關於句子tense 問題想問下

2014-04-12 3:34 am
Sue, how are you? Can you visit Stanley with me on 25th May 2014. Mary has
been drawing pictures for one hour. Sam has been running for two hours.
Tommy has been cutting paper for three hours.

問問大家以上句子既tenses 有無錯。

回答 (4)

2014-04-15 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

Sue, how are you? Can you visit Stanley with me on 25th May 2014. Mary has
drawn pictures for one hour. Sam has ran for two hours.
Tommy has cut paper for three hours.
參考: myself
2014-04-12 4:19 pm
Can you visit Stanley with me on Sunday, 25th May 2014 ?
The Present Perfect Continuous;:-
This tense is formed by the Present Perfect of the verb to be(=has been) and the present participle. Used to express the duration of an action up to the present.The tense suggests that the action is still continuing at the moment of speaking. Can you speak English ? The action may continue into the future,eg:-
(1)Mary has been drawing pictures for one hour (and is still drawing it)
(2)Sam has been running for two hours.
(3)Tommy has been cutting paper for three hours (....and is still cutting now and will probably go on cutting for some time.)
This tense are particularly associated with the words "for" and "since"eg:-
(1)for 1 hr.=10:00--11:00, but since 10:00 when now11:01
(2)for 2 hrs=10:00--12;00 noon,but since 10:00 when now 12;01
(3)for 3 hrs.=10:00--13:00, but since 10:00 when now 13:01
Note that there are some words or phrases or constructions that are usually associated with the Present Perfect Tense beginning using with since for your tense and time(=00:01-00:00=00:01) is almost always in the Present Perfect.
2014-04-12 9:36 am
The sentences are 九唔撘八,根本唔可以話D tenses arm 定錯。

2014-04-12 01:43:41 補充:
Tenses 要有個 time reference,你最後三句冇,所以冇話arm唔 arm,你以前果D乜鬼十點零一秒就有勒。present prefect 同 present perfect continuous 你都識晒啦,唔好再攪到自己咁辛苦啦。
2014-04-12 8:26 am
Can you come with me to visit Stanley on 25th May 2014?

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