了信, 未必立刻閱讀信
Just a suggestion:
Benny received Mary's letter two hours ago.
He has read the letter since then.

不多寫, 我怕像人犯同樣錯誤 - “寫多錯多”, 希望真能夠幫到發問者.

2014-04-21 02:52:44 補充:
(and ARE still reading it)

Benny 是 third person singular, 應該用 is, 不是用 are
Benny is still reading it.

TOMING88, am I correct?
2014-04-21 9:43 am
Benny has received Mary's letter for 1 hr.
Benny has received this letter for 2 hrs.

Toming88, did the letter, by some magic, keep going back to the postman and the postman kept knocking on Benny's door in the last one and two hours?
2014-04-20 5:32 pm
The Present Perfect Tense, though it indicates an action that took place in the past, is associated with the present idea of Now, eg:-
Benny has received Mary's letter.(Up to Now.)
The present perfect tense is used:-
(1) For an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present, eg:-
Benny has received her letter; he is able to get married now.
She has unlocked the secret; there is nothing to prevent them from getting married.
With activities completed in the immediate past, just / since is often used, eg:-
The letter has just come/arrived.
Note that just is an adverbial of the present, just now (=a little time ago) is an adverbial of the past and the verb used with it will be a Past Tense, eg:-The letter came just now.
(2) For duration of an action begun in the past and continuing to the present(and possibly to the future), eg:-
eg:-Benny has received Mary's letter for 1 hr.
Benny has received this letter for 2 hrs. (and are still reading it)
Compare this with:-
He received this letter for 3 hrs.(but no longer read it)
(3)When the time of the action is indefinite,eg:-
He has seen this letter before.Compare when the time is definite:-
Benny saw it last week when it was first shown in her hands.

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